blob: a96c2bb87a49f684a822d86c591fd1962fa9fa32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Configuration for settings landing.
# Each list entry represents an launchable setting. the key pointing to the
# dictionary represents the identifier, which must be unique among settings.
# The id is also used to identify associated annotations, such as specific
# subtitles. The title is the label displayed in the user interface. The
# component represents the system component that shows the setting when
# launched. The icon refers to the unicode codepoint in MaterialIcons for the
# icon to appear next to the setting.
- wifi:
title: Wi-Fi
component: wifi_settings
icon: 59558
- bluetooth:
title: Bluetooth
component: bluetooth_settings
icon: 58860
- datetime:
title: "Date & Time"
component: datetime_settings
icon: 58915
- system:
title: System
component: device_settings
icon: 59354