blob: f806a3efb53ef30cf587f1642ea29814520393b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_row_iterator.h"
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store.h"
#include "config/analyzer_config.h"
#include "grpc++/grpc++.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
using config::SystemProfileFields;
// An implementation of ReportRowIterator that yields the rows of a RAW_DUMP
// report. Each yielded report row is essentially a copy of a subset of a raw
// unencoded Observation from the Observation Store. A RawDumpReportRowIterator
// wraps a particular query of the Observation store and will incrementally
// fetch additional pages of results for that query from the Observation Store
// as it yields additional rows.
class RawDumpReportRowIterator : public ReportRowIterator {
// Constructor.
// The first seven parameters, (customer_id, project_id, metric_id,
// start_day_index, end_day_index, parts, included_system_profile_fields) are
// passed directly to ObservationStore::QueryObservations() and define the
// query that this iterator wraps. |report_id_string| is used only for log
// messages. It should be a string that identifies the ReportId that this
// iterator is in service of. |observation_store| The ObservationStore
// |analyzer_config| The current version of Cobalt's metric, encoding and
// report configuration.
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t start_day_index, uint32_t end_day_index,
std::vector<std::string> parts,
const SystemProfileFields& included_system_profile_fields,
std::string report_id_string_,
std::shared_ptr<store::ObservationStore> observation_store,
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfig> analyzer_config);
virtual ~RawDumpReportRowIterator() = default;
grpc::Status Reset() override;
grpc::Status NextRow(const ReportRow** row) override;
grpc::Status HasMoreRows(bool* b) override;
// If |have_next_row_| is true this method returns without doing anything.
// Otherwise this method attempts to ensure that |next_row_| has been
// populated with the next ReportRow to be returned by this iterator.
// This method will keep trying to do this until either it succeeds, or
// a query error occurs, or we reach EOF. In particular if we encounter an
// invalid input row (one that cannot be dumped to |next_row_|)
// then we LOG(ERROR) but continue to iterate through more input rows.
// After this method completes check |have_next_row_| to see whether or
// not it succeeded. If |have_next_row_| is false check |eof_| to see if
// we reached EOF and check query_response_.status to see if a query
// error occurred. (|have_query_response_| is guaranteed to be true.)
// In order to find the next good row, this method may perform some
// combination of incrementing |result_index_|, invoking TryBuildNextRow(),
// and invoking QueryObservations(), all possibly multiple times.
void TryEnsureHaveNextRow();
// Assumptions: |have_query_response_| is true and
// |result_index_ < query_response_.results.size()|.
// This method will attempt to build |next_row_| by dumping the Observation at
// query_respose_.results[result_index_]. Check |have_next_row_| to see
// if it succeeded.
// Some reasons why dumping the Observation might fail include:
// - It is missing one of the parts named in parts_
// - One of the parts to be dumped was not encoded by the NoOp encoding.
// - One of the unencoded values to be dumped had the wrong data type
// based on the Metric configuration.
void TryBuildNextRow();
// Queries the ObservationStore for another batch of Observations using
// the parameters passed to the constructor and |pagination_token|,
// and sets |query_response_| equal to the response.
// Always sets have_query_response_ true. Check query_response_.status
// for the status of the query.
void QueryObservations(std::string pagination_token);
// Validates the parameters passed to the constructor. If validation fails
// then we LOG(ERROR) and we indicate the failure to the rest of the
// code in this class by setting have_next_row=false, eof_=false,
// have_query_response_=true, and
// query_response_.status = store::kOperationFailed. Thus we treat validation
// failure as if a query error occurred.
void ValidateState();
// The parameters passed to the constructor.
const uint32_t customer_id_;
const uint32_t project_id_;
const uint32_t metric_id_;
const std::string report_id_string_;
const uint32_t start_day_index_;
const uint32_t end_day_index_;
const std::vector<std::string> parts_;
const SystemProfileFields included_system_profile_fields_;
std::shared_ptr<store::ObservationStore> observation_store_;
// The data types of the metric parts from the Metric configuration,
// in the order specified by parts_. We expect each input Observation
// to have parts with the right names and these data types.
std::vector<MetricPart::DataType> expected_data_types_;
// The state of this iterator
// Indicates whether or not query_response_ was populated via
// QueryObservations().
bool have_query_response_ = false;
store::ObservationStore::QueryResponse query_response_;
// If have_query_response_ is true and eof_ is false and
// query_response_.status = kOK, then this is the index
// into the vector |query_response_.results| of the Observation that was
// dumped to |next_row_| via TryBuildNextRow(), or this is -1 if
// query_response_.results[0] has not yet been dumped.
int result_index_ = -1;
// Indicates that EOF has already been reached for this iterator.
bool eof_ = false;
// Indicates that |next_row_| has been succesfully populated with the
// dump of of query_response_.results[result_index_] and is ready to
// be returned via NextRow().
bool have_next_row_ = false;
ReportRow next_row_;
// Holds the ReportRow that is pointed to by the most recent return value
// of NextRow().
ReportRow current_row_;
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt