blob: 74b928df1be0b6c1440df4fae5e6d70d1e98a749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "encoder/send_retryer.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./encrypted_message.pb.h"
#include "./gtest.h"
#include "./logging.h"
#include "encoder/shuffler_client.h"
#include "third_party/gflags/include/gflags/gflags.h"
#include "util/clock.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace encoder {
namespace send_retryer {
using util::IncrementingClock;
namespace {
// An implementation of ShufflerClientInterface that returns the sequence
// of statuses it is told to return and records the number of times that
// SendToShuffler() was invoked and the gRPC deadlines in each invocation.
// Additionally, the client will optionally invoke cancel_handle->TryCancel() on
// a specified invocation count number.
class FakeShufflerClient : public ShufflerClientInterface {
FakeShufflerClient(IncrementingClock* incrementing_clock,
CancelHandle* cancel_handle)
: incrementing_clock(incrementing_clock), cancel_handle(cancel_handle) {}
~FakeShufflerClient() {}
grpc::Status SendToShuffler(const EncryptedMessage& encrypted_message,
grpc::ClientContext* context = nullptr) override {
// The gRPC deadline embedded in |context| is expressed as an absolute
// deadline. We recover the value of |rpc_deadline| set by the
// Retryer by subtracting the clock's current time using |peek_now()|.
// This is a bit fragile: It works only because we know that there have
// been no invocations of clock_->now() between the time that the the
// Retryer computed the deadline and the call to this function. We
// record the deadline as a number of milliseconds.
context->deadline() - incrementing_clock->peek_now())
CHECK(call_count <= statuses_to_return.size());
if (call_count == cancel_on_this_call_count) {
return statuses_to_return[call_count - 1];
IncrementingClock* incrementing_clock; // not owned.
std::vector<grpc::Status> statuses_to_return = {grpc::Status::OK};
size_t call_count = 0;
std::vector<int64_t> deadlines;
size_t cancel_on_this_call_count = -1;
CancelHandle* cancel_handle;
} // namespace
class SendRetryerTest : public ::testing::Test {
SendRetryerTest() {
std::unique_ptr<IncrementingClock> clock(new IncrementingClock());
incrementing_clock_ = clock.get();
cancel_handle_.reset(new CancelHandle());
cancel_handle_->sleep_notification_function_ = [this](int sleep_millis) {
new FakeShufflerClient(incrementing_clock_, cancel_handle_.get()));
retryer_.reset(new SendRetryer(shuffler_client_.get()));
retryer_->clock_ = std::move(clock);
retryer_->initial_sleep_ = std::chrono::milliseconds(1);
// Invokes SendToShuffler() with an initial_rpc_deadline of 10 seconds,
// the given overall_deadline (also defaulting to 10 seconds), and our fixed
// cancel_handle and encrypted_message.
grpc::Status SendToShuffler(
std::chrono::seconds overerall_deadline = std::chrono::seconds(10)) {
return retryer_->SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds(10),
overerall_deadline, cancel_handle_.get(),
// Checks that the status, call_count and deadlines are as expected.
void CheckResults(grpc::Status status, grpc::StatusCode expected_code,
uint32_t expected_call_count,
std::vector<int> expected_deadline_seconds) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, status.error_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_call_count, shuffler_client_->call_count);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_call_count, shuffler_client_->deadlines.size());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_call_count, expected_deadline_seconds.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_call_count; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(1000 * expected_deadline_seconds[i],
<< "i=" << i << ", expected_seconds=" << expected_deadline_seconds[i]
<< ", actual_millis=" << shuffler_client_->deadlines[i];
// Check that the sleep times between send attempts started at the
// expected initial value and doubled each time.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_call_count - 1, sleep_millis_used_.size());
// expected_sleep_millis is initialized to 1 because in the constructor for
// SendRetryierTest we invoked
// retryer_->initial_sleep_ = std::chrono::milliseconds(1);
int expected_sleep_millis = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_call_count - 1; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_sleep_millis, sleep_millis_used_[i]);
expected_sleep_millis *= 2;
std::unique_ptr<FakeShufflerClient> shuffler_client_;
std::unique_ptr<SendRetryer> retryer_;
EncryptedMessage encrypted_message_;
IncrementingClock* incrementing_clock_; // not owned.
std::unique_ptr<CancelHandle> cancel_handle_;
std::vector<int> sleep_millis_used_;
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns OK the first time then the
// Retryer returns OK and does not retry.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsOkIn1) {
auto status = SendToShuffler();
// Expect 1 call with a deadline of 10 seconds to return OK.
CheckResults(status, grpc::OK, 1u, {10u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient retruns a non-retryable status code
// the first time then the Retryer return it and does not retry.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsInvalidArgIn1) {
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
grpc::Status(grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid Argument")};
auto status = SendToShuffler();
// Expect 1 call with a deadline of 10 seconds to return INVALID_ARGUMENT.
