blob: d507f750f61eefc5e90603e15dda87152b121e6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_session/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_views/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_scenic_flutter/child_view_connection.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import '../utils/presenter.dart';
import '../utils/suggestion.dart';
const double kFrameTime60FpsInMilliseconds = 16.3333;
/// A function which can be used to launch the suggestion.
typedef LaunchSuggestion = Future<void> Function(
Suggestion, ElementControllerProxy);
/// Defines a class to represent a story in ermine.
class ErmineStory {
final ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onDelete;
final ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onChange;
final String id;
// An optional view controller which allows the story to communicate with the
// process.
ViewControllerImpl viewController;
ViewRef viewRef;
// An optional element controller which allows the story to communicate with
// the element. This will only be available if ermine launched this process.
ElementControllerProxy _elementController;
/// Creates a launches an ermine story.
String title = '',
}) : nameNotifier = ValueNotifier(title),
childViewConnectionNotifier = ValueNotifier(null);
factory ErmineStory.fromSuggestion({
Suggestion suggestion,
ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onDelete,
ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onChange,
LaunchSuggestion launchSuggestion,
}) {
final elementController = ElementControllerProxy();
launchSuggestion ??= ErmineStory.launchSuggestion;
launchSuggestion(suggestion, elementController);
return ErmineStory(
title: suggestion.title,
onDelete: onDelete,
onChange: onChange,
).._elementController = elementController;
/// Creates an ermine story which was proposed from an external source.
/// This method will not attempt to launch a story but will generate
/// a random suggestion
factory ErmineStory.fromExternalSource({
ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onDelete,
ValueChanged<ErmineStory> onChange,
}) {
final id = Uuid().v4();
return ErmineStory(
id: 'external:$id',
onDelete: onDelete,
onChange: onChange,
final ValueNotifier<String> nameNotifier;
String get name => nameNotifier.value ?? id;
set name(String value) => nameNotifier.value = value;
ValueNotifier<bool> focusedNotifier = ValueNotifier(false);
bool get focused => focusedNotifier.value;
set focused(bool value) => focusedNotifier.value = value;
final ValueNotifier<ChildViewConnection> childViewConnectionNotifier;
ChildViewConnection get childViewConnection =>
ValueNotifier<bool> fullscreenNotifier = ValueNotifier(false);
bool get fullscreen => fullscreenNotifier.value;
set fullscreen(bool value) => fullscreenNotifier.value = value;
bool get isImmersive => fullscreenNotifier.value == true;
void delete() {
childViewConnectionNotifier.value = null;
/// Sets the focus state on this story.
/// Also invokes [onChange] callback and request scenic to transfer input
/// focus to the associated [viewRef].
/// Takes an optional [ViewRefInstalledProxy] to allow passing in a mocked
/// instance during test.
void focus([ViewRefInstalledProxy viewRefInstalled]) {
onChange?.call(this..focused = true);
void maximize() => onChange?.call(this..fullscreen = true);
void restore() => onChange?.call(this..fullscreen = false);
static Future<void> launchSuggestion(
Suggestion suggestion, ElementControllerProxy elementController) async {
final proxy = ElementManagerProxy();
final annotations = Annotations(customAnnotations: [
key: ermineSuggestionIdKey,
value: Value.withText(,
final spec =
ElementSpec(componentUrl: suggestion.url, annotations: annotations);
await proxy
.proposeElement(spec, elementController.ctrl.request())
.catchError((err) {
log.shout('$err: Failed to propose elememnt <${suggestion.url}>');
void presentView(
ChildViewConnection connection, ViewRef viewRef, ViewControllerImpl vc) {
childViewConnectionNotifier.value = connection;
this.viewRef = viewRef;
viewController = vc;
/// Requests focus to be transfered to this view given it's [viewRef].
Future<void> requestFocus([ViewRefInstalledProxy viewRefInstalled]) async {
// [requestFocus] is called for 'every' post render of ChildView widget,
// even when that child view is not focused. Skip focusing those views here.
if (childViewConnection == null || !focused) {
// TODO(60528): Wait until child view is connected to view tree. Until the
// view connected event is plumbed to [ChildViewConnection], we use a flaky
// delay of 3 frames before attempting to request focus for the child view.
await Future.delayed(Duration(
milliseconds: (kFrameTime60FpsInMilliseconds * 3).toInt(),
final viewRefService = viewRefInstalled ?? ViewRefInstalledProxy();
if (viewRefInstalled == null) {
try {
// Wait for [viewRef] to be attached to the view tree.
final eventPair = viewRef.reference.duplicate(ZX.RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS);
await eventPair));
} on Exception catch (_) {}