blob: 619153fc35a072e610b11ceab296afbd7d8a53fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_scheduler.h"
#include <condition_variable>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_master_service.h"
#include "analyzer/store/memory_store.h"
#include "config/config_text_parser.h"
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "util/datetime_util.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
// This flag controls the number of days in the past that the ReportScheduler
// will look for reports that were supposed to be run but were not.
using config::EncodingRegistry;
using config::MetricRegistry;
using config::ReportRegistry;
using store::DataStore;
using store::MemoryStore;
using store::ReportStore;
using util::IncrementingClock;
namespace {
const uint32_t kFirstDayIndex = 12345;
const uint32_t kStartingTimeSeconds =
kFirstDayIndex * util::kNumUnixSecondsPerDay;
const uint32_t kTenMinutes = 600;
const uint32_t kCustomerId = 1;
const uint32_t kProjectId = 1;
const uint32_t kReportConfigId = 42;
const uint32_t kReportConfigId2 = 43;
const uint32_t kReportConfigId3 = 44;
const uint32_t kReportConfigId4 = 45;
const uint32_t kReportFinalizationDays = 3;
const uint32_t kReportFinalizationDays2 = 2;
const uint32_t kReportFinalizationDays3 = 1;
const uint32_t kReportFinalizationDays4 = 0;
const char* kReportConfigText = R"(
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 42
metric_id: 1
report_type: HISTOGRAM
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 3
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 43
metric_id: 1
report_type: HISTOGRAM
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 2
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 44
metric_id: 1
report_type: HISTOGRAM
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 1
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 45
metric_id: 1
report_type: HISTOGRAM
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 0
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
} // namespace
// An implementation of ReportStarterInterface that registers reports in
// the ReportStore as started (and optionally as completed) but does not
// actually run any reports. It also records the values of all of the
// parameters it was invoked with for checking by a test.
class FakeReportStarter : public ReportStarterInterface {
explicit FakeReportStarter(std::shared_ptr<ReportStore> report_store)
: report_store_(report_store) {}
virtual ~FakeReportStarter() = default;
grpc::Status StartReport(const ReportConfig& report_config,
uint32_t first_day_index, uint32_t last_day_index,
const std::string& export_name, bool in_store,
ReportId* report_id_out) override {
first_day_index, last_day_index, false, export_name, in_store,
report_config.report_type(), {0}, report_id_out));
if (should_complete_reports_) {
EXPECT_EQ(store::kOK, report_store_->EndReport(*report_id_out, true, ""));
if (notifier_f_) {
return grpc::Status::OK;
std::vector<ReportId> TakeStartedReportIds() {
auto temp = std::move(started_report_ids_);
return temp;
std::vector<uint32_t> TakeFirstDayIndices() {
auto temp = std::move(first_day_indices_);
return temp;
std::vector<uint32_t> TakeLastDayIndices() {
auto temp = std::move(last_day_indices_);
return temp;
std::vector<std::string> TakeExportNames() {
auto temp = std::move(export_names_);
return temp;
void set_notifier_func(std::function<void(size_t)> f) { notifier_f_ = f; }
void set_should_complete_reports(bool b) { should_complete_reports_ = b; }
std::vector<ReportId> started_report_ids_;
std::vector<uint32_t> first_day_indices_;
std::vector<uint32_t> last_day_indices_;
std::vector<std::string> export_names_;
std::shared_ptr<ReportStore> report_store_;
std::function<void(size_t)> notifier_f_;
bool should_complete_reports_ = false;
class ReportSchedulerTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() {
auto report_parse_result =
config::FromString<RegisteredReports>(kReportConfigText, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config::kOK, report_parse_result.second);
auto encoding_parse_result =
config::FromString<RegisteredEncodings>("", nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config::kOK, encoding_parse_result.second);
std::shared_ptr<config::EncodingRegistry> encoding_registry(
auto metric_parse_result =
config::FromString<RegisteredMetrics>("", nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config::kOK, metric_parse_result.second);
std::shared_ptr<config::MetricRegistry> metric_registry(
// Make an AnalyzerConfig
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfig> analyzer_config(
new config::AnalyzerConfig(encoding_registry, metric_registry,
// Make an AnalyzerConfigManager
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfigManager> analyzer_config_manager(
new config::AnalyzerConfigManager(analyzer_config));
data_store_.reset(new MemoryStore());
report_store_.reset(new ReportStore(data_store_));
report_starter_.reset(new FakeReportStarter(report_store_));
scheduler_.reset(new ReportScheduler(analyzer_config_manager, report_store_,
clock_.reset(new IncrementingClock());
scheduler_->clock_ = clock_;
const ReportConfig* GetReportConfig() {
return report_registry_->Get(kCustomerId, kProjectId, kReportConfigId);
// Performs the main logic for the ProcessOneReport test below.
std::vector<ReportId> DoProcessOneReportTest(
uint32_t current_day_index, std::vector<uint32_t> expected_day_indices) {
ProcessOneReport(*GetReportConfig(), current_day_index);
auto started_report_ids = report_starter_->TakeStartedReportIds();
auto first_day_indices = report_starter_->TakeFirstDayIndices();
auto last_day_indices = report_starter_->TakeLastDayIndices();
auto export_names = report_starter_->TakeExportNames();
size_t expected_num = expected_day_indices.size();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num, started_report_ids.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num, first_day_indices.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num, last_day_indices.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_num, export_names.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_num; i++) {
uint32_t expected_day_index = expected_day_indices[i];
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "report_1_1_42_";
util::CalendarDate cd = util::DayIndexToCalendarDate(expected_day_index);
stream << cd.year << (cd.month / 10) << (cd.month % 10)
<< (cd.day_of_month / 10) << (cd.day_of_month % 10);
std::string expected_export_name = stream.str();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_day_index, first_day_indices[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_day_index, last_day_indices[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_export_name, export_names[i]);
return started_report_ids;
void SetSchedulerClock(std::shared_ptr<util::ClockInterface> clock) {
scheduler_->clock_ = clock;
// Performs the logic for checking the results at the end of DoRunTest()
// below.
void CheckRunResults(uint32_t report_config_id, uint32_t finalization_days) {
// Query for all instances of the given report config.
auto response = report_store_->QueryReports(
kCustomerId, kProjectId, report_config_id, 0, UINT64_MAX, 10000, "");
EXPECT_EQ(store::kOK, response.status);
// Accumulate the counts of the number of instances of the report config for
// each day.
std::map<uint32_t, size_t> day_counts;
for (const auto& r : response.results) {
// During the makeup period, prior to the finalization cutoff for the
// first day, there should be exactly one report per day. This is because
// for days prior to the finalization cutoff we only run the report once.
for (uint32_t day_index = kFirstDayIndex - FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days;
day_index <= kFirstDayIndex - finalization_days; day_index++) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, day_counts[day_index]) << "day_index=" << day_index;
// After the first day there should be exactly finalization_days * 6
// reports per day. This is because for each day we run 6 reports for every
// day that has not yet been finalized. An edge case is if
// finalization_days == 0 in which case there should be one report per day.
size_t expected_count =
(finalization_days == 0 ? 1 : finalization_days * 6);
for (uint32_t day_index = kFirstDayIndex + 1;
day_index <= kFirstDayIndex + 10; day_index++) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_count, day_counts[day_index])
<< "report_config_id=" << report_config_id
<< " day_index=" << day_index;
// The number of reports run on the first day for the days that have not
// yet been finalized is messy so during the pre-finalization period for
// the first day we are only doing a sanity check: There should be more
// than one and at most finalization_days*6 reports. Note that if
// finalization_days=0 this is vacuous.
for (uint32_t day_index = kFirstDayIndex - finalization_days + 1;
day_index <= kFirstDayIndex; day_index++) {
EXPECT_GT(day_counts[day_index], 1u);
EXPECT_LE(day_counts[day_index], finalization_days * 6);
// Tests the full operation of the scheduler thread. We invoke start() in
// order to start the sdheduler thread. We arrange for the scheduler thread
// to stop after 1000 iterations of the run loop. We then check the results
// by inspecting the contents of the ReportStore.
void DoRunTest() {
// We give the ReportScheduler its own IncrementingClock with an increment
// of 4 hours. This means that every 6 iterations through the Run()
// loop will increment the current day index, so that each report
// may be executed up to 6 times per day.
std::shared_ptr<IncrementingClock> clock(new IncrementingClock());
clock->set_increment(std::chrono::seconds(60 * 60 * 4));
// We arrange for the ReportStarter to not only start reports but also
// complete them successfully. If we did not do this then the
// ReportScheduler would refuse to reschedule a report again on the same day
// becuase it would think that the previous execution had not completed.
// We arrange for the scheduler thread to notify this thread after
// 1000 reports have been generated.
std::mutex mu;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool done = false;
[&cv, &mu, &done](size_t num_reports_started) {
if (num_reports_started > 1000) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mu);
done = true;
// We start the scheduler thread.
// We wait for the scheduler thread to notify this thread that 1000 reports
// have been generated.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mu);
cv.wait(lock, [&done] { return done; });
// We delete the ReportScheduler, which stops the scheduler thread.
// We check the restuls for our five report configs.
CheckRunResults(kReportConfigId, kReportFinalizationDays);
CheckRunResults(kReportConfigId2, kReportFinalizationDays2);
CheckRunResults(kReportConfigId3, kReportFinalizationDays3);
CheckRunResults(kReportConfigId4, kReportFinalizationDays4);
std::shared_ptr<DataStore> data_store_;
std::shared_ptr<ReportStore> report_store_;
std::shared_ptr<ReportRegistry> report_registry_;
std::shared_ptr<FakeReportStarter> report_starter_;
std::unique_ptr<ReportScheduler> scheduler_;
std::shared_ptr<IncrementingClock> clock_;
void ProcessOneReport(const ReportConfig& report_config,
uint32_t current_day_index) {
return scheduler_->ProcessOneReport(report_config, current_day_index);
// Test the function ProcessOneReport. In this test we are not using the
// scheduler thread of the ReportScheduler--we never start it. Instead we
// directly invoke the private function ProcessOneReport() and check
// its results by interogating the FakeReportStarter.
TEST_F(ReportSchedulerTest, ProcessOneReport) {
// The first time we run ProcessOneReport(), the ReportStore and the
// ReportHistoryCache are empty. We should start one report for the current
// day and one for each of the makeup days.
uint32_t current_day_index = kFirstDayIndex;
std::vector<uint32_t> expected_day_indices;
for (uint32_t day_index = current_day_index - FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days;
day_index <= current_day_index; day_index++) {
std::vector<ReportId> started_report_ids;
started_report_ids =
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Now advance time by 10 minutes.
int64_t current_time = kStartingTimeSeconds + kTenMinutes;
// Its still the same day and none of the previously started reports have
// completed, so this time ProcessOneReport() should not start any reports.
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Now complete all of the previously started reports. Suppose the first
// one failed but all other ones succeeded.
bool success = false;
for (const auto& report_id : started_report_ids) {
EXPECT_EQ(store::kOK, report_store_->EndReport(report_id, success, ""));
success = true;
// Advance time by 10 minutes again.
current_time += kTenMinutes;
// This time ProcessOneReport() should only start a new report for the
// days that have not yet been finalized, and one for the report that failed.
// This is for the day that failed.
expected_day_indices.push_back(current_day_index -
// This is for the days that have not yet been finalized.
for (uint32_t day_index = current_day_index - kReportFinalizationDays + 1;
day_index <= current_day_index; day_index++) {
started_report_ids =
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Now successfully complete all of the previously started reports.
for (const auto& report_id : started_report_ids) {
EXPECT_EQ(store::kOK, report_store_->EndReport(report_id, true, ""));
// Advance time by 10 minutes again.
current_time += kTenMinutes;
// This time ProcessOneReport() should only start a new report for the
// days that have not yet been finalized.
for (uint32_t day_index = current_day_index - kReportFinalizationDays + 1;
day_index <= current_day_index; day_index++) {
started_report_ids =
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Now advance time by 24 hours.
current_time += util::kNumUnixSecondsPerDay;
// None of the previously started reports from yesterday have completed.
// This time ProcessOneReport() should only start a new report for the new
// day.
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Now successfully complete all of the reports started yesterday.
for (const auto& report_id : started_report_ids) {
EXPECT_EQ(store::kOK, report_store_->EndReport(report_id, true, ""));
// Advance time by 10 minutes again.
current_time += kTenMinutes;
// This time ProcessOneReport() should only start a new report for the
// days that have not yet been finalized, excluding the current day since
// the report we started 10 minutes ago never finished.
for (uint32_t day_index = current_day_index - kReportFinalizationDays + 1;
day_index < current_day_index; day_index++) {
started_report_ids =
DoProcessOneReportTest(current_day_index, expected_day_indices);
// Tests the Run method using the default value of
// FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days
TEST_F(ReportSchedulerTest, Run) { DoRunTest(); }
// Tests the Run method using
// FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 2
TEST_F(ReportSchedulerTest, Run2) {
gflags::FlagSaver s1;
FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 2;
// Tests the Run method using
// FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 1
TEST_F(ReportSchedulerTest, Run1) {
gflags::FlagSaver s1;
FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 1;
// Tests the Run method using
// FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 0
TEST_F(ReportSchedulerTest, Run0) {
gflags::FlagSaver s1;
FLAGS_daily_report_makeup_days = 0;
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt