blob: f4a312a73dc935f9af0b0594367009574ec1fe66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe
import 'package:ermine_driver/ermine_driver.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_input/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// Tests that the DUT running ermine can do the following:
/// - Connect to ermine using Flutter Driver.
/// - Ensure its screenshot is not all black.
void main() {
late Sl4f sl4f;
late ErmineDriver ermine;
setUpAll(() async {
sl4f = Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4f.startServer();
ermine = ErmineDriver(sl4f);
await ermine.setUp();
tearDownAll(() async {
// Any of these may end up being null if the test fails in setup.
await ermine.tearDown();
await sl4f.stopServer();
test('Screen should not be black', () async {
// Generate a flutter driver screenshot to ensure the app is ready.
final bytes = await ermine.driver.screenshot();
expect(bytes.length, isPositive);
// Take a screen shot using Scenic and make sure it is not all black.
final scenic = Scenic(sl4f);
final image = await scenic.takeScreenshot(dumpName: 'screen_not_black');
bool isAllBlack = => pixel & 0x00ffffff == 0);
expect(isAllBlack, false);
test('Text input, pointer input and keyboard shortcut', () async {
print('Launching terminal...');
final terminalFinder = find.text('Terminal');
final appResult = await ermine.driver.getText(terminalFinder);
expect(appResult, 'Terminal');
// Tap on 'Terminal' app launcher entry.
print('Tap on terminal entry');
final center = await ermine.driver.getCenter(terminalFinder);
await ermine.tap(center);
// Check that terminal was launched.
print('Verifying terminal view is visible');
expect(await ermine.isRunning(terminalUrl), isTrue);
await ermine.driver.waitForAbsent(terminalFinder);
// Use keyboard shortcut to close terminal.
print('Verifying Ctrl+Shift+w shortcut is closing terminal');
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
expect(await ermine.isStopped(terminalUrl), isTrue);