blob: 282edf97a7fde4074501a4967ad3de5f762cdf32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Platform-dependant regulatory data structures / APIs.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "banjo/wlanphyimpl.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// The preserved channel number used in the |mcc_info| data structure.
#define MAX_MCC_INFO_CH 64
// This data structure is used to save the MCC info returned from the firmware in MCC_UPDATE_CMD.
struct mcc_info {
wlan_phy_country_t country;
size_t num_ch; // total number of the channel.
uint8_t channels[MAX_MCC_INFO_CH]; // channel number. ex: 1-14, 36-152.
uint16_t ch_flags[MAX_MCC_INFO_CH]; // enum iwl_nvm_channel_flags
// Returns true if we can transmit packet out on this channel.
// |ch_num| starts from 1. Possible values include: 1-14, 36, 40, ...
bool reg_channel_is_txable(struct mcc_info* mcc_info, uint8_t ch_num);
// Given a list of channels (in |num_ch| and |ch_list|), this function will copy only allowed
// channels to the |out_list|.
// If the num_ch is 0, which means wildcard, it will copy all allowed channels to the |out_list|.
// This function returns how many channels in the |out_list|. The |out_list| must have enough space
// to store the returning values. To be safe, the caller can allocate MAX_MCC_INFO_CH elements.
size_t reg_filter_channels(bool active_scan, struct mcc_info* mcc_info, size_t num_ch,
const uint8_t* ch_list, uint8_t* out_list);
#ifdef __cplusplus