blob: 358d740c4f61e957358f1b0afe844e00bcde384f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "analyzer/report_master/auth_enforcer.h"
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_executor.h"
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_exporter.h"
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_master.grpc.pb.h"
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_scheduler.h"
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store.h"
#include "analyzer/store/report_store.h"
#include "config/analyzer_config.h"
#include "config/analyzer_config_manager.h"
#include "grpc++/grpc++.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
// Forward declare ReportScheduler because report_master_service.h and
// report_scheduler.h include each other.
class ReportScheduler;
class ReportMasterService final : public ReportMaster::Service {
static std::unique_ptr<ReportMasterService> CreateFromFlagsOrDie();
// |report_exporter| is allowed to be NULL, in which case no exporting
// will occur.
int port, std::shared_ptr<store::ObservationStore> observation_store,
std::shared_ptr<store::ReportStore> report_store,
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfigManager> config_manager,
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ServerCredentials> server_credentials,
std::shared_ptr<AuthEnforcer> auth_enforcer,
std::unique_ptr<ReportExporter> report_exporter);
// Starts the service
void Start();
// Stops the service
void Shutdown();
// Waits for the service to terminate. Shutdown() must be called for
// Wait() to return.
void Wait();
grpc::Status StartReport(grpc::ServerContext* context,
const StartReportRequest* request,
StartReportResponse* response) override;
grpc::Status GetReport(grpc::ServerContext* context,
const GetReportRequest* request,
Report* response) override;
grpc::Status QueryReports(
grpc::ServerContext* context, const QueryReportsRequest* request,
grpc::ServerWriter<QueryReportsResponse>* writer) override;
// StartReportNoAuth is inoked by StartReport after the authentication
// check. Because it does not need to perform an authentication check it
// does not need the |context| parameter from StartReport. This method is
// also invoked by ReportScheduler when ReportScheduler wants to start a
// report. In addition to the arguments to StartReport this method also takes:
// |one_off| indicates whether this report is being explicitly requested
// (for example by gRPC) as opposed to being generated by a regular schedule.
// |export_name| specifies the location to where this report will be exported.
// See the comments on the |export_name| field of ReportMetadataLite.
// |in_store| specifies whether or not the rows of this report will be
// stored in the ReportStore. See the comments on the |in_store| field of
// ReportMetadataLite.
// |report_id_out| This must be non null. The ReportId pointed to will be
// cleared and then populated with the internal version of the report id
// for the newly started report. Note that the external version of the
// report id is included in |response|.
grpc::Status StartReportNoAuth(const StartReportRequest* request,
bool one_off, const std::string& export_name,
bool in_store, ReportId* report_id_out,
StartReportResponse* response);
// GetReportNoAuth is identical to GetReports but authorization is not
// checked when it is run.
grpc::Status GetReportNoAuth(const GetReportRequest* request,
Report* response);
// QueryReportNoAuth is identical to QueryReports but authorization is not
// checked when it is run.
grpc::Status QueryReportsNoAuth(
const QueryReportsRequest* request,
grpc::WriterInterface<QueryReportsResponse>* writer);
// If there is a ReportScheduler running and invoking StartReportNoAuth()
// on this instance of ReportMasterService, then invoke this method to
// give ownership of that ReportScheduler to the ReportMasterService.
void set_report_scheduler(std::unique_ptr<ReportScheduler> report_scheduler) {
report_scheduler_ = std::move(report_scheduler);
// Makes all instantiations of ReportMasterServiceAbstractTest friends.
template <class X>
friend class ReportMasterServiceAbstractTest;
// Allows this test to access private members of ReportMasterService.
FRIEND_TEST(ReportMasterServiceFriendTest, AuthEnforcerTest);
// Gets amd validates a ReportConfig. Returns OK or
// does Log(ERROR) and returns an error status on error.
grpc::Status GetAndValidateReportConfig(
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, uint32_t report_config_id,
const ReportConfig** report_config_out);
// Encapsulates the logic for starting a HISTOGRAM report. Invoked by
// StartReportNoAuth in the case that the type of report to be started is
// |report_id| will be modified. On input customer_id, project_id and
// report_config_id should be set. This method will set the remaining fields
// thereby forming a new unique ReportId for the newly started HISTOGRAM
// report.
grpc::Status StartHistogramReport(const StartReportRequest& request,
bool one_off,
const std::string& export_name,
bool in_store, ReportId* report_id,
StartReportResponse* response);
// Encapsulates the logic for starting a JOINT report. Invoked by
// StartReportNoAuth in the case that the type of report to be started is
// JOINT. Three reports will be created: The joint report itself and the two
// one-way marginal reports. The sequence numbers of the three ReportIds will
// be as follows:
// 0: The one-way marginal for the first variable.
// 1: The one-way marginal for the second variable.
// 2: The joint report.
// The first one-way marginal will be started and the other two will be
// created in the WAITING_TO_START state.
// |one_off| indicates whether this report is being explicitly requested
// as opposed to being generated by a regular schedule.
// |export_name| specifies the location to where the joint report will be
// exported. See the comments on the |export_name| field of
// ReportMetadataLite. The one-way marginal reports are not exported.
// |report_id| will be modified. On input customer_id, project_id and
// report_config_id should be set. This method will set the remaining fields
// thereby forming a new unique ReportId for the newly started HISTOGRAM
// report. On exit the |sequence_num| field will be set to 2.
grpc::Status StartJointReport(const StartReportRequest& request, bool one_off,
const std::string& export_name, bool in_store,
ReportId* report_id,
StartReportResponse* response);
// Encapsulates the logic for starting a RAW_DUMP report. Invoked by
// StartReportNoAuth in the case that the type of report to be started is
// |report_id| will be modified. On input customer_id, project_id and
// report_config_id should be set. This method will set the remaining fields
// thereby forming a new unique ReportId for the newly started RAW_DUMP
// report.
grpc::Status StartRawDumpReport(const StartReportRequest& request,
bool one_off, const std::string& export_name,
bool in_store,
const ReportConfig& report_config,
ReportId* report_id,
StartReportResponse* response);
// Invokes ReportStore::StartNewReport().
// Does Log(ERROR) and returns an error status on error.
grpc::Status StartNewReport(const StartReportRequest& request, bool one_off,
const std::string& export_name, bool in_store,
ReportType report_type,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& variable_indices,
ReportId* report_id);
// Invokes ReportStore::CreateDependentReport().
// Does Log(ERROR) and returns an error status on error.
grpc::Status CreateDependentReport(
uint32_t sequence_number, const std::string& export_name, bool in_store,
ReportType report_type, const std::vector<uint32_t>& variable_indices,
ReportId* report_id);
// Invokes ReportStore::GetReport().
// Does Log(ERROR) and returns an error status on error.
grpc::Status GetReport(const ReportId& report_id,
ReportMetadataLite* metadata_out,
ReportRows* report_out);
// Starts the worker thread in the ReportExecutor.
void StartWorkerThread();
// Blocks until the ReportExecutor is idle. See comments for
// ReportExecutor::WaitUntilIdle.
void WaitUntilIdle();
// gRPC server-side streaming is unmocakble as written so we add a thin
// mockable wrapper around it so that we can test QueryReports without
// using the network stack.
grpc::Status QueryReportsInternal(
grpc::ServerContext* context, const QueryReportsRequest* request,
grpc::WriterInterface<QueryReportsResponse>* writer);
// Returns the string version of a ReportId as used in the gRPC API. This
// is exposed for use by tests.
std::string static MakeStringReportId(const ReportId& report_id);
int port_;
std::shared_ptr<store::ObservationStore> observation_store_;
std::shared_ptr<store::ReportStore> report_store_;
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfigManager> config_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<ReportExecutor> report_executor_;
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ServerCredentials> server_credentials_;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::Server> server_;
std::shared_ptr<AuthEnforcer> auth_enforcer_;
// The ReportScheduler contains a pointer back to this ReportMasterService.
// The ReportMasterService does not use the ReportScheduler, rather
// the ReportScheduler uses the ReportMasterService. But we want all objects
// to be owned by the ReportMasterService so that is why this
// pointer is here. This may be null if set_report_scheduler() was
// never invoked with a non-null ReportScheduler.
std::unique_ptr<ReportScheduler> report_scheduler_;
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt