blob: 81b5eb79e75128275d712809f7734728cd01c05f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "analyzer/store/memory_store.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <set>
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
namespace store {
MemoryStoreSingleton::ImplMapType& MemoryStoreSingleton::GetRows(
Table which_table) {
switch (which_table) {
case kObservations:
return observation_rows_;
case kReportMetadata:
return report_metadata_rows_;
case kReportRows:
return report_rows_rows_;
CHECK(false) << "Unrecognized table" << which_table;
MemoryStoreSingleton& MemoryStoreSingleton::Instance() {
static MemoryStoreSingleton singleton;
return singleton;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::WriteRow(Table table, Row row) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
auto& rows = GetRows(table);
rows[row.key] = std::move(row.column_values);
return kOK;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::WriteRows(Table table, std::vector<Row> rows) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
size_t total_num_columns = 0;
for (Row& row : rows) {
total_num_columns += row.column_values.size();
if (total_num_columns > 100000) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Too much data. Only 100,000 columns total allowed.";
return kInvalidArguments;
WriteRow(table, std::move(row));
return kOK;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::ReadRow(
Table table, const std::vector<std::string>& column_names, Row* row) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (row == nullptr) {
return kInvalidArguments;
auto& rows = GetRows(table);
auto iter = rows.find(row->key);
if (iter == rows.end()) {
VLOG(4) << row->key << " Not found in table " << table;
return kNotFound;
// Make a set of the requested column_names
std::set<std::string> requested_column_names(column_names.begin(),
// iter->second is a map of column-name to column-value.
// Iterate through this sub-map.
for (const auto& pair : iter->second) {
// For each element of the sub-map add a ColumnValue to column_values.
if (requested_column_names.empty() ||
requested_column_names.find(pair.first) !=
requested_column_names.end()) {
row->column_values[pair.first] = pair.second;
return kOK;
DataStore::ReadResponse MemoryStoreSingleton::ReadRows(
Table table, std::string start_row_key, bool inclusive,
std::string limit_row_key, const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
size_t max_rows) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
ReadResponse read_response;
read_response.status = kOK;
if (max_rows == 0) {
read_response.status = kInvalidArguments;
return read_response;
auto& rows = GetRows(table);
// Find the first row of the range (inclusive or exclusive)
ImplMapType::iterator start_iterator;
if (inclusive) {
start_iterator = rows.lower_bound(start_row_key);
} else {
start_iterator = rows.upper_bound(start_row_key);
ImplMapType::iterator limit_iterator;
if (limit_row_key.empty()) {
limit_iterator = rows.end();
} else {
// Find the least row greater than or equal to limit_row_key.
limit_iterator = rows.lower_bound(limit_row_key);
// Make a set of the requested column_names
std::set<std::string> requested_column_names(column_names.begin(),
// Iterate through the rows of the range.
for (ImplMapType::iterator row_iterator = start_iterator;
row_iterator != limit_iterator; row_iterator++) {
if (read_response.rows.size() == max_rows) {
read_response.more_available = true;
// For each row add a row to read_response.
// Our map key is the row key.
read_response.rows.back().key = row_iterator->first;
// Our map value is a map of column-name to column-value.
auto& column_values = read_response.rows.back().column_values;
// Iterate through this sub-map.
for (const auto& pair : row_iterator->second) {
// For each element of the sub-map add a ColumnValue to column_values.
if (requested_column_names.empty() ||
requested_column_names.find(pair.first) !=
requested_column_names.end()) {
column_values[pair.first] = pair.second;
read_response.status = kOK;
return read_response;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::DeleteRow(Table table, std::string row_key) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
return kOK;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::DeleteRowsWithPrefix(Table table,
std::string row_key_prefix) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (row_key_prefix.empty()) {
return kInvalidArguments;
auto& rows = GetRows(table);
// Find the first row of the range.
auto start_iterator = rows.lower_bound(row_key_prefix);
// Find the first row past the range.
size_t last_byte_index = row_key_prefix.size() - 1;
auto limit_iterator = rows.lower_bound(std::move(row_key_prefix));
rows.erase(start_iterator, limit_iterator);
return kOK;
Status MemoryStoreSingleton::DeleteAllRows(Table table) {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mutex_);
return kOK;
namespace test {
DataStore::ReadResponse FaultInjectableMemoryStore::ReadRows(
Table table, std::string start_row_key, bool inclusive,
std::string limit_row_key, const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
size_t max_rows) {
if (num_times_invoked_++ < num_to_succeed_) {
return MemoryStore::ReadRows(table, start_row_key, inclusive, limit_row_key,
column_names, max_rows);
ReadResponse read_response;
read_response.status = kOperationFailed;
return read_response;
}; // namespace test
} // namespace store
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt