blob: 0a7e98be0968cc83a25f0f9534c6e3e716e306a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ermine/src/services/settings/task_service.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_power_battery/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart';
/// Defines a [TaskService] to watch for battery status in the system.
class BatteryWatcherService extends BatteryInfoWatcher implements TaskService {
late final VoidCallback onChanged;
BatteryManagerProxy? _proxy;
BatteryInfoWatcherBinding? _binding;
Future<void> start() async {
_proxy = BatteryManagerProxy();
_binding = BatteryInfoWatcherBinding();
await _proxy!.watch(_binding!.wrap(this));
await _proxy!.getBatteryInfo().then(onChangeBatteryInfo);
Future<void> stop() async {
void dispose() {
BatteryInfo? _info;
bool get hasStatus => _info?.status != BatteryStatus.unknown;
bool get hasBattery => _info?.status == BatteryStatus.ok;
bool get isCharging => _info?.chargeStatus == ChargeStatus.charging;
bool get isFull => _info?.chargeStatus == ChargeStatus.full;
bool get hasAlert =>
_info?.levelStatus == LevelStatus.critical ||
_info?.levelStatus == LevelStatus.low ||
_info?.levelStatus == LevelStatus.warning;
double? get levelPercent => _info?.levelPercent;
IconData get icon => hasStatus
? hasBattery
? hasAlert
? Icons.battery_alert
: isCharging
? Icons.battery_charging_full
: isFull
? Icons.battery_full
: Icons.battery_std
: Icons.electrical_services
: Icons.battery_unknown;
Future<void> onChangeBatteryInfo(BatteryInfo info) async {
_info = info;