blob: 46589496ca210417a8e77e57cd7d8730b32ee8b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_views/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_scenic_flutter/fuchsia_view.dart' as fuchsia_view;
/// A helper class that wraps [ViewRef] and provides convenient accessors.
class ViewHandle {
final ViewRef viewRef;
/// Two [ViewHandle] objects are equal if their [koid]s match.
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ViewHandle && koid == other.koid ||
other is ViewRef && koid == other.reference.handle?.koid;
int get hashCode => koid.hashCode;
String toString() => 'ViewRef[koid: $koid]';
int get koid => viewRef.reference.handle?.koid ?? -1;
int get handle => viewRef.reference.handle?.handle ?? -1;
/// Request focus to be transfered to the view with [handle].
Future<void> focus() async {
try {
await fuchsia_view.FocusState.instance.requestFocus(handle);
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
} catch (e) {
log.warning('Exception on requestFocus: $e ${StackTrace.current}');