blob: 4e594955670f7092b526b944168ae4f11eefb158 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store_internal.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// This file contains type-parameterized tests of the ObservationStore.
// We use C++ templates along with the macros TYPED_TEST_CASE_P and
// TYPED_TEST_P in order to define test templates that may be instantiated to
// to produce concrete tests that use various implementations of Datastore.
// See and for the
// concrete instantiations.
// NOTE: If you add a new test to this file you must add its name to the
// invocation REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P macro at the bottom of this file.
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
namespace store {
// ObservationStoreAbstractTest is templatized on the parameter
// |StoreFactoryClass| which must be the name of a class that contains the
// following methd: static DataStore* NewStore()
// See MemoryStoreFactory in and
// BigtableStoreEmulatorFactory in
template <class StoreFactoryClass>
class ObservationStoreAbstractTest : public ::testing::Test {
: data_store_(StoreFactoryClass::NewStore()),
observation_store_(new ObservationStore(data_store_)) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, data_store_->DeleteAllRows(DataStore::kObservations));
// If vendor_name is non-empty then we add a SystemProfile to the
// ObservationMetadata with the given vendor_name, otherwise we do not
// add a SystemProfile to the ObservationMetadata.
void AddObservationBatch(uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t day_index,
size_t num_parts, size_t num_observations,
const std::string& vendor_name) {
ObservationMetadata metadata;
if (!vendor_name.empty()) {
std::vector<Observation> observations;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_observations; i++) {
Observation observation;
for (size_t part_index = 0; part_index < num_parts; part_index++) {
std::string part_name = PartName(part_index);
ObservationPart observation_part;
switch (part_index % 3) {
case 0:
case 1:
observation_store_->AddObservationBatch(metadata, observations));
// If vendor_name is non-empty then we add a SystemProfile to the
// ObservationMetadata with the given vendor_name, otherwise we do not
// add a SystemProfile to the ObservationMetadata.
void AddObservations(uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t first_day_index,
uint32_t last_day_index, int num_per_day, int num_parts,
const std::string& vendor_name) {
for (uint32_t day_index = first_day_index; day_index <= last_day_index;
day_index++) {
AddObservationBatch(metric_id, day_index, num_parts, num_per_day,
// Repeatedly invokes QueryObservations using the given data until all of
// the results have been obtained. Returns the full list of results.
std::vector<ObservationStore::QueryResult> QueryFullResults(
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t first_day_index, int32_t last_day_index,
int num_parts, bool include_system_profile, size_t max_results) {
std::vector<std::string> parts;
for (int part_index = 0; part_index < num_parts; part_index++) {
std::vector<ObservationStore::QueryResult> full_results;
std::string pagination_token = "";
do {
ObservationStore::QueryResponse query_response =
kCustomerId, kProjectId, metric_id, first_day_index,
last_day_index, parts, include_system_profile, max_results,
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, query_response.status);
for (auto& result : query_response.results) {
EXPECT_EQ(kCustomerId, result.metadata.customer_id());
EXPECT_EQ(kProjectId, result.metadata.project_id());
EXPECT_EQ(metric_id, result.metadata.metric_id());
pagination_token = std::move(query_response.pagination_token);
} while (!pagination_token.empty());
return full_results;
void CheckFullResults(
const std::vector<ObservationStore::QueryResult>& full_results,
size_t expected_num_results, size_t expected_num_results_per_day,
size_t expected_num_parts, uint32_t expected_first_day_index,
const std::string& expected_vendor_name) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_results, full_results.size());
uint result_index = 0;
uint32_t expected_day_index = expected_first_day_index;
for (const auto& result : full_results) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_day_index, result.metadata.day_index());
if (expected_vendor_name.empty()) {
} else {
for (size_t part_index = 0; part_index < expected_num_parts;
part_index++) {
std::string expected_part_name = PartName(part_index);
switch (part_index % 3) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (++result_index == expected_num_results_per_day) {
result_index = 0;
store::Status DeleteAllForMetric(uint32_t metric_id) {
return observation_store_->DeleteAllForMetric(kCustomerId, kProjectId,
// Generates a part name with the given index.
std::string static PartName(int index) {
std::string out(15, 100);
std::snprintf(&out[0], out.size(), "part%.10d", index);
return out;
static const uint32_t kCustomerId;
static const uint32_t kProjectId;
std::shared_ptr<DataStore> data_store_;
std::unique_ptr<ObservationStore> observation_store_;
template <class StoreFactoryClass>
const uint32_t ObservationStoreAbstractTest<StoreFactoryClass>::kCustomerId = 1;
template <class StoreFactoryClass>
const uint32_t ObservationStoreAbstractTest<StoreFactoryClass>::kProjectId = 1;
TYPED_TEST_P(ObservationStoreAbstractTest, AddAndQuery) {
// For metric 1, add 100 observations with 2 parts each for each day in the
// range [100, 109]. We also specify a vendor_name which will cause the
// Observations to be stored in the ObservationStore with a SystemProfile
// that contains that vendor name.
uint32_t metric_id = 1;
std::string vendor_name = "fake vendor name";
this->AddObservations(metric_id, 100, 109, 100, 2, vendor_name);
// For metric 2, add 200 observations with 1 part each for each day in the
// range [101, 110]. Here we specify an empty vendor_name which will cause
// the Observations to be stored in the ObservationStore without a
// SystemProfile.
metric_id = 2;
vendor_name = "";
this->AddObservations(metric_id, 101, 110, 200, 1, vendor_name);
// Queries for metric 1
metric_id = 1;
// Query for observations for days in the range [50, 150].
// Ask for 2 parts.
// Impose a maximum of 100 results.
int requested_num_parts = 2;
// We specify that the SystemProfile should not be returned by the query.
