blob: 963e90c49b83ca80b3d9042396d9de6adc1f45ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
option go_package = "cobalt";
import "encrypted_message.proto";
// Messages created in the Encoder and consumed in the Analyzer
// A distribution over an indexed set of value buckets.
// The definition of the buckets is specified elsewhere.
message BucketDistribution {
// |counts| maps buckets to counts for those buckets. The key is the bucket
// index. The value is the count.
map<uint32, uint64> counts = 1;
// A client-given value of a |MetricPart| to be encoded and collected by Cobalt.
// An Encoder encodes a |ValuePart| and produces an |ObservationPart|. An
// analyzer decodes an |ObservationPart| to recover the |ValuePart|. Cobalt
// supports different types of values but the type must match the type declared
// in the |MetricPart| definition.
// A ValuePart of type BucketDistribution is an exception to the description
// above. It represents not a single client-given value but rather a
// client-given distribution over many values. Currently Cobalt only supports
// integer buckets and so a BucketDistribution may only be used when the
// corresponding MetricPart is of type INT and includes an IntegerBuckets field
// defining the buckets.
message ValuePart {
oneof data {
// A human-readable, UTF8 string.
string string_value = 1;
// An integer.
int64 int_value = 2;
// An uninterpreted sequence of bytes.
bytes blob_value = 3;
// A zero-based index into some enumerated set that is specified outside
// of Cobalt's configuration. See comments on the INDEX DataType in
// metrics.proto for more about this.
uint32 index_value = 4;
// A double-precision floating point value.
double double_value = 5;
// A distribution over an indexed set of buckets. An Observation may include
// at most one part whose value is a BucketDistribution. When Cobalt
// generates a report such an Observation will be treated mathematically as
// if it were many Observations.
// This can only be used if the corresponding metric part has |int_buckets|
// set and in that case the IntegerBuckets set there defines the bucket
// indices referenced by the BucketDistribution here.
BucketDistribution int_bucket_distribution = 999999;
message ForculusObservation {
// The encryption of a serialized ValuePart.
bytes ciphertext = 1;
bytes point_x = 2;
bytes point_y = 3;
message RapporObservation {
uint32 cohort = 1;
bytes data = 2;
message BasicRapporObservation {
bytes data = 1;
// Used with the No-op encoding. Note that this offers no client-side privacy-
// protection. Cobalt may still offer some privacy protection via the Shuffler
// and via differentially-private release.
message UnencodedObservation {
// The raw-unencoded input value.
ValuePart unencoded_value = 1;
// The encoding of a ValuePart. This is produced by an Encoder.
message ObservationPart {
oneof value {
UnencodedObservation unencoded = 1;
ForculusObservation forculus = 2;
RapporObservation rappor = 3;
BasicRapporObservation basic_rappor = 4;
// The encoding_config_id, along with the customer_id and project_id
// (specified in the containing Observation) form the primary key into the
// "EncodingConfigs" table in the Cobalt configuration database. The value
// column is an "EncodingConfig" proto message describing how this
// ObservationPart is encoded.
uint32 encoding_config_id = 5; // e.g. 114=(Forculus with threshold=50)
// A SystemProfile describes the client system on which an Observation
// is collected.
message SystemProfile {
reserved 3;
enum OS {
LINUX = 2;
enum ARCH {
X86_64 = 1;
ARM_64 = 2;
OS os = 1;
ARCH arch = 2;
// This is a string representing the board name of the device. If a board name
// cannot be determined, then this field will be 'unknown:<cpu signature>'.
string board_name = 4;
// An Observation consists of one or more ObservationParts.
message Observation {
// The keys are the names of the metric parts to which each ObservationPart
// is associated.
map<string, ObservationPart> parts = 1;
// A quasi-unique identifier for this observation. This is randomly generated
// on the client and used on the server as part of a fully-unique identifier.
// This field allows the add-observation operation to be idempotent: If the
// same observation is transmitted to the server twice then the server will
// store the observation only once.
bytes random_id = 2;
// ObservationMetadata describes the parts of an observation other than the
// secret payload.
message ObservationMetadata {
// An Observation is for a particular metric.
// The following three values together specify that metric.
uint32 customer_id = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
uint32 metric_id = 3; // e.g. 7 = City-And-Rating
// The day on which the observation occurred, expressed as the zero-based
// index relative to January 1, 1970.
// i.e. 0 = January 1, 1970
// 1 = January 2, 1970
// etc.
// We intentionally leave the meaning of this vague and leave it to each
// Encoder Client to define how to make it precise. Which day it is depends on
// time zone. The Encoder client is free to use the local time zone or a
// different time zone. The Encoder client is free to add some random noise to
// the time at which an event occurred and this might change the day.
uint32 day_index = 4;
// The profile of the client system on which the Observation was collected.
// This field is populated in ObservationMetadata that are sent from the
// Shuffler to the Analyzer but not in ObservationMetada sent from a
// client to the Shuffler. Instead the SystemProfile is sent just once
// per Envelope and the Shuffler copies it into individual
// ObservationMetadata.
SystemProfile system_profile = 5;
// A batch of encrypted Observations with common metadata. This is the unit
// sent from a Shuffler to an Analyzer. The Observations are encrypted to
// the public key of the Analyzer so the Shuffler cannot read them.
message ObservationBatch {
// The common Metadata for all of the encrypted observations in this batch.
// This field is authenticated by virtue of being included in the
// "associated data" part of the AEAD encryption of each
// |encryped_observation|.
ObservationMetadata meta_data = 1;
// Each EncryptedMessage contains the ciphertext of an Observation that has
// been encrypted to the public key of the Analyzer.
repeated EncryptedMessage encrypted_observation = 2;
// An envelope contains multiple ObservationBatches. An encrypted Envelope
// is the unit sent from an Encoder client to a Shuffler.
message Envelope {
repeated ObservationBatch batch = 1;
// The profile of the client system from which this Envelope is being sent.
// To minimize the data sent from a client, this is included only once
// per Envelope. The Shuffler is responsible for copying this into the
// individual ObservationMetadata contained in this Envelope.
// Since we will now be adding filtered SystemProfiles to each Batch, we no
// longer need this field.
SystemProfile system_profile = 3 [deprecated = true];