blob: 7df0a04bfaba0167621b39d49f065bf44b7eda66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe
import 'package:ermine_driver/ermine_driver.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_input/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// Tests that the DUT running ermine can do the following:
/// - Launch 2 instances of terminal package and close them by typing exit
/// and keyboard shortcut.
/// - ping localhost
/// - ls /hub
/// - ls, cd, pwd
/// - dm reboot
void main() {
late Sl4f sl4f;
late ErmineDriver ermine;
late Input input;
const componentUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://';
setUpAll(() async {
sl4f = Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4f.startServer();
ermine = ErmineDriver(sl4f);
await ermine.setUp();
input = Input(sl4f);
tearDownAll(() async {
// Any of these may end up being null if the test fails in setup.
await ermine.tearDown();
await sl4f.stopServer();
setUp(() async {
await ermine.driver.requestData('closeAll');
Future<List<ViewSnapshot>> _waitForViews(String componentUrl, int instances,
{bool testForFocus = false,
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30)}) async {
return ermine.waitFor(() async {
var views = await ermine.launchedViews(filterByUrl: componentUrl);
if (views.length == instances) {
if (testForFocus) {
expect(views.any((view) => view.focused), isTrue);
return views;
return null;
}, timeout: timeout);
// Gets the contents of terminal buffer. This assumes only one terminal
// instance is running.
Future<String> waitForBuffer() {
return ermine.waitFor(() async {
final snapshot = await ermine.inspectSnapshot('terminal.cmx');
return snapshot['grid'];
// Waits for terminal to display the starting prompt. This assumes only one
// terminal instance is running.
Future<bool> waitForPrompt() async {
return ermine.waitFor(() async {
final buffer = await waitForBuffer();
return buffer.endsWith('\$');
// Injects a command into terminal. This assumes only one terminal
// instance is running.
Future<void> inject(String cmd,
{Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) async {
await input.text(cmd);
await Future.delayed(delay);
// Wait for buffer to contain the injected command.
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
final buffer = await waitForBuffer();
return buffer.contains(cmd);
// Commit the command.
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await Future.delayed(delay);
test('Launch and close two terminal instances', () async {
// Launch two instances of component.
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 2, testForFocus: true);
print('Launched 2 terminal instances');
// Close the first instance by injecting 'exit\n'.
await waitForPrompt();
await inject('exit');
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
print('Closed first instance');
// Close the second instance using keyboard shortcut.
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 0);
print('Closed second instance');
}, timeout: Timeout(Duration(minutes: 1)));
test('Ping localhost', () async {
// Launch three instances of component.
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
await waitForPrompt();
// Inject 'ping localhost' + ENTER
await inject('ping localhost', delay: Duration(seconds: 3));
// Verify that terminal buffer contains result of ping.
final result = await waitForBuffer();
print('ping response: $result');
expect(result, contains('bytes from localhost'));
test('ls /hub', () async {
// Launch three instances of component.
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
await waitForPrompt();
// Inject 'ls /hub' + ENTER
await inject('ls /hub', delay: Duration(seconds: 2));
final result = await waitForBuffer();
expect(result, contains('job'));
expect(result, contains('svc'));
test('Navigate filesystem: ls, cd, pwd', () async {
// Launch three instances of component.
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
await waitForPrompt();
// Inject 'ls /' + ENTER
await inject('ls /', delay: Duration(seconds: 2));
var result = await waitForBuffer();
expect(result, contains('bin'));
expect(result, contains('boot'));
// Inject 'cd pkg' + ENTER
await inject('cd /pkg');
// Inject 'pwd' + ENTER
await inject('pwd');
// Verify that terminal buffer contains result of ping.
result = await waitForBuffer();
expect(result, contains('/pkg'));
test('dm reboot', () async {
// Launch three instances of component.
await ermine.launchFromAppLauncher('Terminal');
await _waitForViews(componentUrl, 1, testForFocus: true);
await waitForPrompt();
// Inject 'dm reboot' + ENTER
await inject('dm reboot');
// Now we wait for the sytem to reboot and reconnect. This logic is taken
// from `sl4f.reboot()`.
await sl4f.stopServer();
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
// Try to restart SL4F
await sl4f.startServer();
expect(await sl4f.isRunning(), isTrue);
}, timeout: Timeout(Duration(minutes: 2)));