blob: e72cdd2c941415d1b14e89b4cd34954452ae2a4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_exporter.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "config/config_text_parser.h"
#include "config/report_config.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
using config::ReportRegistry;
namespace {
const uint32_t kCustomerId = 1;
const uint32_t kProjectId = 1;
const char* const kReportConfigText = R"(
# ReportConfig 1 is valid with one ExportConfig.
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 1
metric_id: 1
variable {
metric_part: "Fruit"
export_configs {
csv {}
gcs {
bucket: "BUCKET-NAME-1"
# ReportConfig 2 is valid with no ExportConfigs.
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 2
# ReportConfig 3 is valid with two ExportConfig.
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 3
metric_id: 1
variable {
metric_part: "Fruit"
export_configs {
csv {}
gcs {
bucket: "BUCKET-NAME-1"
export_configs {
csv {}
gcs {
bucket: "BUCKET-NAME-2"
# ReportConfig 4 has an invalid ExportConfig.
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 4
metric_id: 1
# This export_config is invalid.
export_configs {
// Returns the above report config text, but with the given |bucket_name|
// as the name of the bucket in the ExportConfig for ReportConfig 1.
std::string ReplaceBucketName(const std::string& bucket_name) {
std::string report_config_text(kReportConfigText);
size_t index = report_config_text.find("BUCKET-NAME-1");
return report_config_text.replace(index, std::strlen("BUCKET-NAME-1"),
// This is the CSV that should be generated based on the rows that are
// added to the report in ReportExporterTest::ExportReport().
const char* const kExpectedCSV = R"(date,Fruit,count,err
// Builds a ReportMetadataLite of type HISTOGRAM with one variable for
// index - and the given export_name.
ReportMetadataLite BuildHistogramMetadata(const std::string& export_name) {
ReportMetadataLite metadata;
return metadata;
ReportRow HistogramReportStringValueRow(const std::string& value,
float count_estimate, float std_error) {
ReportRow report_row;
HistogramReportRow* row = report_row.mutable_histogram();
return report_row;
// An implementation of GcsUploadInterface that saves its parameters and
// returns OK.
struct FakeGcsUploader : public GcsUploadInterface {
grpc::Status UploadToGCS(const std::string& bucket, const std::string& path,
const std::string& mime_type,
ReportStream* report_stream) override {
this->upload_was_invoked = true;
this->bucket = bucket;
this->path = path;
this->mime_type = mime_type;
this->serialized_report =
std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(*report_stream), {});
return grpc::Status::OK;
bool upload_was_invoked = false;
std::string bucket;
std::string path;
std::string mime_type;
std::string serialized_report;
// A FakeReportRowIterator is a ReportRowIterator that will return the fixed
// |report_row|, |num_rows| times.
struct FakeReportRowIterator : public ReportRowIterator {
size_t num_rows;
ReportRow report_row;
grpc::Status Reset() override {
index_ = 0;
return grpc::Status::OK;
grpc::Status NextRow(const ReportRow** row) override {
if (index_++ >= num_rows) {
return grpc::Status(grpc::NOT_FOUND, "EOF");
*row = &report_row;
return grpc::Status::OK;
grpc::Status HasMoreRows(bool* b) override {
*b = (index_ < num_rows);
return grpc::Status::OK;
size_t index_ = 0;
} // namespace
class ReportExporterTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() {
// Parse the report config string
auto report_parse_result =
config::FromString<RegisteredReports>(kReportConfigText, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config::kOK, report_parse_result.second);
fake_uploader_.reset(new FakeGcsUploader());
report_exporter_.reset(new ReportExporter(fake_uploader_));
// Invokes ReportExporter::ExportReport() with the ReportConfig corresponding
// to the give report_config_id, with metadata containing the given
// export_name, and with a fixed set of rows.
