blob: 72f1240cf75df072b7ff4842c58da92a449ec47a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:internationalization/strings.dart';
import '../blocs/webpage_bloc.dart';
import '../models/webpage_action.dart';
const _kEnabledOpacity = 1.0;
const _kDisabledOpacity = 0.54;
const _kPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4.0);
class HistoryButtons extends StatelessWidget {
const HistoryButtons({required this.bloc});
final WebPageBloc bloc;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: <Widget>[
animation: bloc.backStateNotifier,
builder: (_, __) => _HistoryButton(
title: Strings.back.toUpperCase(),
valueKey: 'back',
onTap: () => bloc.request.add(GoBackAction()),
isEnabled: bloc.backState)),
SizedBox(width: 8.0),
animation: bloc.forwardStateNotifier,
builder: (_, __) => _HistoryButton(
title: Strings.forward.toUpperCase(),
valueKey: 'forward',
onTap: () => bloc.request.add(GoForwardAction()),
isEnabled: bloc.forwardState)),
SizedBox(width: 8.0),
animation: bloc.urlNotifier,
builder: (_, __) => _HistoryButton(
title: Strings.refresh.toUpperCase(),
valueKey: 'refresh',
onTap: () => bloc.request.add(RefreshAction()),
isEnabled: bloc.pageType == PageType.normal)),
class _HistoryButton extends StatelessWidget {
const _HistoryButton({
required this.title,
required this.valueKey,
required this.onTap,
required this.isEnabled,
final String title;
final String valueKey;
final VoidCallback onTap;
final bool isEnabled;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => GestureDetector(
key: ValueKey(valueKey),
onTap: isEnabled ? onTap : null,
child: Padding(
padding: _kPadding,
child: Center(
child: Opacity(
opacity: isEnabled ? _kEnabledOpacity : _kDisabledOpacity,
child: Text(title),