blob: 8096e93f74007ef0651f2a350d326a0a5c1d31ee [file] [log] [blame]
"cancel": [
"char": "escape",
"chord": "Escape",
"description": "Dismiss system overlays",
"localizedDescription": "cancelKeyboardShortcut"
"close": [
"char": "w",
"chord": "Shift + Ctrl + w",
"description": "Close top view",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "shift + control",
"localizedDescription": "closeKeyboardShortcut"
"launcher": [
"char": "leftMeta",
"chord": "Meta",
"description": "Show Launcher",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "launcherKeyboardShortcut"
"char": "rightMeta",
"chord": "Meta",
"description": "Show Launcher",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "launcherKeyboardShortcut"
"char": "space",
"chord": "Alt + Space",
"description": "Show Launcher",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "alt",
"localizedDescription": "launcherKeyboardShortcut"
"settings": [
"char": "s",
"chord": "Alt + Shift + s",
"description": "Show Quick Settings",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "alt + shift",
"localizedDescription": "settingsKeyboardShortcut"
"shortcuts": [
"char": "slash",
"chord": "Ctrl + Alt + /",
"description": "Show keyboard shortcuts",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "control + alt",
"localizedDescription": "shortcutsKeyboardShortcut"
"screenSaver": [
"char": "q",
"chord": "Ctrl + Alt + q",
"description": "Start screen saver",
"exclusive": true,
"trigger": "pressAndRelease",
"modifier": "control + alt",
"localizedDescription": "screenSaverKeyboardShortcut"
"switchNext": [
"char": "tab",
"chord": "Alt + tab",
"description": "Switch to next app",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "alt",
"localizedDescription": "switchNextKeyboardShortcut"
"switchPrev": [
"char": "tab",
"chord": "Shift + Alt + tab",
"description": "Switch to previous app",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "shift + alt",
"localizedDescription": "switchPrevKeyboardShortcut"
"navigateBack": [
"char": "f1",
"chord": "F1",
"description": "Navigate Back",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "navigateBackKeyboardShortcut"
"refresh": [
"char": "f2",
"chord": "F2",
"description": "Refresh",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "refreshKeyboardShortcut"
"fullscreenToggle": [
"char": "f3",
"chord": "F3",
"description": "Toggle Fullscreen",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "fullscreenToggleKeyboardShortcut"
"arrangeWindows": [
"char": "f4",
"chord": "F4",
"description": "Arrange Windows",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "arrangeWindowsKeyboardShortcut"
"decreaseBrightness": [
"char": "f5",
"chord": "F5",
"description": "Decrease Screen Brightness",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "decreaseBrightnessKeyboardShortcut"
"increaseBrightness": [
"char": "f6",
"chord": "F6",
"description": "Increase Screen Brightness",
"exclusive": true,
"localizedDescription": "increaseBrightnessKeyboardShortcut"
"playPauseMedia": [
"char": "f7",
"chord": "F7",
"description": "Play/Pause Media",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "playPauseMediaKeyboardShortcut"
"muteVolume": [
"char": "f8",
"chord": "F8",
"description": "Mute Volume",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "muteVolumeKeyboardShortcut"
"decreaseVolume": [
"char": "f9",
"chord": "F9",
"description": "Decrease Volume",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "decreaseVolumeKeyboardShortcut"
"increaseVolume": [
"char": "f10",
"chord": "F10",
"description": "Increase Volume",
"exclusive": false,
"localizedDescription": "increaseVolumeKeyboardShortcut"
"logout": [
"char": "q",
"chord": "Shift + Ctrl + q",
"description": "Logout",
"exclusive": true,
"modifier": "shift + control",
"localizedDescription": "logoutKeyboardShortcut"