// By setting expected_vendor_name = "" we indicate that we expect the
// QueryResult to not contain a SystemProfile.
bool include_system_profile = false;
std::string expected_vendor_name = "";
std::vector<ObservationStore::QueryResult> full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 50, 150, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 1000 results as 100 results per day for 10 days starting
// with day 100.
// Expect to find 2 parts.
int expected_num_results = 1000;
int expected_num_results_per_day = 100;
int expected_first_day_index = 100;
int expected_num_parts = 2;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 50, 150, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results as above except with a SystemProfile.
expected_vendor_name = "fake vendor name";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Query for observations for days in the range [0, UINT32_MAX].
full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 0, UINT32_MAX, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results as above.
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Query for observations for days in the range [100, 105].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 100, 105, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 600 results as 100 results per day for 6 days.
expected_num_results = 600;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 500 results as 100 results per day for 5 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 500;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Test that it works to not specify any requested parts. We should get
// all of the parts.
requested_num_parts = 0;
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 500 results as 100 results per day for 5 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 500;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results as above except with a SystemProfile.
expected_vendor_name = "fake vendor name";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Test that it works to request 1 part when there are two. We should
// receive only 1.
requested_num_parts = 1;
expected_num_parts = 1;
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 500 results as 100 results per day for 5 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 500;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results as above except with a SystemProfile.
expected_vendor_name = "fake vendor name";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Queries for metric 2
metric_id = 2;
// Query for observations for days in the range [50, 150].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 50, 150, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 2000 results as 200 results per day for 10 days starting
// with day 101.
// Expect to find 1 part.
expected_num_results = 2000;
expected_num_results_per_day = 200;
expected_num_parts = 1;
expected_first_day_index = 101;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 50, 150, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results including *no* SystemProfile because we never
// wrote one to the database.
expected_vendor_name = "";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Query for observations for days in the range [0, UINT32_MAX].
full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 0, UINT32_MAX, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results as above.
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Query for observations for days in the range [100, 105].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 100, 105, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 1000 results as 200 results per day for 5 days.
expected_num_results = 1000;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 1200 results as 200 results per day for 6 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 1200;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Test that it works to not specify any requested parts. We should get
// all of the parts.
requested_num_parts = 0;
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 1200 results as 200 results per day for 6 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 1200;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results including *no* SystemProfile because we never
// wrote one to the database.
expected_vendor_name = "";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Test that it works to request 1 part when there is one part.
requested_num_parts = 1;
// Query for observations for days in the range [105, 110].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 1200 results as 200 results per day for 6 days starting
// with day 105.
expected_num_results = 1200;
expected_first_day_index = 105;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Same query as above except set include_system_profile = true.
include_system_profile = true;
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(
metric_id, 105, 110, requested_num_parts, include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect the same results including *no* SystemProfile because we never
// wrote one to the database.
expected_vendor_name = "";
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
// Reset the values
include_system_profile = false;
expected_vendor_name = "";
// Queries for metric 3
// For metric 3 expect to find 0 results.
metric_id = 3;
full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 0, UINT32_MAX, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, full_results.size());
// Queries for metric 0
// For metric 0 expect to find 0 results.
metric_id = 0;
full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 0, UINT32_MAX, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, full_results.size());
// Test the method DeleteAllForMetric.
metric_id = 1;
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, this->DeleteAllForMetric(metric_id));
// For metric 1 expect to find 0 results.
full_results =
this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 0, UINT32_MAX, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, full_results.size());
// For metric 2 the results should be the same as above.
metric_id = 2;
// Query for observations for days in the range [50, 150].
full_results = this->QueryFullResults(metric_id, 50, 150, requested_num_parts,
include_system_profile, 100);
// Expect to find 2000 results as 200 results per day for 10 days starting
// with day 101.
// Expect to find 1 part.
expected_num_results = 2000;
expected_num_results_per_day = 200;
expected_num_parts = 1;
expected_first_day_index = 101;
this->CheckFullResults(full_results, expected_num_results,
expected_num_results_per_day, expected_num_parts,
expected_first_day_index, expected_vendor_name);
TYPED_TEST_P(ObservationStoreAbstractTest, QueryWithInvalidArguments) {
uint32_t customer_id = this->kCustomerId;
uint32_t project_id = this->kProjectId;
uint32_t metric_id = 1;
uint32_t first_day_index = 42;
uint32_t last_day_index = 42;
// Try to use a pagination token that corresponds to a day index that
// is too small. Expect kInvalidArguments.
std::string pagination_token = internal::RowKey(
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, first_day_index - 1, 0, 0);
std::vector<std::string> parts;
ObservationStore::QueryResponse query_response =
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, first_day_index, last_day_index,
parts, false, 0, pagination_token);
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, query_response.status);
// Switch to a pagination token that corresponds to first_day_index.
// Expect kOK.
pagination_token = internal::RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id,
first_day_index, 0, 0);
query_response = this->observation_store_->QueryObservations(
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, first_day_index, last_day_index,
parts, false, 100, pagination_token);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, query_response.status);
// Try to use a last_day_index < first_day_index. Expect kInvalidArguments.
last_day_index = first_day_index - 1;
query_response = this->observation_store_->QueryObservations(
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, first_day_index, last_day_index,
parts, false, 100, "");
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidArguments, query_response.status);
// Switch to last_day_index = first_day_index. Expect kOK.
last_day_index = first_day_index;
query_response = this->observation_store_->QueryObservations(
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, first_day_index, last_day_index,
parts, false, 100, "");
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, query_response.status);
REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(ObservationStoreAbstractTest, AddAndQuery,
} // namespace store
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt