blob: c54ebe91dccfa1353a12ae9ffb13923f98610834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.framework/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/driver/component/cpp/driver_base.h>
#include <lib/driver/component/cpp/node_add_args.h>
#include <lib/driver/outgoing/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <memory>
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/platform/kernel.h"
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/platform/wlanphyimpl-device.h"
#include "third_party/iwlwifi/platform/wlansoftmac-device.h"
namespace fdf {
using namespace fuchsia_driver_framework;
namespace wlan::iwlwifi {
class DriverInspector;
class RcuManager;
// This class contains the Fuchsia-specific PCIE bus initialization logic, and uses DDKTL class
// to manage the lifetime of a iwlwifi driver instance.
class PcieIwlwifiDriver : public wlan::iwlwifi::WlanPhyImplDevice,
public fdf::DriverBase,
public fidl::WireAsyncEventHandler<fdf::NodeController> {
PcieIwlwifiDriver(const PcieIwlwifiDriver& driver) = delete;
PcieIwlwifiDriver& operator=(const PcieIwlwifiDriver& driver_in) = delete;
explicit PcieIwlwifiDriver(fdf::DriverStartArgs start_args,
fdf::UnownedSynchronizedDispatcher driver_dispatcher);
static constexpr const char* Name() { return "iwlwifi"; }
// The start point of iwlwifi driver. This function will be called right after the driver
// framework decides to bind this driver to a known node.
zx::result<> Start() override;
void PrepareStop(fdf::PrepareStopCompleter completer) override;
// Device implementation.
iwl_trans* drvdata() override;
const iwl_trans* drvdata() const override;
// Add a child node to represent WlanPhyImplDevice in DFv2.
zx_status_t AddWlanphyChild();
// Create a WlanSoftmacDevice and also add a child node to represent it in DFv2.
zx_status_t AddWlansoftmacDevice(uint16_t iface_id, struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif) override;
zx_status_t RemoveWlansoftmacDevice(uint16_t iface_id) override;
// It is the handler that will be register for protocol fuchsia_wlan_wlansoftmac::WlanSoftmac.
// It'll be called when downstream driver trys to establish a connection based on this protocol
// with this driver.
zx_status_t WlanSoftmacConnectHandler(fdf::Channel channel);
// The callback called by when loading firmware, this function returns firmware file vmo
// and size.
zx_status_t LoadFirmware(const char* name, zx_handle_t* vmo, size_t* size);
// Overriding on_fidl_error from WireAsyncEventHandler. It logs out the unexpected channel close
// from child nodes.
void on_fidl_error(fidl::UnbindInfo error) override;
void handle_unknown_event(
fidl::UnknownEventMetadata<fuchsia_driver_framework::NodeController> metadata) override;
zx_status_t Init();
zx_status_t StartPci();
// Adding WlanPhyImpl service to outgoing directory.
zx_status_t AddWlanPhyImplService();
std::unique_ptr<DriverInspector> driver_inspector_;
std::unique_ptr<RcuManager> rcu_manager_;
// FIDL client of the node that this driver binds to.
fidl::WireClient<fdf::Node> node_client_;
fidl::WireClient<fdf::NodeController> wlanphy_controller_client_;
// Iwlwifi only supports client iface now.
std::optional<fidl::WireClient<fdf::NodeController>> wlansoftmac_controller_client_;
std::unique_ptr<WlanSoftmacDevice> wlan_softmac_device_;
iwl_pci_dev pci_dev_;
} // namespace wlan::iwlwifi