blob: ff8866d39c31d1d4437e41ee82f5669da24b569c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_stream.h"
#include <memory>
#include <streambuf>
#include <vector>
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
// In the c++ standard library a std::stream is implemented in terms of an
// underlying std::streambuf. Therefore in order for us to implement
// ReportStream what we really have to do is implement this class,
// ReportStreamBuf, a class that derives from std::streambuf.
// In order to subclass std::streambuf the main methods that need to be
// overriden are underflow(), if this streambuf will be used with an
// istream, and overflow(), if this streambuf will be used with an ostream.
// A ReportStreambuf will be used with both an ostream and an istream and
// so we implement both overflow() and underflow().
// A ReportStreamBuf is a std::streambuf that contains a ReportSerializer*,
// a ReportRowIterator*, and a std::vector<char> buffer_. On underflow, when
// more bytes are needed by a reader, it asks the ReportSerializer to read
// more rows from the ReportRowIterator. On overflow, when more space is needed
// by a writer, it increases the size of buffer_.
class ReportStream::ReportStreambuf : public std::streambuf {
// Constructor.
// Does not take ownership of report_serializer or row_iterator which both
// must remain valid as long as this instance is being used.
// |max_size| will be used to control how many additional rows will be
// read from |row_iterator| on underflow. This value will be passed to the
// method ReportSerializer::AppendRows().
ReportStreambuf(size_t max_size, ReportSerializer* report_serializer,
ReportRowIterator* row_iterator);
virtual ~ReportStreambuf() = default;
// Start should be invoked once before any other method. Returns OK on
// success or an error status otherwise.
// |owning_istream| should be a back pointer to the ReportStream that was
// constructed using this streambuf. It will be used to set the fail and
// error bits when an error is returned by the ReportRowIterator or
// ReportSerializer.
grpc::Status Start(ReportStream* owning_istream);
// Returns the most recent Status of an underlying operation that returns
// a Status.
grpc::Status status() { return status_; }
// Returns the MIME type of the report being serialized. This accessor
// may be invoked as long as Start() returned OK.
std::string mime_type() { return report_serializer_->mime_type(); }
int overflow(int value) override;
int underflow() override;
pos_type seekoff(off_type off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir,
std::ios_base::openmode which) override;
pos_type seekpos(pos_type pos, std::ios_base::openmode which) override;
// Reset the stream to the begining.
grpc::Status Reset();
// A helper method invoked by Start() and Reset().
grpc::Status StartSerializingReport();
std::vector<char> buffer_;
size_t max_size_;
ReportSerializer* report_serializer_; // not owned
ReportRowIterator* row_iterator_; // not owned
ReportStream* owning_istream_; // not owned. Set via the Start() method.
grpc::Status status_;
// Has underflow() been invoked at least once since that last
// StartSerializingReport()? We need to keep track of this in order to
// understand if any data at all has been read from this input stream yet.
bool underflow_invoked_ = false;
size_t max_size, ReportSerializer* report_serializer,
ReportRowIterator* row_iterator)
: buffer_(1024),
status_(grpc::Status::OK) {
// Tell any readers there is nothing to read.
setg(0, 0, 0);
// Tell any writers where the underlying write buffer is.
setp(, + buffer_.size());
grpc::Status ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::Start(
ReportStream* owning_istream) {
owning_istream_ = owning_istream;
return StartSerializingReport();
grpc::Status ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::Reset() {
// Don't do anything if no data has yet been read from this buffer. We don't
// want to issue another Bigtable query via RawDumpReportRowIterator.Reset()
// just to fill our buffer with the same data that is already in it.
if (!underflow_invoked_ && (gptr() == {
return grpc::Status::OK;
return StartSerializingReport();
grpc::Status ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::StartSerializingReport() {
// Tell any readers there is nothing to read yet.
setg(0, 0, 0);
// Reset underflow_invoked_.
underflow_invoked_ = false;
// Tell any writers where the underlying write buffer is.
setp(, + buffer_.size());
// Make a temporary ostream to wrap this buffer.
std::ostream ostream(this);
// Give this ostream to ReportSerializer so it will write into this buffer.
// Ask the ReportSerializer to write the header row.
status_ = report_serializer_->StartSerializingReport(&ostream);
if (!status_.ok()) {
return status_;
// Ask the ReportSerializer to wite some of the report rows, up to max_size_.
status_ = report_serializer_->AppendRows(max_size_, row_iterator_, &ostream);
if (!status_.ok()) {
// Note that we don't return here because even though there was an error
// it is convenient to allow a reader to read the data that was written
// before the error.
// Tell any readers where the underlying read buffer is. pptr() is the next
// position in the write buffer and so in our case it is one past the end
// of the read buffer.
setg(,, pptr());
return status_;
// This method is invoked if, while the ReportSerializer is writing into this
// buffer, we run out of space in our underlying |buffer_|. In this case
// we double the size of |buffer_|.
int ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::overflow(int value) {
size_t previous_size = buffer_.size();
size_t new_size = previous_size + previous_size;
setp( + previous_size, + new_size);
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(value, traits_type::eof())) {
// If the writer include one byte that should be written to the newly
// allocated space then write it.
// Return anything other then eof to indicate success.
return traits_type::not_eof(value);
// This method is invoked if, while somebody is reading from this buffer,
// we run out of data to read. In this case we serialize more of the report
// into the buffer, or return EOF.
int ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::underflow() {
underflow_invoked_ = true;
if (!status_.ok()) {
// Tell the reader there is no more data.
setg(0, 0, 0);
return traits_type::eof();
bool has_more_rows;
status_ = row_iterator_->HasMoreRows(&has_more_rows);
if (!status_.ok()) {
if (!status_.ok() || !has_more_rows) {
// Tell the reader there is no more data.
setg(0, 0, 0);
return traits_type::eof();
// Tell any writers where the underlying write buffer is.
setp(, + buffer_.size());
// Make a temporary ostream to wrap this buffer.
std::ostream ostream(this);
// Ask the ReportSerializer to wite more of the report rows, up to max_size_,
// into the ostream and so into this buffer.
status_ = report_serializer_->AppendRows(max_size_, row_iterator_, &ostream);
if (!status_.ok()) {
// Note that we don't return here because even though there was an error
// it is convenient to allow a reader to read the data that was written
// before the error.
// If any new data was written to this buffer then tell the reader about
// the new data available to read.
if (pptr() > {
setg(,, pptr());
return buffer_[0];
// Tell the reader there is no more data.
setg(0, 0, 0);
return traits_type::eof();
// The base class std::streambuf always return pos_type(-1) for seekoff(). We
// override this behavior only in two special cases: the case in which this
// function is being invoked from std::ostream::tellp() or
// std::istream::tellg(). Both of these methods may be invoked during
// report exporting. For example tellp() is invoked by
// ReportSerializer::AppendRows() in order to determine how many
// bytes have already been written to the stream.
// According to the documentation for tellp(), seekoff() is invoked with
// parameters (0, cur, out), meaning that the write pointer should be moved to
// an offset of 0 from its current position and that position should be
// returned. In other words, the write pointer should not be moved at all,
// but its current position should be returned.
// According to the documentation for tellg(), seekoff() is invoked with
// parameters (0, cur, in), meaning that the read pointer should be moved to
// an offset of 0 from its current position and that position should be
// returned. In other words, the read pointer should not be moved at all,
// but its current position should be returned.
// So here we check that we are in one of those two cases and we return the
// current position of the read or write pointer as appropriate.
ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::pos_type ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::seekoff(
off_type off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir, std::ios_base::openmode which) {
if (off == 0 && dir == std::ios_base::cur && which == std::ios_base::out) {
// We are in the case of tellp() so return the current position of the
// put pointer pptr().
return pptr() -;
if (off == 0 && dir == std::ios_base::cur && which == std::ios_base::in) {
// We are in the case of tellg() so return the current position of the
// get pointer gptr().
return gptr() -;
// We are not in any of the other cases so do what the base class impl does.
return pos_type(-1);
// The base class std::streambuf always return pos_type(-1) for seekpos(). We
// override this behavior only in one special case: the case in which this
// function is being invoked from std::istream::seekg(0). This is invoked
// during report exporting in the case that the google-api-cpp client
// receives a "401 authorization required" response from the Google server and
// it therefore needs to perform a reset to start reading from the beginning of
// the stream again.
// According to the documentation for seekg(), in the case of seekg(0),
// seekpos() is invoked with parameters (0, in), so here we check that we are
// in that case and return -1 otherwise.
ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::pos_type ReportStream::ReportStreambuf::seekpos(
pos_type pos, std::ios_base::openmode which) {
if (pos == 0 && which == std::ios_base::in) {
// We are in the case of seekg(0);
return 0;
// We are not in any of the cases we wish to support so do what the base
// class impl does.
return pos_type(-1);
ReportStream::ReportStream(ReportSerializer* report_serializer,
ReportRowIterator* row_iterator, size_t buffer_size)
: std::istream(nullptr),
new ReportStreambuf(buffer_size, report_serializer, row_iterator)) {
// Give a pointer to the streambuf to the parent class.
ReportStream::~ReportStream() {}
grpc::Status ReportStream::Start() { return report_stream_buf_->Start(this); }
grpc::Status ReportStream::status() { return report_stream_buf_->status(); }
std::string ReportStream::mime_type() {
return report_stream_buf_->mime_type();
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt