blob: 2572c809e6b539d799a94d63eb6f817807e3d97b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include "third_party/eigen/Eigen/SparseCore"
#include "util/lossmin/eigen-types.h"
#include "util/lossmin/minimizers/gradient-evaluator.h"
#include "util/lossmin/minimizers/parallel-boosting-with-momentum.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace rappor {
// MinimizerData is a struct for storing the info about cobalt_lossmin
// minimizer.
struct MinimizerData {
bool converged;
bool reached_solution;
bool reached_last_lasso_subproblem;
int num_epochs_run;
double l1;
double l2;
double zero_threshold;
double convergence_threshold;
// LassoRunner is a class for running the optimizations in both steps of RAPPOR
// algorithm. These optimizations involve repeatedly solving problems of the
// general form:
// min_x || A * x - b ||_2^2 + l1 || x ||_1 + l2 * || x ||_2^2,
// with variable x, where A is an m x n matrix, and l1, l2 >= 0.
// (1) RunFirstRapporStep computes the lasso path to identify nonzero
// coefficients of x in the equation A * x = b where b is given approximately
// and A can be such that m < n (see exact description below).
// (2) GetExactValuesAndStdErrs solves a single lasso problem a number of times,
// each time introducing noise to the right hand side vector b in order to
// estimate standard errors of the coefficients (see below).
// Both functions use the cobalt_lossmin::ParallelBoostingWithMomentum solver to
// perform the optimizations.
class LassoRunner {
explicit LassoRunner(const cobalt_lossmin::InstanceSet*);
// Runs the first step of RAPPOR. That is, runs the lasso path, i.e.
// computes the solutions to a sequence of lasso subproblems:
// min 1/(2N) || A * x - y ||_2^2 + l1_i * || x ||_1 + 1/2 * l2 * || x ||_2^2,
// with variable x, and decreasing values of l1 penalty:
// l1_1 > l1_2 > l2_3 > ... > l1_n. The l2 penalty is meant to be
// insignificant and is introduced for stability reasons (so l2 << l1_n).
// A == candidate_matrix_ and y == |as_label_set|, N is
// equal to the number of rows of A.
// The solution to each problem gives a "warm start" for the next one.
// Initially, x == 0, and l1_1 is the smallest value such that x == 0 is the
// solution to the first subproblem. The value of n and l1_n / l1_1 ratio are
// defined inside the function,
// The lasso path can either be linear or logarithmic. This is specified
// in the implementation. Linear path means that the difference between the
// lasso penalties of each two consecutive subproblems is constant (so l1_i -
// l1_(i+1) is the same for all i). The logarithmic path is a possible
// alternative to the linear path (it is used by the R glmnet library); in it,
// the l1_i form a geometric rather than arithmetic sequence, with
// l1_(i+1)/l1_1 being constant and smaller than 1.0.
// If i is encountered such that the solution x of the i-th problem satisfies:
// || x ||_1 >= |max_solution_1_norm| or || x ||_0 >= |max_nonzero_coeffs|, or
// if i == n, then the lasso problem with l1_i is solved with a different
// (possibly better) accuracy (set inside the function), and
// the solution itself is written at |est_candidate_weights|, which should
// be initialized to zero. The indices corresponding to positive entries of
// the solution are stored in |second_step_cols|.
// Computing a lasso path (though not necessarily
// linear) is the standard way to perform lasso computations and has a number
// of advantages cited in literature. It is more numerically stable and more
// efficient than computing just the last problem; it gives the entire path of
// solutions and therefore can be used to choose the most meaningful value of
// penalty (in our case we do not really know it a priori). The number of
// nonzero coefficients of x (|| x ||_0) will be increasing as i increases.
