blob: f60b6d1a52521bf23189d56eedcc92d20f2a24ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:ermine_driver/ermine_driver.dart';
import 'package:ermine_driver/simple_browser_driver.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_input/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_input3/fidl_async.dart' hide KeyEvent;
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
import 'package:gcloud_lib/gcloud_lib.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:webdriver/sync_io.dart';
const _timeoutOneSec = Duration(seconds: 1);
const _timeoutThreeSec = Duration(seconds: 3);
const _timeoutTenSec = Duration(seconds: 10);
const _timeoutPerTest = Timeout(Duration(seconds: 60));
const _sampleViewRect = Rectangle(100, 200, 100, 100);
const testserverUrl =
// Flags to enable/disable each test in order of
// 0: Web pages & history navigation test
// 1: Video test
// 2: Tab control test
// 3: Text input field test
// 4: Audio test
// 5: Keyboard shortcut test.
const skipTests = [true, true, false, true, true, true];
void main() {
late Sl4f sl4f;
late ErmineDriver ermine;
late WebDriverConnector webDriverConnector;
late Input input;
// TODO(fxb/69334): Get rid of the space in the hint text.
const newTabHintText = ' SEARCH';
const indexUrl = '';
const stopUrl = '';
final newTabFinder = find.text('NEW TAB');
final indexTabFinder = find.text('Localhost');
final nextTabFinder = find.text('Next Page');
final popupTabFinder = find.text('Popup Page');
final videoTabFinder = find.text('Video Test');
final redTabFinder = find.text('Red Page');
final greenTabFinder = find.text('Green Page');
final blueTabFinder = find.text('Blue Page');
final audioTabFinder = find.text('Audio Test');
setUpAll(() async {
sl4f = Sl4f.fromEnvironment();
await sl4f.startServer();
print('Started Sl4f server');
ermine = ErmineDriver(sl4f);
await ermine.setUp();
print('Set up Ermine driver');
input = Input(sl4f);
print('Set up Input');
webDriverConnector = WebDriverConnector('runtime_deps/chromedriver', sl4f);
await webDriverConnector.initialize();
print('Set up and initialized a web driver');
tearDownAll(() async {
await webDriverConnector.tearDown();
print('Tore down Web driver');
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
await ermine.tearDown();
print('Tore down Ermine flutter driver');
await sl4f.stopServer();
print('Stopped sl4f server');
print('Closed sl4f');
Future<bool> _waitForTabArrangement(FlutterDriver browser,
SerializableFinder leftTabFinder, SerializableFinder rightTabFinder,
{Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30)}) async {
return ermine.waitFor(() async {
final leftTabX = (await browser.getCenter(leftTabFinder)).dx;
final rightTabX = (await browser.getCenter(rightTabFinder)).dx;
return leftTabX < rightTabX;
}, timeout: timeout);
/// Keeps finding a web element that satisfies the given [by] condition until
/// the timeout expires. [NoSuchElementException] thrown by [findElement]
/// in the meantime is ignored.
/// Returns the [WebElement] if it finds one. Otherwise, returns null.
Future<WebElement?> _waitForWebElement(WebDriver web, By by) async {
return await ermine.waitFor<WebElement?>(() async {
try {
final element = web.findElement(by);
return element;
} on NoSuchElementException {
return null;
}, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
/// Keeps calling the given action until it gets the expected result within
/// a fixed time. Errors thrown by the action in the meantime is ignored.
/// e.g. [DriverError], thrown in case the driver fails to locate a [Finder].
/// Returns true if it gets the expected result. Otherwise, returns false.
Future<bool> _repeatActionUntilGetResult(
dynamic action(), Future<void> result()) async {
return await ermine.waitFor(() async {;
try {
return true;
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
} catch (e) {
print('$e. Keep repeating the action until timeout expires...');
return false;
}, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
/// Keeps calling `waitFor(finder)` until the timeout expires. Returns true
/// if it locates one. Otherwise, returns false.
Future<bool> _repeatActionWaitingFor(
FlutterDriver browser,
dynamic action(),
SerializableFinder finder, {
Duration waitForTimeout = _timeoutOneSec,
}) async {
return await _repeatActionUntilGetResult(
action, () => browser.waitFor(finder, timeout: waitForTimeout));
/// Keeps calling `waitForAbsent(finder)` until the timeout expires. Returns
/// true if it locates one. Otherwise, returns false.
Future<bool> _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
FlutterDriver browser,
dynamic action(),
SerializableFinder finder, {
Duration waitForAbsentTimeout = _timeoutOneSec,
}) async {
return await _repeatActionUntilGetResult(action,
() => browser.waitForAbsent(finder, timeout: waitForAbsentTimeout));
Future<void> _invokeShortcut(List<Key> keys) async {
const pressDuration = 100;
final releaseDuration = pressDuration * keys.length + 100;
var pressDurations = [
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) pressDuration + (i * 100)
var releaseDurations = [
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) releaseDuration + (i * 100)
await input.keyEvents([
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
KeyEvent(keys[i], Duration(milliseconds: pressDurations[i]),
// Releases the key in reverse order.
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
KeyEvent(keys[keys.length - i - 1],
Duration(milliseconds: releaseDurations[i]), KeyEventType.released)
await ermine.driver
.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: Duration(seconds: 2));
// TODO(fxb/68689): Transition pointer interactions to Sl4f.Input once it is
// ready.
test('Should be able to do page and history navigation.', () async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
print('Launched the test server .');
FlutterDriver browser;
browser = await ermine.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
// Access to the website.
await input.text(indexUrl);
print('Typed in $indexUrl to the browser');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
print('Pressed Enter');
await browser.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(indexTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Index tab found.');
final webdriver =
(await webDriverConnector.webDriversForHost('')).single;
print('Connected a web driver to the localhost');
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Opened $indexUrl');
final nextLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver, By.linkText('Next'));
expect(nextLink, isNotNull);
// Clicks the text link that opens next.html (page navigation)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
browser, nextLink!.click, indexTabFinder),
reason: 'Failed to click the Next link.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(nextTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the next.html link');
final prevLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver, By.linkText('Prev'));
expect(prevLink, isNotNull);
// Clicks the text link that opens index.html (page navigation)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
browser, prevLink!.click, nextTabFinder),
reason: 'Failed to click the Prev link.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the index.html link');
// Goes back to next.html by tapping the BCK button (history navigation)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(browser, () async {
final back = find.byValueKey('back');
await browser.tap(back);
}, indexTabFinder),
reason: 'Failed to hit the BCK button.',
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(nextTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Hit BCK');
// Goes forward to index.html by tapping the FWD button (history navigation)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(browser, () async {
final forward = find.byValueKey('forward');
await browser.tap(forward);
}, nextTabFinder),
reason: 'Failed to hit the FWD button.',
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Hit FWD');
// Clicks + button to increase the number
var digitLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'target'));
final addButton = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'increase'));
expect(digitLink!.text, '0');
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '1';
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '2';
print('Clicked the + button next to the digit three times');
// Refreshes the page
final refresh = find.byValueKey('refresh');
await browser.tap(refresh);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
digitLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'target'));
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '0';
print('Hit RFRSH');
final popupLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver, By.linkText('Popup'));
expect(popupLink, isNotNull);
// Clicks the text link that opens popup.html (popup page navigation)
await _repeatActionWaitingFor(browser, popupLink!.click, popupTabFinder,
waitForTimeout: _timeoutThreeSec),
reason: 'Failed to click the Popup link.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(popupTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the popup.html link');
// Stops the local http server.
await browser.requestData(stopUrl);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(stopUrl), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.close();
// Close the simple browser view.
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await ermine.waitForViewAbsent(simpleBrowserUrl);
print('Closed the browser');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[0]);
test('Should be able to play videos on web pages.', () async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
print('Launched the test server.');
FlutterDriver browser;
browser = await ermine.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
// Access to video.html where the following video is played:
// experiences/bin/ermine_testserver/public/simple_browser_test/sample_video.mp4
// It shows the violet-colored background for the first 3 seconds then shows
// the fuchsia-colored background for another 3 seconds.
await input.text('');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await browser.waitFor(videoTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
expect(await browser.getText(videoTabFinder), isNotNull);
// Waits for a while for the video to be loaded before taking a screenshot.
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
final earlyScreenshot = await ermine.screenshot(_sampleViewRect);
// Takes another screenshot after 3 seconds.
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
final isVideoPlayed = await ermine.waitFor(() async {
final lateScreenshot = await ermine.screenshot(_sampleViewRect);
final diff = ermine.screenshotsDiff(earlyScreenshot, lateScreenshot);
return diff == 1;
}, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
expect(isVideoPlayed, isTrue);
print('The video was played');
// Stops the local http server.
await browser.requestData(stopUrl);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(stopUrl), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.close();
await ermine.driver.requestData('close');
await ermine.driver.waitForAbsent(find.text('simple-browser.cmx'));
expect(await ermine.isStopped(simpleBrowserUrl), isTrue);
print('Closed the browser');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[1]);
test('Should be able to switch, rearrange, and close tabs', () async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
expect(await ermine.launch(testserverUrl), isTrue);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
print('Launched the test server.');
final browser = SimpleBrowserDriver(ermine);
await browser.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
/// Tab Switching Test
const redUrl = '';
const greenUrl = '';
const blueUrl = '';
// Opens red.html in the second tab leaving the first tab as an empty tab.
await input.text(redUrl, keyEventDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 50));
print('Typed in $redUrl to the browser');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
print('Pressed Enter');
await browser.driver.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
await browser.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.driver.waitFor(redTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Opened red.html');
// Opens green.html in the third tab.
await browser.driver.tap(find.byValueKey('new_tab'));
await browser.driver
.waitFor(find.text(newTabHintText), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await input.text(greenUrl, keyEventDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 50));
print('Typed in $greenUrl to the browser');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
print('Pressed Enter');
await browser.driver.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
await browser.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.driver.waitFor(greenTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Opened green.html');
// Opens blue.html in the forth tab.
await browser.driver.tap(find.byValueKey('new_tab'));
await browser.driver
.waitFor(find.text(newTabHintText), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await input.text(blueUrl, keyEventDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 50));
print('Typed in $blueUrl to the browser');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
print('Pressed Enter');
await browser.driver.waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized();
await browser.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.driver.waitFor(blueTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Opened blue.html');
// Should have 4 tabs and the forth tab should be focused.
expect(await browser.driver.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(redTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(greenTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(blueTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(find.text(blueUrl)), isNotNull);
print('The Blue tab is focused');
// The second tab should be focused when tapped.
await browser.driver.tap(redTabFinder);
await browser.driver.waitFor(find.text(redUrl));
expect(await browser.driver.getText(find.text(redUrl)), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the Red tab');
// The thrid tab should be focused when tapped.
await browser.driver.tap(greenTabFinder);
await browser.driver.waitFor(find.text(greenUrl));
expect(await browser.driver.getText(find.text(greenUrl)), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the Green tab');
/// Tab Rearranging Test
// Checks the current order of tabs before rearranging tabs.
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, newTabFinder, redTabFinder),
reason: 'The New tab is not on the left side of the Red tab:');
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, redTabFinder, greenTabFinder),
reason: 'The Red tab is not on the left side of the Green tab');
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, greenTabFinder, blueTabFinder),
reason: 'The Green tab is not on the left side of the Blue tab');
print('The tabs are in the order of New > Red > Green > Blue');
// Drags the second tab to the right end of the tab list.
await browser.driver.scroll(redTabFinder, 600, 0, Duration(seconds: 1));
// The order of tabs after rearranging tabs.
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, newTabFinder, greenTabFinder),
reason: 'The New tab is not on the left side of the Green tab.');
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, greenTabFinder, blueTabFinder),
reason: 'The Green tab is not on the left side of the Blue tab');
await _waitForTabArrangement(
browser.driver, blueTabFinder, redTabFinder),
reason: 'The Blue tab is not on the left side of the Red tab');
print('Moved the Red tab to the right end');
/// Tab closing test
final tabCloseFinder = find.byValueKey('tab_close');
await browser.driver.tap(tabCloseFinder);
// The red page should be gone and the last tab should be focused.
await browser.driver.waitForAbsent(redTabFinder);
print('Closed the Red tab');
expect(await browser.driver.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(greenTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(blueTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.driver.getText(find.text(blueUrl)), isNotNull);
print('The Blue tab is focused');
// TODO(fxb/70265): Test closing an unfocused tab once fxb/68689 is done.
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
await ermine.waitForViewAbsent(simpleBrowserUrl);
print('Closed the browser');
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
await ermine.waitForViewAbsent(testserverUrl);
print('Closed the test server');
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.tearDown();
print('Tore down the browser driver');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[2]);
test('Should be able enter text into web text fields', () async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
expect(await ermine.launch(testserverUrl), isTrue);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks();
print('Launched the test server.');
FlutterDriver browser;
browser = await ermine.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
const testInputPage = '';
final textInputTabFinder = find.text('Text Input');
// Access to the website.
await input.text(testInputPage);
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(textInputTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Opened $testInputPage');
final webdriver =
(await webDriverConnector.webDriversForHost('')).single;
final textField = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'text-input'));
print('The textfield is found.');
expect(textField, isNotNull);
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return webdriver.activeElement!.equals(textField);
}, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('The textfield is now focused.');
// TODO(fxb/74070): Sl4f.Input currently does not work for web elements.
// Replace the following line with Sl4f.Input once that is fixed.
const testText = 'hello fuchsia';
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return['value'] == testText;
}, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Text is entered into the textfield.');
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.close();
await ermine.driver.requestData('closeAll');
print('Closed all views');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[3]);
test('Should be able to play audios on web', () async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
print('Launched the test server.');
FlutterDriver browser;
browser = await ermine.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
final record = Audio(sl4f);
final gcloud = GCloud();
// Access to audio.html where the following audio is played:
// experiences/bin/ermine_testserver/public/simple_browser_test/sample_audio.mp3
// It plays human voice saying "How old is Obama".
await input.text('');
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await browser.waitFor(audioTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
expect(await browser.getText(audioTabFinder), isNotNull);
final webdriver =
(await webDriverConnector.webDriversForHost('')).single;
final audio = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'audio'));
expect(audio, isNotNull);
print('The textfield is found.');
final playButton = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'play'));
expect(playButton, isNotNull);
print('The PLAY button is found.');
// Note that it doesn't work locally. You should create GCloud using
// `GCloud.withClientViaApiKey()` with an API key for local testing.
await gcloud.setClientFromMetadata();
print('Set an authenticated gcloud client');
// Plays the audio, records it, sends it to gcloud for speech-to-text, and
// verifies if the text result is what we expect.
// Retries this process for a few more times if it fails since the audio
// sometimes sounds janky.
final ttsResult = await ermine.waitFor(() async {
print('Start recording audio.');
await record.startOutputSave();
await Future.delayed(_timeoutOneSec);
// Waits for the audio being played to the end.
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));
await record.stopOutputSave();
final audioOutput = await record.getOutputAudio();
print('Stopped recording audio.');
final ttsList =
await speechToText(gcloud.speech, audioOutput.audioData, 'en-us');
final tts = ttsList.first.toLowerCase();
print('STT result: $tts');
return tts == 'how old is obama';
expect(ttsResult, isTrue);
// Stops the local http server.
await browser.requestData(stopUrl);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(stopUrl), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.close();
await ermine.driver.requestData('close');
await ermine.driver.waitForAbsent(find.text('simple-browser.cmx'));
expect(await ermine.isStopped(simpleBrowserUrl), isTrue);
print('Closed the browser');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[4]);
test('Should be able to control the browser with keyboard shortcuts',
() async {
// Starts hosting a local http website.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
print('Launched the test server.');
FlutterDriver browser;
browser = await ermine.launchAndWaitForSimpleBrowser();
// Opens index.html
await input.text(indexUrl, keyEventDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 10));
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(indexTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
final webdriver =
(await webDriverConnector.webDriversForHost('')).single;
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Opened $indexUrl');
// Clicks the + buttons
var digitLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'target'));
final addButton = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'increase'));
expect(digitLink!.text, '0');
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '1';
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '2';
print('Clicked the + button next to the digit three times');
// Shortcut for refresh (Ctrl + r)
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl, Key.r]);
digitLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver,'target'));
await ermine.waitFor(() async {
return digitLink!.text == '0';
print('Refreshed the page');
// Clicks the 'Next' link
final nextLink = await _waitForWebElement(webdriver, By.linkText('Next'));
expect(nextLink, isNotNull);
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
browser, nextLink!.click, indexTabFinder),
reason: 'Failed to click the Next link.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(nextTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Clicked the next.html link');
// Shortcut for backward (Alt + ←)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
() async => await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftAlt, Key.left]),
reason: 'Failed to invoke the shortcut for navigating back.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Navigated back to index.html');
// Shortcut for forward (Alt + →)
await _repeatActionWaitingForAbsent(
() async => await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftAlt, Key.right]),
reason: 'Failed to invoke the shortcut for navigating forward.');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(indexTabFinder), isNotNull);
print('Navigated forward to next.html');
// Shortcut for opening a new tab (Ctrl + t)
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl, Key.t]);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(newTabHintText), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
// Opens blue.html
const blueUrl = '';
const nextUrl = '';
await input.text(blueUrl, keyEventDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 10));
await input.keyPress(kEnterKey);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(blueTabFinder, timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
print('Opened blue.html');
// Shortcut for selecting the next tab (Ctrl + Tab) x 2
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl,]);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(newTabHintText));
expect(await browser.getText(find.text(newTabHintText)), isNotNull);
print('The new tab is now selected');
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl,]);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(nextUrl));
expect(await browser.getText(find.text(nextUrl)), isNotNull);
print('The next tab is now selected');
// Shortcut for selecting the previous tab (Ctrl + Shift +Tab) x 2
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift,]);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(newTabHintText));
expect(await browser.getText(find.text(newTabHintText)), isNotNull);
print('The new tab is now selected');
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift,]);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(blueUrl));
expect(await browser.getText(find.text(blueUrl)), isNotNull);
print('The blue tab is now selected');
// Shortcut for closing a current tab (Ctrl + w)
await _invokeShortcut([Key.leftCtrl, Key.w]);
await browser.waitForAbsent(blueTabFinder);
print('Closed the blue tab');
expect(await browser.getText(newTabFinder), isNotNull);
expect(await browser.getText(find.text(nextUrl)), isNotNull);
print('The index tab is focused');
// Stops the local http server.
await browser.requestData(stopUrl);
await browser.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await browser.waitFor(find.text(stopUrl), timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
// Closes the flutter driver connected to the browser.
await browser.close();
await ermine.threeKeyShortcut(Key.leftCtrl, Key.leftShift, Key.w);
await ermine.driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _timeoutTenSec);
await ermine.waitForViewAbsent(simpleBrowserUrl);
print('Closed the browser');
}, timeout: _timeoutPerTest, skip: skipTests[5]);