blob: 71b67a343d9c57d874efdc2f921303e9bafbb97c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Simulated firmware for iwlwifi.
// This class actually simulates a transport layer ops (just like a PCI-e bus).
// By the way, this class also holds a 'iwl_trans' instance, which contains 'op_mode' and 'mvm'
// after Init() is called.
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/driver/logging/cpp/logger.h>
#include <lib/driver/testing/cpp/driver_runtime.h>
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/sync/cpp/completion.h>
#include <memory>
#include "third_party/driver-lib/log/cpp/include/dfv2/wlan/drivers/log_instance.h"
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/platform/kernel.h"
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/platform/wlanphyimpl-device.h"
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/test/sim-mvm.h"
namespace async {
class Loop;
} // namespace async
namespace wlan {
namespace iwlwifi {
class RcuManager;
// SimTransIwlwifiDriver to mimic PcieIwlwifiDriver.
class SimTransIwlwifiDriver : public ::wlan::iwlwifi::WlanPhyImplDevice {
explicit SimTransIwlwifiDriver(iwl_trans* drvdata);
iwl_trans* drvdata() override;
const iwl_trans* drvdata() const override;
zx_status_t AddWlansoftmacDevice(uint16_t iface_id, struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif) override;
zx_status_t RemoveWlansoftmacDevice(uint16_t iface_id) override;
size_t DeviceCount();
// Store the addresses of allocated mvmvifs, in real world, these pointers are stored in
// corresponding WlanSoftmacDevice instances.
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif_ptrs_[MAX_NUM_MVMVIF];
size_t softmac_device_count_ = 0;
iwl_trans* drvdata_ = nullptr;
} // namespace iwlwifi
namespace testing {
// The struct to store the internal state of the simulated firmware.
struct sim_trans_priv {
SimMvm* fw;
// The pointer pointing back to a Test case for mock functions. This must be initialized before
// mock functions are called.
void* test;
static inline struct sim_trans_priv* IWL_TRANS_GET_SIM_TRANS(struct iwl_trans* trans) {
return (struct sim_trans_priv*)trans->trans_specific;
class SimTransport : public SimMvm {
explicit SimTransport();
// This function must be called before starting using other functions.
zx_status_t Init();
// Fake set/load firmware process like mock-ssk.
void SetFirmware(std::string firmware);
zx_status_t LoadFirmware(const char* name, zx_handle_t* vmo, size_t* size);
// Member accessors.
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans();
const struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans() const;
::wlan::iwlwifi::SimTransIwlwifiDriver* sim_driver();
const ::wlan::iwlwifi::SimTransIwlwifiDriver* sim_driver() const;
async_dispatcher_t* async_driver_dispatcher();
fdf_dispatcher_t* fdf_driver_dispatcher();
// This function starts a new managed dispatcher on demand of tests.
fdf::UnownedSynchronizedDispatcher get_unowned_synchronized_dispatcher();
// DriverRuntime maintains the foreground dispatcher and spawns the background dispatcher.
fdf_testing::DriverRuntime runtime_;
fdf::UnownedSynchronizedDispatcher sim_driver_dispatcher_ = runtime_.StartBackgroundDispatcher();
std::unique_ptr<::async::Loop> task_loop_;
std::unique_ptr<::async::Loop> irq_loop_;
std::unique_ptr<::wlan::iwlwifi::RcuManager> rcu_manager_;
struct device device_;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans_;
std::unique_ptr<wlan::iwlwifi::SimTransIwlwifiDriver> sim_driver_;
std::vector<uint8_t> fake_firmware_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace wlan