blob: fa3b88a8d3b85f50342286bbb2da76f09511f19b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
AnnotationError, Annotations, ElementControllerRequest, ElementControllerRequestStream,
GraphicalPresenterProxy, ViewControllerMarker, ViewControllerProxy, ViewSpec,
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_scenic as scenic,
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{select, stream::StreamExt, FutureExt, TryStreamExt},
std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc},
/// A trait which is used by the ElementRepository to respond to incoming events.
pub trait EventHandler {
/// Called when a new element is added to the repository.
fn add_element(&mut self, element: Element, stream: Option<ElementControllerRequestStream>);
/// An optional method which will be called when the repository receives a shutdown event
/// Implementers of this method can perform any extra cleanup if they need to.
fn shutdown(&mut self) {}
pub struct ElementEventHandler {
proxy: GraphicalPresenterProxy,
/// The ElementEventHandler is a concrete implementation of the EventHandler trait which
/// manages the lifecycle of elements.
impl ElementEventHandler {
/// Creates a new instance of the ElementEventHandler.
pub fn new(proxy: GraphicalPresenterProxy) -> ElementEventHandler {
ElementEventHandler { proxy }
/// Attempts to connect to the element's view provider and if it does
/// expose the view provider will tell the proxy to present the view.
fn present_view_for_element(
element: &mut Element,
) -> Result<ViewControllerProxy, Error> {
let view_provider = element.connect_to_service::<ViewProviderMarker>()?;
let token_pair = scenic::ViewTokenPair::new()?;
// note: this call will never fail since connecting to a service is
// always successful and create_view doesn't have a return value.
// If there is no view provider, the view_holder_token will be invalidated
// and the presenter can choose to close the view controller if it
// only wants to allow graphical views.
view_provider.create_view(token_pair.view_token.value, None, None)?;
let annotations = element.get_annotations()?;
let view_spec = ViewSpec {
view_holder_token: Some(token_pair.view_holder_token),
annotations: Some(annotations),
let (view_controller_proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<ViewControllerMarker>()?;
self.proxy.present_view(view_spec, Some(server_end))?;
impl EventHandler for ElementEventHandler {
fn add_element(
&mut self,
mut element: Element,
stream: Option<ElementControllerRequestStream>,
) {
// Attempt to present the view. For now, if this fails we log the error and continue, In the
// future we will want to communicate the failure back to the proposer.
let view_controller_proxy = self.present_view_for_element(&mut element).ok();
// Hold the element in the spawn_local here. when the call closes all
// of the proxies will be closed.
fasync::Task::local(async move {
run_until_closed(element, stream, view_controller_proxy).await;
/// Runs the Element until it receives a signal to shutdown.
/// The Element can receive a signal to shut down from any of the
/// following:
/// - Element. The component represented by the element can close on its own.
/// - ElementControllerRequestStream. The element controller can signal that the element should close.
/// - ViewControllerProxy. The view controller can signal that the element can close.
/// The Element will shutdown when any of these signals are received.
/// The Element will also listen for any incoming events from the element controller and
/// forward them to the view controller.
async fn run_until_closed(
element: Element,
stream: Option<ElementControllerRequestStream>,
view_controller_proxy: Option<ViewControllerProxy>,
) {
let element = Rc::new(RefCell::new(element));
_ = await_element_close(element.clone()).fuse() => {
// signals that a element has died without being told to close.
// We could tell the view to dismiss here but we need to signal
// that there was a crash. The current contract is that if the
// view controller binding closes without a dismiss then the
// presenter should treat this as a crash and respond accordingly.
fx_log_info!("An element closed unexpectedly: {:?}", element);
_ = wait_for_optional_view_controller_close(view_controller_proxy.clone()).fuse() => {
// signals that the presenter would like to close the element.
// We do not need to do anything here but exit which will cause
// the element to be dropped and will kill the component.
_ = spawn_element_controller_stream(element.clone(), stream, view_controller_proxy.clone()).fuse() => {
// the proposer has decided they want to shut down the element.
if let Some(proxy) = view_controller_proxy {
// We want to allow the presenter the ability to dismiss
// the view so we tell it to dismiss and then wait for
// the view controller stream to close.
let _ = proxy.dismiss();
//TODO(47925) introdue a timeout here
/// Waits for the element to signal that it closed
async fn await_element_close(element: Rc<RefCell<Element>>) {
let element = element.borrow();
let channel = element.directory_channel();
let _ =
fasync::OnSignals::new(&channel.as_handle_ref(), zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED).await;
/// Waits for the view controller to signal that it wants to close.
/// if the ViewControllerProxy is None then this future will never resolve.
async fn wait_for_optional_view_controller_close(proxy: Option<ViewControllerProxy>) {
if let Some(proxy) = proxy {
} else {
// If the view controller is None then we never exit and rely
// on the other futures to signal the end of the element.
/// Waits for this view controller to close.
async fn wait_for_view_controller_close(proxy: ViewControllerProxy) {
let stream = proxy.take_event_stream();
let _ = stream.collect::<Vec<_>>().await;
/// watches the element controller request stream and responds to requests.
/// if the ElementControllerRequestStream is None then this future will never resolve.
async fn spawn_element_controller_stream(
element: Rc<RefCell<Element>>,
stream: Option<ElementControllerRequestStream>,
view_controller_proxy: Option<ViewControllerProxy>,
) {
if let Some(mut stream) = stream {
while let Ok(Some(request)) = stream.try_next().await {
match request {
ElementControllerRequest::SetAnnotations { annotations, responder } => {
let mut element = element.borrow_mut();
let _ = responder.send(
&mut element
.map_err(|_: anyhow::Error| AnnotationError::Rejected),
if let Some(proxy) = &view_controller_proxy {
// Annotations cannot be cloned so we get them from
// the element which creates a new copy. This must
// be done after the call to set_annotations on
// element.
let annotations = element.get_annotations().unwrap_or_else(|e: Error| {
eprintln!("failed to get annotations from element: {:?}", e);
let _ =
proxy.annotate(annotations).await.unwrap_or_else(|e: fidl::Error| {
eprintln!("failed to get annotations from element: {:?}", e)
ElementControllerRequest::GetAnnotations { responder } => {
let mut element = element.borrow_mut();
let _ = responder.send(
&mut element
.map_err(|_: anyhow::Error| AnnotationError::NotFound),
} else {
// If the element controller is None then we never exit and rely
// on the other futures to signal the end of the element.
mod tests {
use {
crate::element_repository::testing_utils::{init_logger, make_mock_element},
Annotation, ElementControllerMarker, GraphicalPresenterMarker, Value,
ViewControllerMarker, ViewControllerRequest,
fuchsia_async::{DurationExt, Timer},
futures::{future::Either, task::Poll},
macro_rules! expect_element_wait_fut_completion {
($element_wait_fut:expr) => {
let timeout = Timer::new(500_i64.millis().after_now());
let either = futures::future::select(timeout, $element_wait_fut);
let resolved = either.await;
match resolved {
Either::Left(_) => panic!("failed to end element wait"),
Either::Right(_) => (),
fn spawn_element_controller_stream_never_resolves_if_none_stream() {
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let mut fut =
Box::pin(spawn_element_controller_stream(Rc::new(RefCell::new(element)), None, None));
assert_eq!(Poll::Pending, executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut));
fn wait_for_optional_view_controller_close_never_resolves_if_none_proxy() {
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().unwrap();
let mut fut = Box::pin(wait_for_optional_view_controller_close(None));
assert_eq!(Poll::Pending, executor.run_until_stalled(&mut fut));
async fn add_element_keeps_the_element_alive() {
let (element, channel) = make_mock_element();
let (proxy, _stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<GraphicalPresenterMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let mut handler = ElementEventHandler::new(proxy);
handler.add_element(element, None);
let timeout = Timer::new(500_i64.millis().after_now());
let handle_ref = channel.as_handle_ref();
let element_close_fut =
fasync::OnSignals::new(&handle_ref, zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED);
let either = futures::future::select(timeout, element_close_fut);
let resolved = either.await;
match resolved {
Either::Left(_) => (),
Either::Right(_) => panic!("channel closed before timeout"),
async fn killing_element_ends_wait() {
let (element, channel) = make_mock_element();
let element_wait_fut = Box::pin(run_until_closed(element, None, None));
// signal that the element should close
async fn dropping_element_controller_ends_wait() {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (element_controller, element_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ElementControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element_wait_fut = Box::pin(run_until_closed(element, Some(element_stream), None));
async fn dropping_element_controller_ends_wait_after_dismissing_proxy() {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (vc_proxy, vc_server_end) =
create_proxy::<ViewControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let (element_controller, element_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ElementControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element_wait_fut =
Box::pin(run_until_closed(element, Some(element_stream), Some(vc_proxy)));
// Our API contract is that when the element controller closes we
// tell the view controller to dismiss. The view controller then can
// decide how it wants to dismiss the view. When it is done presenting
// the view it closes the channel to indicate it is done presenting.
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let mut vc_stream = vc_server_end.into_stream().unwrap();
while let Ok(Some(request)) = vc_stream.try_next().await {
match request {
ViewControllerRequest::Dismiss { control_handle } => {
_ => (),
async fn dropping_view_controller_ends_wait() {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (view_controller, view_controller_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ViewControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element_wait_fut = Box::pin(run_until_closed(element, None, Some(view_controller)));
async fn spawn_element_controller_stream_set_annotations_updates_element() {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (element_controller, element_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ElementControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element = Rc::new(RefCell::new(element));
let element_clone = element.clone();
fasync::Task::local(async move {
spawn_element_controller_stream(element_clone, Some(element_stream), None).await;
let new_annotations = Annotations {
custom_annotations: Some(vec![Annotation {
key: "foo".to_string(),
value: Some(Box::new(Value::Text("bar".to_string()))),
let _ = element_controller.set_annotations(new_annotations).await;
let mut element = element.borrow_mut();
let annotations = element.get_annotations().unwrap();
let custom_annotations = annotations.custom_annotations.unwrap();
assert_eq!(custom_annotations.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(custom_annotations[0].key, "foo");
async fn spawn_element_controller_stream_set_annotations_updates_view_controller_proxy() {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (element_controller, element_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ElementControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let (vc_proxy, mut view_controller_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ViewControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element = Rc::new(RefCell::new(element));
let element_clone = element.clone();
fasync::Task::local(async move {
spawn_element_controller_stream(element_clone, Some(element_stream), Some(vc_proxy))
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let new_annotations = Annotations {
custom_annotations: Some(vec![Annotation {
key: "foo".to_string(),
value: Some(Box::new(Value::Text("bar".to_string()))),
let _ = element_controller.set_annotations(new_annotations).await;
let mut got_annotation = false;
if let Ok(Some(request)) = view_controller_stream.try_next().await {
match request {
ViewControllerRequest::Annotate { annotations, responder } => {
let custom_annotations = annotations.custom_annotations.unwrap();
got_annotation = custom_annotations[0].key == "foo";
let _ = responder.send();
_ => (),
async fn spawn_element_controller_stream_can_get_annotations() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (element, _channel) = make_mock_element();
let (element_controller, element_stream) =
create_proxy_and_stream::<ElementControllerMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
let element = Rc::new(RefCell::new(element));
let new_annotations = Annotations {
custom_annotations: Some(vec![Annotation {
key: "foo".to_string(),
value: Some(Box::new(Value::Text("bar".to_string()))),
let mut element = element.borrow_mut();
element.set_annotations(new_annotations).expect("failed to set annotationss");
let element_clone = element.clone();
fasync::Task::local(async move {
spawn_element_controller_stream(element_clone, Some(element_stream), None).await;
let mut got_annotation = false;
if let Ok(Ok(annotations)) = element_controller.get_annotations().await {
let custom_annotations = annotations.custom_annotations.unwrap();
got_annotation = custom_annotations[0].key == "foo";