blob: abe20f0423bb22e7616d7ed41a8cc560985d2b94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'package:simple_browser/src/blocs/tabs_bloc.dart';
import 'package:simple_browser/src/blocs/webpage_bloc.dart';
import 'package:simple_browser/src/models/tabs_action.dart';
import 'package:simple_browser/src/services/simple_browser_navigation_event_listener.dart';
import 'package:simple_browser/src/services/simple_browser_web_service.dart';
import 'package:simple_browser/src/widgets/tabs_widget.dart';
const _emptyTitle = 'NEW TAB';
const screenWidth = 800.0;
void main() {
setupLogger(name: 'tabs_widget_test');
late TabsBloc tabsBloc;
late SimpleBrowserWebService mockWebService;
late SimpleBrowserNavigationEventListener mockListener;
ValueNotifier titleNotifier = ValueNotifier<String>('');
setUp(() {
mockWebService = MockSimpleBrowserWebService();
mockListener = MockSimpleBrowserNavigationEventListener();
.thenAnswer((_) => mockListener);
when(mockListener.pageTitleNotifier).thenAnswer((_) => titleNotifier);
tabsBloc = TabsBloc(
tabFactory: () => WebPageBloc(
webService: mockWebService,
disposeTab: (tab) => tab.dispose(),
testWidgets('Should create tab widgets when more than two tabs added.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
// Initial state: Tabsbloc does not have any tabs.
expect(tabsBloc.tabs.length, 0);
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
// Sees if there is no tab widgets on the screen.
expect(_findNewTabWidgets(), findsNothing,
reason: 'Expected no tab widgets when no tabs added.');
// Adds one tab and sees if there is a tab in the tabsBloc, but still no tab widgets
// on the screen.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 1);
expect(_findNewTabWidgets(), findsNothing,
reason: 'Expected no tab widgets when only 1 tab added.');
// Adds one more tab and sees if there are two tabs in the tabsBloc.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 1);
// See if the tab widgets have the default title.
expect(_findNewTabWidgets(), findsNWidgets(2),
reason: '''Expected 2 tab widgets with the title, $_emptyTitle,
when 2 tabs added.''');
'Should create tab widgets with a custom title when one is given.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
// Gives a custom title, 'TAB_WIDGET_TEST'.
String expectedTitle = 'TAB_WIDGET_TEST';
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
// Adds two tabs since tab widgets are only created when there are more than one tab.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 2);
// Sees if there are two tab widgets with the given title.
expect(find.text(expectedTitle), findsNWidgets(2),
reason: '''Expected 2 tab widgets with the title $expectedTitle
when 2 new tabs with it have been added.''');
testWidgets('''Should give the minimum width to the tab widgets
when the total sum of the tab widths is larger than the browser width.''',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
// Adds seven tabs.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 7);
// Sees if there are seven SizedBox widgets with the minimum width for the tab widgets.
// A tabsBloc should be wrapped by a SizedBox widget and have the minimum width
// when the total widths of the currently displayed tabs is larger than the browser width.
expect(_findMinTabWidgets(), findsNWidgets(7));
testWidgets('Should change the focus to it when an unfocused tab is tapped.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 3);
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 2);
final tabs = _findNewTabWidgets();
await tester.tap(;
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 0);
'Should show close buttons on the focused tab and a hovered tab if any.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 3);
final tabs = _findNewTabWidgets();
expect(tabs, findsNWidgets(3),
reason: 'Expected to find 3 tab widgets when 3 tabs added.');
// Sees if there is only one tab that has a close button on it.
expect(_findClose(), findsOneWidget,
reason: 'Expected to find 1 close button when hovering no tabs.');
// Configures a gesture.
final TestGesture gesture =
await tester.createGesture(kind: PointerDeviceKind.mouse);
// Mouse Enters onto the first tab.
final Offset firstTabCenter = tester.getCenter(;
await gesture.moveTo(firstTabCenter);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Sees if there are two tabs that have a close button on it.
expect(_findClose(), findsNWidgets(2),
reason: 'Expected to find 2 close buttons when hovering a tab.');
// Mouse is out from the first tab and moves to the currently focused tab.
final Offset focusedTabCenter =
await gesture.moveTo(focusedTabCenter);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Sees if there is only one tab that has a close button on it.
expect(_findClose(), findsOneWidget,
'Expected to find 1 close button when hovering the focused tab.');
testWidgets('Should close the tab when its close button is tapped.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 4);
expect(_findNewTabWidgets(), findsNWidgets(4),
reason: 'Expected to find 4 tab widgets when 4 tabs added.');
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 3);
Finder closeButtons = _findClose();
expect(closeButtons, findsOneWidget,
reason: 'Expected to find 1 close button when hovering no tabs.');
await tester.tap(closeButtons);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(tabsBloc.tabs.length, 3,
reason: 'Expected 3 tabs in tabsBloc after tapped the close.');
expect(_findNewTabWidgets(), findsNWidgets(3),
reason: 'Expected to find 3 tab widgets after tapped the close.');
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 2);
'Should rearrange the tabs when a tab is dragged to another position',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 5);
final tabs = _findNewTabWidgets();
expect(tabs, findsNWidgets(5),
reason: 'Expected to find 5 tab widgets when 5 tabs added.');
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 4);
WebPageBloc originalTab0 = tabsBloc.tabs[0];
WebPageBloc originalTab1 = tabsBloc.tabs[1];
WebPageBloc originalTab2 = tabsBloc.tabs[2];
WebPageBloc originalTab3 = tabsBloc.tabs[3];
WebPageBloc originalTab4 = tabsBloc.tabs[4];
// Drags the last tab 161.0 to the left.
await tester.drag(, Offset(-161.0, 0.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Sees if the tab just moved is focused.
expect(tabsBloc.currentTabIdx, 3,
reason: '''Expected the index of the focused tab to be rearranged to 3,
but actually has been rearranged to ${tabsBloc.currentTabIdx}.''');
// Sees if all tabs have been rarranged correctly.
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[0], originalTab0,
reason: 'Expected that the 1st tab used to be the 1st.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[1], originalTab1,
reason: 'Expected that the 2nd tab used to be the 2nd.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[2], originalTab2,
reason: 'Expected that the 3rd tab used to be the 3rd.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[3], originalTab4,
reason: 'Expected that the 4th tab used to be the 5th.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[4], originalTab3,
reason: 'Expected that the 5th tab used to the 4th.');
// Drags the 2nd tab 170.0 to the right.
await tester.drag(, Offset(161.0, 0.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// Sees if the tab just moved is focused.
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 2);
// Sees if all tabs have been rarranged correctly.
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[0], originalTab0,
reason: 'Expected that the 1st tab used to be the 1st.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[1], originalTab2,
reason: 'Expected that the 2nd tab used to be the 3rd.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[2], originalTab1,
reason: 'Expected that the 3rd tab used to be the 2nd.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[3], originalTab4,
reason: 'Expected that the 4th tab used to be the 5th.');
expect(tabsBloc.tabs[4], originalTab3,
reason: 'Expected that the 5th tab used to the 4th.');
group('Scrollable tab list', () {
final rightScrollMargin =
screenWidth - kTabBarHeight - kScrollToMargin - kMinTabWidth;
final rightMinMargin = screenWidth - kTabBarHeight - kMinTabWidth;
final leftScrollMargin = kScrollToMargin + kTabBarHeight;
final leftMinMargin = kTabBarHeight;
testWidgets('The tab widget list should scroll on a scroll button tapped.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
// Creates 8 tabs.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 10);
// The expected display of the initial tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |-0-||-1-||-2-||-3-||-4-||-5-||-6-||-7-||-8-||-9*-|
// |- SCREEN -|
final tabs = _findMinTabWidgets();
// Sees if there are 8 tab widgets created.
expect(tabs, findsNWidgets(10),
reason: 'Expected to find 10 tabs, but actually $tabs were found.');
// Sees if the viewport of the list is on the right.
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 9);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, rightMinMargin);
final leftScrollButton = find.byIcon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_left);
expect(leftScrollButton, findsOneWidget);
final rightScrollButton = find.byIcon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_right);
expect(rightScrollButton, findsOneWidget);
// Taps on the left scroll button.
await tester.tap(leftScrollButton);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |-0-||-1-||-2-||-3-||-4-||-5-||-6-||-7-||-8-||-9*-|
// |- SCREEN -|
// Sees if the list has been scrolled to the left.
_verifyPartlyOffscreenFromLeft(tester, tabs.first);
_verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromRight(tester, tabs.last);
await tester.tap(leftScrollButton);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |-0-||-1-||-2-||-3-||-4-||-5-||-6-||-7-||-8-||-9*-|
// |- SCREEN -|
// Sees if the list has been scrolled to the left end.
final firstTabLeftX = tester.getTopLeft(tabs.first).dx;
expect(firstTabLeftX, leftMinMargin,
reason: '''Expected the scroll list have been scroll to its far left,
but actually it has not.''');
// Taps on the right scroll button.
await tester.tap(rightScrollButton);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |-0-||-1-||-2-||-3-||-4-||-5-||-6-||-7-||-8-||-9*-|
// |- SCREEN -|
// Sees if the list has been scrolled to the right.
_verifyPartlyOffscreenFromRight(tester, tabs.last);
await tester.tap(rightScrollButton);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |-0-||-1-||-2-||-3-||-4-||-5-||-6-||-7-||-8-||-9*-|
// |- SCREEN -|
// Sees if the list has been scrolled to the right end.
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, rightMinMargin);
'The tab list should scroll to the left when the moving tab hits its left edge.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
const numTabs = 8;
// Creates 8 tabs.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, numTabs);
// The expected display of the initial tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7* -|
// |- SCREEN -|
final tabs = _findMinTabWidgets();
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, numTabs - 1);
// Saves the original tab positions.
final originalXs = <double>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++) {
// Drags the 3rd tab 35.0 to the left to hit the left edge of the list.
const tabIndexToDrag = 2;
await tester.drag(, Offset(-35.0, 0.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2* -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, tabIndexToDrag);
final afterDragXs = <double>[];
// Saves the new tab positions to a list in the actual tab order.
for (int i = 0; i < tabIndexToDrag; i++) {
for (int i = tabIndexToDrag; i < numTabs - 1; i++) {
// Sees if the list has auto-scrolled to the left by comparing
// the tab positions before and after the 3rd tab hit the left edge.
for (int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++) {
expect(afterDragXs[i] > originalXs[i], true);
'The tab list should scroll to the right when the moving tab hits its right edge.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
const numTabs = 8;
// Creates 8 tabs.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, numTabs);
// The expected display of the initial tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7* -|
// |- SCREEN -|
final tabs = _findMinTabWidgets();
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, numTabs - 1);
final leftScrollButton = find.byIcon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_left);
expect(leftScrollButton, findsOneWidget);
// Taps on the left scroll button.
await tester.tap(leftScrollButton);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2* -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromRight(tester, tabs.last);
// Saves the original tab positions.
final originalXs = <double>[];
for (int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++) {
// Drags the 6th tab 35.0 to the right to hit the right edge of the list.
const tabIndexToDrag = 5;
await tester.drag(, Offset(35.0, 0.0));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5* -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, tabIndexToDrag);
final afterDragXs = <double>[];
// Saves the new tab positions to a list in the actual tab order.
for (int i = 0; i < tabIndexToDrag; i++) {
for (int i = tabIndexToDrag; i < numTabs - 1; i++) {
// Sees if the list has auto-scrolled to the right by comparing
// the tab positions before and after the 6th tab hit the right edge.
for (int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++) {
expect(afterDragXs[i] < originalXs[i], true);
'The tab widget list should scroll if needed depending on the offset of the focused tab.',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
await _setUpTabsWidget(tester, tabsBloc);
// Creates 8 tabs.
await _addNTabsToTabsBloc(tester, tabsBloc, 8);
// The expected display of the initial tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7* -|
// |- SCREEN -|
final tabs = _findMinTabWidgets();
// Sees if there are 8 tab widgets created.
expect(tabs, findsNWidgets(8),
reason: 'Expected to find 8 tabs, but actually $tabs were found.');
// Sees if the expected tab is currently focused and its at the desired
// position.
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 7);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, rightMinMargin);
// Sees if certain tabs are partly/entire offscreen.
_verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromLeft(tester, tabs.first);
// Finds the fifth tab and checks its current position.
final fifthTab =;
final expectedFifthTabLeftX = tester.getTopLeft(fifthTab).dx;
// Taps on the fifth tab to change the focus.
await tester.tap(fifthTab);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4* -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 4);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, expectedFifthTabLeftX);
// Focuses on the second tab by directly adding the FocusTabAction to the
// tabsBloc since tester.tap() does not work on the widget whose center
// is offscreen.
tabsBloc.request.add(FocusTabAction(tab: tabsBloc.tabs[1]));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1* -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 1);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, leftScrollMargin);
_verifyPartlyOffscreenFromLeft(tester, tabs.first);
// Focuses on the first tab.
tabsBloc.request.add(FocusTabAction(tab: tabsBloc.tabs[0]));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0* -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6 -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 0);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, leftMinMargin);
// Focuses on the seventh tab.
tabsBloc.request.add(FocusTabAction(tab: tabsBloc.tabs[6]));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
// The expected display of the tab list (*currently focused tab):
// |- 0 -| |- 1 -| |- 2 -| |- 3 -| |- 4 -| |- 5 -| |- 6* -| |- 7 -|
// |- SCREEN -|
_verifyFocusedTabIndex(tabsBloc, 6);
_verifyFocusedTabMargin(tester, tabs, rightScrollMargin);
_verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromLeft(tester, tabs.first);
Future<void> _setUpTabsWidget(WidgetTester tester, TabsBloc tabsBloc) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Container(
width: screenWidth,
child: TabsWidget(
bloc: tabsBloc,
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
Future<void> _addNTabsToTabsBloc(
WidgetTester tester, TabsBloc tabsBloc, int n) async {
int currentNumTabs = tabsBloc.tabs.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(tabsBloc.tabs.length, currentNumTabs + n);
Finder _findMinTabWidgets() => find.byWidgetPredicate((Widget widget) {
if (widget is Container && widget.key == Key('tab')) {
BoxConstraints width = widget.constraints!.widthConstraints();
return (width.minWidth == width.maxWidth) &&
(width.minWidth == kMinTabWidth);
return false;
Finder _findNewTabWidgets() => find.text(_emptyTitle);
Finder _findClose() => find.byIcon(Icons.clear);
// Verifies if the currently focused tab is the expected tab.
void _verifyFocusedTabIndex(TabsBloc tb, int expectedIndex) {
expect(tb.currentTabIdx, expectedIndex,
reason: '''Expected the index of the currently focused tab to be
$expectedIndex, but actually is ${tb.currentTabIdx}''');
// Verifies if the currently focused tab has the expected left margin.
void _verifyFocusedTabMargin(
WidgetTester tester, Finder tabs, double expectedMargin) {
// The currently focused tab always become the last member of the finder
// since it is rendered on the top of the other tabs.
final actualMargin = tester.getTopLeft(tabs.last).dx;
expect(actualMargin, expectedMargin,
reason: '''Expected the left margin to the currently focused tab to be
$expectedMargin, but is actually $actualMargin.''');
void _verifyPartlyOffscreenFromLeft(WidgetTester tester, Finder tab) {
final leftBorderX = kTabBarHeight;
final tabLeftX = tester.getTopLeft(tab).dx;
final tabRightX = tester.getTopRight(tab).dx;
expect(tabLeftX < leftBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's left edge to be offscreen,
but actually is onscreen.''');
expect(tabRightX >= leftBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's right edge to be onscreen,
but actually is offscreen.''');
void _verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromLeft(WidgetTester tester, Finder tab) {
final leftBorderX = kTabBarHeight;
final tabRightX = tester.getTopRight(tab).dx;
expect(tabRightX < leftBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's right edge to be offscreen,
but actually is onscreen.''');
void _verifyPartlyOffscreenFromRight(WidgetTester tester, Finder tab) {
final rightBorderX = screenWidth - kTabBarHeight;
final tabLeftX = tester.getTopLeft(tab).dx;
final tabRightX = tester.getTopRight(tab).dx;
expect(tabLeftX < rightBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's left edge to be onscreen,
but actually is offscreen.''');
expect(tabRightX >= rightBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's right edge to be offscreen,
but actually is onscreen.''');
void _verifyEntirelyOffscreenFromRight(WidgetTester tester, Finder tab) {
final rightBorderX = screenWidth - kTabBarHeight;
final tabLeftX = tester.getTopLeft(tab).dx;
expect(tabLeftX > rightBorderX, true,
reason: '''Expected this tab's left edge to be offscreen,
but actually is onscreen.''');
class MockSimpleBrowserNavigationEventListener extends Mock
implements SimpleBrowserNavigationEventListener {}
class MockSimpleBrowserWebService extends Mock
implements SimpleBrowserWebService {}
class MockWebPageBloc extends Mock implements WebPageBloc {}