grpc::Status ExportReport(uint32_t report_config_id,
const std::string& export_name) {
const auto* report_config =
report_registry_->Get(kCustomerId, kProjectId, report_config_id);
std::vector<ReportRow> report_rows;
report_rows.push_back(HistogramReportStringValueRow("apple", 10, 0));
report_rows.push_back(HistogramReportStringValueRow("banana", 15, 0.1));
report_rows.push_back(HistogramReportStringValueRow("cantaloup", 7.1, 0));
auto metadata = BuildHistogramMetadata(export_name);
ReportRowVectorIterator row_iterator(&report_rows);
return report_exporter_->ExportReport(*report_config, metadata,
std::shared_ptr<ReportRegistry> report_registry_;
std::shared_ptr<FakeGcsUploader> fake_uploader_;
std::unique_ptr<ReportExporter> report_exporter_;
// Tests that if there is no export_name specified in the report metadata, then
// ExportReport() does nothing and returns OK.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, NoExportName) {
// ReportConfig 1 has one valid ExportConfig.
// We use an empty export_name.
auto status = ExportReport(1, "");
// Expect the invocation of ExportReport() to succeed.
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message();
// But expect that no actual exporting occurred.
// Tests that if there is an export_name specified in the report metadata, but
// no ExportConfigs in the ReportConfig, then ExportReport() does nothing and
// returns OK.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, NoExportConfigs) {
// ReportConfig 2 has no valid ExportConfigs.
// We use a non-empty export name
auto status = ExportReport(2, "export_name");
// Expect the invocation of ExportReport() to succeed.
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message();
// But expect that no actual exporting occurred.
// Tests a successful export to one location.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, OneExportLocation) {
// ReportConfig 1 has one valid ExportConfig.
auto status = ExportReport(1, "export_name");
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message();
EXPECT_EQ("BUCKET-NAME-1", fake_uploader_->bucket);
EXPECT_EQ("1_1_1/export_name.csv", fake_uploader_->path);
EXPECT_EQ("text/csv", fake_uploader_->mime_type);
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedCSV, fake_uploader_->serialized_report);
// Tests a successful export to two location.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, TwoExportLocations) {
// ReportConfig 3 has two valid ExportConfig
auto status = ExportReport(3, "export_name");
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message();
// Tests that BUCKET-NAME-2 was used after BUCKET-NAME-1.
EXPECT_EQ("BUCKET-NAME-2", fake_uploader_->bucket);
EXPECT_EQ("1_1_3/export_name.csv", fake_uploader_->path);
EXPECT_EQ("text/csv", fake_uploader_->mime_type);
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedCSV, fake_uploader_->serialized_report);
// Tests that when an invalid ExportConfig is used then ExportReport() returns
// INVALID_ARGUMENT and no exporting occurrs.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, InvalidReportConfig) {
// ReportConfig 4 has an invalid ExportConfig
auto status = ExportReport(4, "export_name");
EXPECT_EQ(grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.error_code());
// Tests actually doing a real very large upload to Google Cloud Storage.
// This test has been disabled so that it does not executed on our CI and CQ
// bots. A developer may enable this test by removing the DISALBED_ prefix
// from its name and then replacing the three string tokens:
// <put-your-real-bucket-name-here>
// <cobalt-source-root-dir>
// <path-to-your-real-service-acount-key-file-here>
// in order to run the test locally.
// Note(rudominer) Setting num_rows to 10 million, I find that I can upload
// a 0.5GB report in 5 minutes.
TEST_F(ReportExporterTest, DISABLED_RealVeryLargeUploadToGCS) {
// Parse the report config string
auto report_parse_result = config::FromString<RegisteredReports>(
ReplaceBucketName("<put-your-real-bucket-name-here>"), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(config::kOK, report_parse_result.second);
"<cobalt-source-root-dir>/third_party/grpc/etc/roots.pem", 1);
"<path-to-your-real-service-acount-key-file-here>", 1);
// Instantiate a ReportExporter using a non-mock GcsUploader.
ReportExporter report_exporter(
std::shared_ptr<GcsUploadInterface>(new GcsUploader()));
const auto* report_config = report_registry_->Get(kCustomerId, kProjectId, 1);
auto metadata = BuildHistogramMetadata("large_report_1");
FakeReportRowIterator row_iterator;
row_iterator.report_row = HistogramReportStringValueRow(
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", 3.14159, 0.012);
row_iterator.num_rows = 10000000;
auto status =
report_exporter.ExportReport(*report_config, metadata, &row_iterator);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.error_message();
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt