blob: 18eaa2db9b83c934b3c6743914e720b7bffcd0bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt.analyzer;
option go_package = "report_master";
import "observation.proto";
import "config/report_configs.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// A Report is the final output of the Cobalt pipeline. The ReportMaster
// is the component of Cobalt that orchestrates and schedules the generation
// of reports.
// ReportMaster service is used by Cobalt customers to generate one-off
// reports, to query the set of reports that exist, and to fetch individual
// reports. Note that in the primary use of Cobalt report generation occurs
// automatically on a regular schedule and there is no reason to request the
// generation of a one-off report. This interface may be used to query and
// fetch both one-off, manually-requested reports and regularly scheduled
// reports.
service ReportMaster {
// Requests that the ReportMaster start to generate a new one-off report. The
// |report_id| returned in the response may be used to query the progress
// and results. Note: This method may not be used to start a RAW_DUMP
// report. Those may only be started via Cobalt's Report Scheduler.
rpc StartReport(StartReportRequest) returns (StartReportResponse) {
// Fetches a report and its metadata by ID. If the report generation is not
// yet complete then only the metadata is returned.
rpc GetReport(GetReportRequest) returns (Report) {
// Queries for the list of all reports that exist in the system for the
// specified ReportConfig that were created over the specified time span.
// Uses server streaming to return the results. The results are returned in
// chronological order of report creation time.
rpc QueryReports(QueryReportsRequest) returns (stream QueryReportsResponse) {
// The request message for StartReport.
message StartReportRequest {
// The (customer_id, project_id, report_config_id) triple specifies the
// ID of the ReportConfig that the generated report will be based on.
// ReportConfigs are registered in the Cobalt config system.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 report_config_id = 3;
// The report will analyze the set of Observations that have been tagged with
// a day index that falls within the interval
// [first_day_index, last_day_index]. Day indices in Cobalt are zero-based
// with day zero being January 1, 1970.
uint32 first_day_index = 4;
uint32 last_day_index = 5;
// The response message for StartReport.
message StartReportResponse {
// The unique identifier for the new report whose generation has begun. Use
// this to query the state of the report generation, to fetch metadata about
// the report being generated and to fetch the results when the generation is
// complete.
string report_id = 1;
// The request message for GetReport.
message GetReportRequest {
// The ID of the report to get.
string report_id = 1;
// The response message for GetReport.
message Report {
// The metadata for the report.
ReportMetadata metadata = 1;
// The rows of the report. This will only be populated if the |state|
// of the report in the ReportMetadata is |COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY|.
// There are different types of reports and correspondingly different
// types of report rows. The type of this report is specified by the
// |report_type| field within |metadata|. All of the ReportRows in
// |rows| must be of the corresponding type.
ReportRows rows = 2;
// The rows of a report.
message ReportRows {
repeated ReportRow rows = 1;
// Metadata about an instance of a report.
message ReportMetadata {
// The unique ID of this report.
string report_id = 1;
// (customer_id, project_id, report_config_id) together specify which
// ReportConfig this is a report for.
uint32 customer_id = 2;
uint32 project_id = 3;
uint32 report_config_id = 4;
// The current state of the report generation.
ReportState state = 5;
// The time that the generation of this report was first initialized,
// as recorded by the server. This may be different than |start_time| if
// the report was initially in the WAITING_TO_START state.
google.protobuf.Timestamp creation_time = 6;
// The time that the generation of this report began, as recorded by the
// server.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 7;
// The time that the generation of this report completed, as recorded by the
// server. This is unset if the state is IN_PROGRESS.
google.protobuf.Timestamp finish_time = 8;
// This report analyzes Observations with a day_index in the range
// [first_day_index, last_day_index]
uint32 first_day_index = 9;
uint32 last_day_index = 10;
// The type of report that this is. This may be different from the type
// of report specified in the ReportConfig if this report is an auxilliary
// report automatically generated by the system in support of the primary
// report. For example if the primary report type was JOINT this report may
// be one of the automatically generated one-way marginal reports in which
// case its type would be HISTOGRAM.
ReportType report_type = 11;
// The names of the metric parts analyzed in this report.
repeated string metric_parts = 12;
// The IDs of associated reports, if any. For example if this is a joint
// two-variable report this field will contain the IDs of the two one-way
// marginal reports.
repeated string associated_report_ids = 13;
// Is this a one-off report that was explicitly requested via the
// StartReport method as opposed to being generated by regular periodic
// report scheduling? This is purely for informational purposes and has no
// other bearing on the report.
bool one_off = 14;
// Any human-readable messages directed toward the report consumer that
// were produced by the server during the generation of the report.
repeated InfoMessage info_messages = 15;
// Are the rows of this report stored in the ReportStore? In some cases
// the ReportMaster will generate a report soley for the purpose of
// serializing and exporting the report rows and will not store the
// report rows in the Report Store.
bool in_store = 16;
// The request message for QueryReports.
message QueryReportsRequest {
// The (customer_id, project_id, report_config_id) triple specify the
// ID of the ReportConfig whose reports are being queried. ReportConfigs
// are registered in the Cobalt config system.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 report_config_id = 3;
// The query is restricted to reports whose |creation_time| falls in the
// interval of time [first_timestamp, limit_timestamp). Note that this is
// unrelated to the day_indices of the Observations that the reports analyze.
google.protobuf.Timestamp first_timestamp = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp limit_timestamp = 5;
// The response message for QueryReports. These will be streamed back by the
// server in chronological order of |creation_time|.
message QueryReportsResponse {
// The ReportMetadata are sorted by |creation_time|.
repeated ReportMetadata reports = 1;
// A single row of a report. As there are different types of reports, there
// are different types of ReportRows. A report of a given type will contain
// only rows of the corresponding type.
message ReportRow {
oneof row_type {
HistogramReportRow histogram = 1;
JointReportRow joint = 2;
RawDumpReportRow raw_dump = 999999;
// A single row of a HISTOGRAM report.
message HistogramReportRow {
// Next ID: 6
// The value for this row.
ValuePart value = 1;
// An additional human-readable label used to identify this row.
// This may be empty if |value| contains all the information necessary to
// identify this row. One case in which this will be populated is if
// |value| contains an |index_value| and the ReportConfig used to generate
// this report contained a human-readable label for the index.
string label = 4;
// The SystemProfile for this row. This will be populated with only the fields
// that are specified in the |system_profile_field| entry in the ReportConfig.
SystemProfile system_profile = 5;
// This field is the primary output of Cobalt Analysis. It is an estimate
// of the true count of the value in the user population.
float count_estimate = 2;
// Multiply this value by z_{alpha/2} to obtain the radius of an approximate
// 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval. For example an approximate 95%
// confidence interval for the count is given by
// (count_estimate - 1.96*std_error, count_estimate + 1.96 * std_error)
// because 1.96 ~= z_{.025} meaning that P(Z > 1.96) ~= 0.025 where
// Z ~ Normal(0, 1).
float std_error = 3;
// A single row of a JOINT report.
message JointReportRow {
// TODO(rudominer) Implement Joint reports.
// A single row of a RAW_DUMP report. It contains a copy of some of the
// unencoded values from an input Observation.
message RawDumpReportRow {
// Each of these values is a copy of the ValuePart from one of the
// ObservationParts of one of the input Observations. The ObservationPart must
// have used the NoOp encoding. The order of the values here corresponds to
// the order of the |variable|s in the ReportConfig.
repeated ValuePart values = 1;
// The SystemProfile for this row. This will be populated with only the fields
// that are specified in the |system_profile_field| entry in the ReportConfig.
SystemProfile system_profile = 5;
// What state is the report generation in?
enum ReportState {
// The report generation is waiting for some condition before it can start.
// One example is that a joint two-variable report needs to wait for the
// one-way marginal reports to complete before it can start. The
// |info_messages| field of ReprtMetadata may have more information.
// The report generation is in progress.
// The report generation has completed successfully.
// The report generation terminated without completing successfully.
// More information may be found in the |info_message|.
// A human-readable message generated by the server during the generation
// of the report.
message InfoMessage {
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
string message = 2;