blob: 6cc27805395d54d7d7d5a304dec152491050fa82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:device_settings/model.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_recovery/fidl_async.dart' as recovery;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_update/fidl_async.dart' as update;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_update_channelcontrol/fidl_async.dart'
as channelcontrol;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
class TestSystemInterface extends Mock implements SystemInterface {
int get currentTime => 0;
void dispose() {}
class MockUpdateManager extends Mock implements update.Manager {}
class MockChannelControl extends Mock implements channelcontrol.ChannelControl {
class MockFactoryReset extends Mock implements recovery.FactoryReset {}
void main() {
// Ensure start only reacts to the first invocation.
test('test_start', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Ensure resolver is interacted with on the first start.
// We should not be waiting on anything in the second start as it should be
// an early return.
await model.start();
// Ensure resolver has not been interacted with since the first start.
// Ensure checkForSystemUpdate has the intended side effects.
test('test_check_for_updates', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(true));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Starting the model should not check for an update.
final startLastUpdate = model.lastUpdate;
await model.checkForUpdates();
// Requesting an update check should result in the API call and an update
// to the lastUpdate time.
expect(startLastUpdate, isNot(model.lastUpdate));
// Makes sure the updating state properly reflects current amber proxy
// activity.
test('test_channel_updating_state', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
var currentChannelCompleter = Completer<String>();
var channelListCompleter = Completer<List<String>>();
.thenAnswer((_) => currentChannelCompleter.future);
.thenAnswer((_) => channelListCompleter.future);
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
final Future startFuture = model.start();
// On start, the model should report it is updating as the proxy has not
// returned
expect(model.channelUpdating, true);
await startFuture;
expect(model.channelUpdating, false);
// Reset update completer so it can be used in the next step.
currentChannelCompleter = Completer<String>();
channelListCompleter = Completer<List<String>>();
when(sysInterface.setTargetChannel(any)).thenAnswer((_) async {});
// make sure we are also updating when selecting a channel.
Future selectFuture = model.selectChannel('stable');
expect(model.channelUpdating, true);
await selectFuture;
// Make sure we are also asking to reboot when selecting a channel.
expect(model.showRebootConfirmation, true);
// Make sure that a reboot is needed to finish the changing of the channel.
expect(model.needsRebootToFinish, true);
// and have not attempted to reboot.
// Ensure the factory reset service gets called.
test('test_check_for_factory_reset', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Starting the model should not trigger factory reset.
expect(model.showResetConfirmation, false);
// When factory reset is called for the first time, it should show a confirmation.
await model.factoryReset();
expect(model.showResetConfirmation, true);
// Requesting factory reset again should result in the API call.
await model.factoryReset();
// Ensure the factory reset service doesn't get called if it got cancelled.
test('test_check_for_factory_reset', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Starting the model should not trigger factory reset.
expect(model.showResetConfirmation, false);
// When factory reset is called for the first time, it should show a confirmation.
await model.factoryReset();
expect(model.showResetConfirmation, true);
// Cancelling factory reset should not result in a call.
expect(model.showResetConfirmation, false);
test('test_ask_for_reboot_after_channel_change', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Select a new channel.
await model.selectChannel('stable');
// When the channel is changed, it should show a reboot confirmation.
expect(model.showRebootConfirmation, true);
// Requesting a reboot should do so.
test('test_reboot_dismissal_does_not_reboot', () async {
final TestSystemInterface sysInterface = TestSystemInterface();
when(sysInterface.getCurrentChannel()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(''));
when(sysInterface.getChannelList()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value([]));
final DeviceSettingsModel model = DeviceSettingsModel(sysInterface);
await model.start();
// Select a new channel.
await model.selectChannel('stable');
// When the channel is changed, it should show a reboot confirmation.
expect(model.showRebootConfirmation, true);
// Dismissing the reboot should now cause a reboot.
await model.cancelReboot();
expect(model.showRebootConfirmation, false);
// But a reboot should still be needed.
expect(model.needsRebootToFinish, true);
// And another request to reboot should bring up the confirmation dialog.
expect(model.showRebootConfirmation, true);
// But not have triggered a reboot.
// And a call to reboot should then trigger the reboot.