blob: b2d74acfe11e9c60291b8973f5048b475be646c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui';
// ignore: directives_ordering
import 'package:ermine/src/services/launch_service.dart';
import 'package:ermine/src/states/view_state.dart';
import 'package:ermine/src/states/view_state_impl.dart';
import 'package:ermine_utils/ermine_utils.dart';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_element/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_views/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_scenic_flutter/fuchsia_view.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
typedef ViewPresentedCallback = bool Function(ViewState viewState);
typedef ViewDismissedCallback = void Function(ViewState viewState);
typedef ErrorCallback = void Function(String url, String error);
/// Defines a [GraphicalPresenter] to present and dismiss application views.
class PresenterService extends GraphicalPresenter {
late ViewPresentedCallback onViewPresented;
late ViewDismissedCallback onViewDismissed;
late VoidCallback onPresenterDisposed;
late ErrorCallback onError;
void advertise(Outgoing outgoing) {
outgoing.addPublicService(bind, GraphicalPresenter.$serviceName);
Future<void> presentView(
ViewSpec viewSpec,
InterfaceHandle<AnnotationController>? annotationController,
InterfaceRequest<ViewController>? viewControllerRequest) async {
late ViewStateImpl viewState;
final viewController = _ViewControllerImpl(() => onViewDismissed(viewState))
// Check to see if we have an id that we included in the annotation.
final id = _getAnnotation(viewSpec.annotations, 'id') ??
final url = _getAnnotation(viewSpec.annotations, 'url',
namespace: elementManagerNamespace);
final name = _getAnnotation(viewSpec.annotations, 'name');
// Build title from one of: name, url or id.
final title = name ??
(url?.startsWith('http') == true
? url // Use the http url as title.
: url?.contains('#meta/') == true // Fuchsia package url.
// Extract title after '#meta/' and before '.cmx'.
? url?.split('#meta/')[1].split('.cm')[0] ?? id
: id);
final viewRef = viewSpec.viewRef;
if (!_validateViewSpec(viewSpec, url)) {
throw MethodException(PresentViewError.invalidArgs);
final useFlatland = viewSpec.viewportCreationToken != null;
// TODO( Instead of passing |viewRef| we should let the
// child send us the one they minted for Flatland.
final viewConnection = useFlatland
? FuchsiaViewConnection.flatland(
viewRef: viewRef,
onViewConnected: (_) => viewState.viewConnected(),
onViewStateChanged: (_, state) {
viewState.viewStateChanged(state: state ?? false);
: FuchsiaViewConnection(
viewRef: viewRef,
onViewConnected: (_) => viewState.viewConnected(),
onViewStateChanged: (_, state) {
viewState.viewStateChanged(state: state ?? false);
final viewRefDup =
ViewRef(reference: viewRef!.reference.duplicate(ZX.RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS));
viewState = ViewStateImpl(
viewConnection: viewConnection,
view: ViewHandle(viewRefDup),
id: id,
title: title!,
url: url,
onClose: viewController.close,
// Holds the fidl binding to this implementation of [GraphicalPresenter].
final _binding = GraphicalPresenterBinding();
bool _disposed = false;
// Binds the request to this service.
void bind(InterfaceRequest<GraphicalPresenter> request) {
..bind(this, request)
..whenClosed.then((_) {
_disposed = true;
void dispose() {
if (!_disposed && !_binding.isClosed) {
String? _getAnnotation(List<Annotation>? annotations, String name,
{String namespace = ermineNamespace}) {
if (annotations == null) {
return null;
for (final annotation in annotations) {
if (annotation.key == AnnotationKey(namespace: namespace, value: name)) {
return annotation.value.text;
return null;
bool _validateViewSpec(ViewSpec viewSpec, String? url) {
if ((viewSpec.viewHolderToken == null &&
viewSpec.viewportCreationToken == null) ||
viewSpec.viewRef == null) {
if (url != null) {
'ViewSpec has null ViewportCreationToken, ViewHolderToken or ViewRef');
return false;
if (viewSpec.viewportCreationToken != null &&
viewSpec.viewHolderToken != null) {
if (url != null) {
'ViewSpec has both ViewportCreationToken and ViewHolderToken set');
return false;
return true;
class _ViewControllerImpl extends ViewController {
final _binding = ViewControllerBinding();
final StreamController<void> _onPresentedStreamController =
VoidCallback onDismiss;
void bind(InterfaceRequest<ViewController>? interfaceRequest) {
_binding.bind(this, interfaceRequest!);
void close([int epitaph = 0]) {
if (_binding.isBound) {
Future<void> dismiss() async {
// ignore: unawaited_futures;
Stream<void> get onPresented =>;
void didPresent() {