// Note(bazyli): the logarithmic path is a possible alternative to the linear
// path (it is used by the R glmnet library); in it, the l1_i form a geometric
// rather than arithmetic sequence, with l1_(i+1)/l1_1 being constant and
// smaller than 1.0. I found, however, that even though it typically results
// in less problems solved, it often introduces many nonzero
// coefficients in the initial subproblems of the lasso path. Since we are
// interested in heavy hitters, we may not need to run the entire path and
// want to be more conservative as to how quickly the new nonzero coefficients
// are identified.
void RunFirstRapporStep(const int max_nonzero_coeffs,
const double max_solution_1_norm,
const cobalt_lossmin::LabelSet& as_label_set,
cobalt_lossmin::Weights* est_candidate_weights,
std::vector<int>* second_step_cols);
// Runs the second step of RAPPOR. Solves the problems
// min 1/(2N) || A * x - y_i ||_2^2 + |l1| * || x ||_1 + 1/2 * |l2| * || x
// ||_2^2 with variable x, where A == |instances|, y_i == |as_label_set| +
// err_i, for i = 1,2,..., |num_runs|. Here, (err_i)_j is a Gaussian error
// with standard deviation equal to |est_stand_errs|[j]. All (err_i)_j, are
// independent. N is equal to the number of rows of A.
// It then computes the standard errors ex_i from all runs for each of the
// solutions x_i. The mean x from all num_runs is written at
// |exact_est_candidate_weights|. (If none of the problems converged, then
// unchanged |est_candidate_weights| will be written). The standard errors are
// written at |est_candidate_errors|. (However, if less than 5 problems
// converged, then standard errors are set to zero.)
// The problem is repeatedly solved using the parallel boosting with momentum
// algorithm with |est_candidate_weights| as the initial guess.
// The variables exact_est_candidate_weights and est_candidate_errors
void GetExactValuesAndStdErrs(
const double l1, const cobalt_lossmin::Weights& est_candidate_weights,
const std::vector<double>& est_standard_errs,
const cobalt_lossmin::InstanceSet& instances,
const cobalt_lossmin::LabelSet& as_label_set,
cobalt_lossmin::Weights* exact_est_candidate_weights,
cobalt_lossmin::Weights* est_candidate_errors);
// Returns reference to minimizer_data_.
const MinimizerData& minimizer_data() const { return minimizer_data_; }
friend class LassoRunnerTest;
// Pointer to the matrix A.
const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor>* matrix_;
// Random device (used for generating Gaussian noise in
// GetSignificantNonZeros).
std::random_device random_dev_;
// Stores info about lossmin minimizer after RunFirstRapporStep.
MinimizerData minimizer_data_;
// Constants used inside RunFirstRapporStep and GetExactValuesAndStdErrs.
// We also use them in automated testing. They are reset in the constructor.
// See the implementation in .cc file.
// zero_threshold_ is the number below which we assume a
// coefficient of the solution to be effectively zero;
// it is used in minimizers. It should be probably be not smaller than 1e-14.
double zero_threshold_;
// l2_to_l1_ratio_ is the ratio between l1 and l2 penalties used in all
// minimizers.
double l2_to_l1_ratio_;
// alpha_ is a constant from parallel boosting with momentum algorithm;
// it must be a number satisfying 0 < alpha_ < 1.
double alpha_;
// min_convergence_threshold_ is the minimum convergence threshold used in all
// minimizers. Its purpose is to prevent the convergence thresholds in the
// from becoming numerically too small. It should probably be not smaller than
// 1e-14.
double min_convergence_threshold_;
// num_lasso_steps_ is the number of subproblems solved in the lasso path in
// RunFirstRapporStep. It must be a positive integer.
int num_lasso_steps_;
// l1_max_to_l1_min_ratio_ is the ratio between the largest (initial) and
// smallest (final) penalty in the lasso path. It must be smaller than 1.0.
double l1_max_to_l1_min_ratio_;
// use_linear_path_ specifies if linear path should be used (instead of
// logarithmic),
bool use_linear_path_;
} // namespace rappor
} // namespace cobalt