blob: 6dcb69b05cfccab15366bba9fa3ed31ea241f2fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_memory/fidl_async.dart' as mem;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_remotewidgets/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:settings/settings.dart';
void main() {
test('Memory', () async {
final monitorProxy = MockMonitorProxy();
final binding = MockBinding();
Memory memory = Memory(monitor: monitorProxy, binding: binding);
final mem.Watcher watcher =
await watcher.onChange(_buildStats(0.5));
// Should receive memory spec
Spec spec = await memory.getSpec();
expect(spec.groups?.first.title, isNotNull);
expect(spec.groups?.first.values?.isEmpty, false);
// Confirm text value is correct
TextValue? text = spec.groups?.first.values
?.where((v) => v.$tag == ValueTag.text)
expect(text?.text, '0.500GB / 1.00GB');
test('Change Memory', () async {
final monitorProxy = MockMonitorProxy();
final binding = MockBinding();
Memory memory = Memory(monitor: monitorProxy, binding: binding);
final mem.Watcher watcher =
await watcher.onChange(_buildStats(0.5));
// Should receive memory spec
Spec spec = await memory.getSpec();
expect(spec.groups?.first.title, isNotNull);
expect(spec.groups?.first.values?.isEmpty, false);
// Confirm text value is correct
TextValue? text = spec.groups?.first.values
?.where((v) => v.$tag == ValueTag.text)
expect(text?.text, '0.500GB / 1.00GB');
// Update memory usage.
await watcher.onChange(_buildStats(0.7));
spec = await memory.getSpec();
expect(spec.groups?.first.title, isNotNull);
expect(spec.groups?.first.values?.isEmpty, false);
// Confirm text value is correct
text = spec.groups?.first.values
?.where((v) => v.$tag == ValueTag.text)
expect(text?.text, '0.300GB / 1.00GB');
test('Min Memory', () async {
final monitorProxy = MockMonitorProxy();
final binding = MockBinding();
Memory memory = Memory(monitor: monitorProxy, binding: binding);
final mem.Watcher watcher =
await watcher.onChange(_buildStats(1));
// Should receive memory spec
Spec spec = await memory.getSpec();
expect(spec.groups?.first.title, isNotNull);
expect(spec.groups?.first.values?.isEmpty, false);
// Confirm text value is correct
TextValue? text = spec.groups?.first.values
?.where((v) => v.$tag == ValueTag.text)
expect(text?.text, '0.00GB / 1.00GB');
test('Max Memory', () async {
final monitorProxy = MockMonitorProxy();
final binding = MockBinding();
Memory memory = Memory(monitor: monitorProxy, binding: binding);
final mem.Watcher watcher =
await watcher.onChange(_buildStats(0));
// Should receive memory spec
Spec spec = await memory.getSpec();
expect(spec.groups?.first.title, isNotNull);
expect(spec.groups?.first.values?.isEmpty, false);
// Confirm text value is correct
TextValue? text = spec.groups?.first.values
?.where((v) => v.$tag == ValueTag.text)
expect(text?.text, '1.00GB / 1.00GB');
int get gB => pow(1024, 3).toInt();
mem.Stats _buildStats(double bytes) {
return mem.Stats(
totalBytes: 1 * gB,
freeBytes: (bytes * gB).toInt(),
wiredBytes: 0,
totalHeapBytes: 0,
freeHeapBytes: 0,
vmoBytes: 0,
mmuOverheadBytes: 0,
ipcBytes: 0,
otherBytes: 0,
// Mock classes.
class MockMonitorProxy extends Mock implements mem.MonitorProxy {}
class MockBinding extends Mock implements mem.WatcherBinding {
InterfaceHandle<mem.Watcher> wrap(mem.Watcher? impl) =>
super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#wrap, [impl]));