CheckResults(status, grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, 1u, {10u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns ABORTED the first time and OK
// the second time then the Retryer tries a total of 2 times and returns OK.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsAbortedThenOk) {
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
grpc::Status(grpc::ABORTED, "Aborted"), grpc::Status::OK};
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds::max());
// Expect 2 call with deadlines seconds {10, 10} to return OK.
CheckResults(status, grpc::OK, 2u, {10u, 10u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns UNAVAILABLE the first time and
// INVALID_ARGUMENT the second time then the Retryer tries a total of 2 times
// and returns INVALID_ARGUMENT.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsUnavailableThenInvalidArgument) {
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
grpc::Status(grpc::UNAVAILABLE, "UNAVAILABLE"),
grpc::Status(grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Invalid Argument")};
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds::max());
// Expect 2 call with deadlines seconds {10, 10} to return INVALID_ARGUMENT.
CheckResults(status, grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, 2u, {10u, 10u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns ABORTED the first time and
// then INTERNAL the second time and then OK the third time then the Retryer
// tries a total of 3 times and returns OK.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsAbortedThenInternalThenOk) {
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
grpc::Status(grpc::ABORTED, "Aborted"),
grpc::Status(grpc::INTERNAL, "Internal"), grpc::Status::OK};
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds::max());
// Expect 3 call with deadlines seconds {10, 10, 10} to return OK.
CheckResults(status, grpc::OK, 3u, {10u, 10u, 10u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns DEADLINE_EXCEEDED multiple times
// then OK, the Retryer increases the RPC deadline by a factor of 1.5 each time.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, ReturnsDeadlineExceededTwiceThenOk) {
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds::max());
CheckResults(status, grpc::OK, 5u, {10u, 15u, 23u, 35u, 53u});
// Tests that the Retryer quits when the overall deadline is reached.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, DeadlineExceededAfterOne) {
// Each time clock_->now() is invoked it will be 10 seconds later than
// the previous time.
// Instruct the FakeShufflerClient to return firt DEADLINE_EXCEEDED and
// then OK. But it will never get a chance to return OK because it will
// only be invoked once.
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
// Invoke SendToShuffler() with an overall deadline of 21s.
// Note that SendToShuffler() invokes clock_->now() twice in the while loop:
// once before the send and once after the send. So after the first send it
// will be 20 (simulated) seconds later than the start time and the overall
// deadline will be within one second of expring and so there won't be a
// second send.
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds(21));
// After the first DEADLINE_EXCEEDED the Retryer will give up and
// return DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. We expect only one attempt with a gRPC
// deadline of 10s.
CheckResults(status, grpc::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, 1u, {10u});
// Tests that the Retryer quits when the overall deadline is reached.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, DeadlineExceededAfterTwo) {
// Each time clock_->now() is invoked it will be 10 seconds later than
// the previous time.
// Instruct the FakeShufflerClient to return DEADLINE_EXCEEDED twice and
// then OK. But it will never get a chance to return OK because it will
// only be invoked twice.
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
// Invoke SendToShuffler() with an overall deadline of 25s.
// Note that SendToShuffler() invokes clock_->now() twice in the while loop:
// once before the send and once after the send. So after the first send it
// will be 20 (simulated) seconds later than the start time and there will
// be 5 seconds left for the overall deadline. The sleep times we are using
// are negligable so the expected rpc timeout for the second send is 5s.
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds(25));
// After the second DEADLINE_EXCEEDED the Retryer will give up and return
// DEADLINE_EXCEEDED. We expecte two attempts with gRPC deadlines of 10s
// and 5s respectively.
CheckResults(status, grpc::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, 2u, {10u, 5u});
// Tests that when the ShufflerClient returns DEADLINE_EXCEEDED multiple times
// then OK, the Retryer increases the RPC deadline by a factor of 1.5 each time.
TEST_F(SendRetryerTest, TestCancel) {
// Instruct the FakeShufflerClient to return DEADLINE_EXCEEDED 4 times and
// then return OK.
shuffler_client_->statuses_to_return = {
// But also instruct it to invoke TryCancel() on the CancelHandle after
// the second call to Send().
shuffler_client_->cancel_on_this_call_count = 2;
auto status = SendToShuffler(std::chrono::seconds::max());
// We expect Send() to have been invoked twice with deadlines of 10s and 15,
// and then for the Retryer to notice the cancellation and return CANCELLED.
CheckResults(status, grpc::CANCELLED, 2u, {10u, 15u});
} // namespace send_retryer
} // namespace encoder
} // namespace cobalt