blob: 364a0381f13fe42630f4de4c9020e99ee23b406c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'tld_checker.dart';
String sanitizeUrl(String url) {
// Checks if the input starts with a scheme.
String scheme;
try {
scheme = Uri.parse(url).scheme;
} on FormatException {
return googleKeyword(url);
// Checks if the scheme is valid.
// We currently only supports http, https and chrome.
// localhost is included in the validSchemePattern since it is recognized
// as a scheme by the dart Uri.parse method whene there is no other scheme.
final validSchemePattern = RegExp(r'^(https?|chrome|localhost)$');
if (scheme.isNotEmpty) {
if (validSchemePattern.hasMatch(scheme)) {
return url;
return googleKeyword(url);
// Adds a scheme to get a more accurate output from Uri.parse().host
String schemedUrl = 'https://$url';
String hostUrl = Uri.parse(schemedUrl).host;
// Checks if the host url has a valid pattern.
// Uri.parse().host does not check the validity.
final validHostPattern = RegExp(r'([a-zA-Z0-9@_-]{1,256}[\.]{1,1})+[\w]+');
if (validHostPattern.stringMatch(hostUrl) != hostUrl) {
return googleKeyword(url);
// Checks if the URL has a valid TLD.
String tld = hostUrl.split('.').last;
if (TldChecker().isValid(tld)) {
return schemedUrl;
// Checks if the URL is IPv4 address.
final validIpv4Pattern = RegExp(
if (validIpv4Pattern.stringMatch(hostUrl) == hostUrl) {
return schemedUrl;
return googleKeyword(url);
String googleKeyword(String keyword) =>