blob: aade3bf005e4b3fc017582c116ede32cf3579644 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file declares objects which are used to carry the output of the cobalt
// client library. The ValuePart, ObservationPart and Observation objects
// correspond to the identically-named protobuf messages found in
// observation.proto.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace cobalt {
namespace client {
// An UndoFunction is called to indicate a collection attempt has failed and
// must be undone.
typedef std::function<void()> UndoFunction;
// The value of a MetricPart to be sent to Cobalt.
// The value and type of a ValuePart cannot be changed.
class ValuePart {
// Returns an integer value part.
static const ValuePart Make(int64_t value) {
Value val;
val.int_value = value;
return ValuePart(INT, val);
// Returns a distribution value part.
static const ValuePart Make(const std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>& value) {
Value val;
val.distribution =
new std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>(value.begin(), value.end());
return ValuePart(DISTRIBUTION, val);
enum Type {
// Returns the type of the value part.
Type Which() const { return type_; }
// Returns true if the value part is an integer.
bool IsIntValue() const { return type_ == INT; }
// Returns true if the value part is a distribution.
bool IsDistribution() const { return type_ == DISTRIBUTION; }
// Returns the integer value of an integer value part. If the value part is
// not an integer, the behavior is undefined.
int64_t GetIntValue() const { return value_.int_value; }
// Returns the distribution value of a distribution value part. If the value
// part is not a distribution, the behavior is undefined.
const std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>& GetDistribution() const {
return *value_.distribution;
~ValuePart() {
if (IsDistribution()) {
delete value_.distribution;
ValuePart(const ValuePart& value)
: type_(value.type_), value_(value.CopyValue()) {}
union Value {
int64_t int_value;
// This is deleted in the constructor.
std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>* distribution;
const Value CopyValue() const {
Value value = value_;
if (IsDistribution()) {
// If we're copying a distribution, we have to copy the map.
value.distribution = new std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>(
value_.distribution->begin(), value_.distribution->end());
return value;
ValuePart(Type type, Value value)
: type_(type), value_(value) {}
Type type_;
Value value_;
// An ObservationPart represents a collected observation part. It currently
// only supports integers.
struct ObservationPart {
ObservationPart(std::string part_name, uint32_t encoding_id, ValuePart value,
UndoFunction undo)
: part_name(part_name),
undo(undo) {}
std::string part_name;
uint32_t encoding_id;
ValuePart value;
// Calling undo will undo the collection of the metric part.
// TODO(azani): Maybe make private.
UndoFunction undo;
// An Observation represents a collected observation to be sent to Cobalt.
struct Observation {
uint32_t metric_id;
std::vector<ObservationPart> parts;
// Calling undo will undo the collection of the metric including its parts.
UndoFunction undo;
} // namespace client
} // namespace cobalt