blob: 8889558921ef27f750cfe669dc933c1aa4a00da5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
# Ensure that this file can import from cobalt root even if run as a script.
import os.path
import subprocess
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
SRC_ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, os.pardir))
# In version 3.6 and newer, the subprocess.check_output() function needs to be
# passed an encoding type to return a string, otherwise it returns a bytes type.
def _run_command(command):
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
return subprocess.check_output(command, encoding="UTF-8")
return subprocess.check_output(command)
class Formatter(object):
"Formatter formats files of a particular type."
def __init__(self, supported_extensions, cmd):
"""Creates a Formatter.
supported_extensions is a list of extensions supported by this Formatter.
cmd is the command used to format files with the file path appended.
self._ext = supported_extensions
self._cmd = cmd
self._checked = False
def is_supported(self, filepath):
"True if the specified filepath has a supported extension."
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)
return ext in self._ext
def format(self, abspath):
"""Try to format the file at the specified absolute path.
Returns False in case of failure.
True if success.
if not self._can_use_binary():
return False
cmd = self._cmd[:]
print(" ".join(cmd))
return True
def maybe_print_install_msg(self):
"""If the Formatter has been invoked but could not find the binary it
needs, prompt the user to install the required binary.
# If _checked is set to True, that means the Formatter has been used at
# least once.
if not self._checked or self._can_use_bin:
"Unable to format {} files. Try installing {}.".format(
self._ext, self._cmd[0]
def _can_use_binary(self):
"Check if the binary needed to run the formatter is available."
# Check to see if this was cached.
if self._checked:
return self._can_use_bin
self._checked = True
# Check to see if the binary specified in the command can be executed.
paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(":")
binary = self._cmd[0]
for path in paths + [SRC_ROOT_DIR]:
bin_path = os.path.join(path, binary)
if os.path.exists(bin_path) and os.access(bin_path, os.X_OK):
self._can_use_bin = True
return True
self._can_use_bin = False
return False
class FormattingSession(object):
"""FormattingSession holds the information regarding the formatting of many
def __init__(self, root_dir):
self._formatters = [
[".h", ".cc", ".proto"],
Formatter([".h"], ["./tools/style/", "--fix"]),
Formatter([".go"], ["gofmt", "-w"]),
Formatter([".gn", ".gni"], ["gn", "format", "--in-place"]),
Formatter([".py"], ["pyformat", "-i"]),
# _formatted is number of files that were succesfully formatted.
self._formatted = 0
# _failed is the number of files which we tried to format but could not.
self._failed = 0
# _skipped is the number of files which did not try to format either because
# we don't know how to format them (unsupported format) or because they are
# not tracked files.
self._skipped = 0
self._seen_filepaths = set()
self._root_dir = root_dir
def _format_file(self, filepath):
"Attempt to format a file."
# Skip duplicates.
if filepath in self._seen_filepaths:
for formatter in self._formatters:
if not formatter.is_supported(filepath):
abspath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._root_dir, filepath))
if formatter.format(abspath):
self._formatted += 1
self._failed += 1
self._skipped += 1
def format_changed(self, changes):
"Format the specified changed files. Leaves untracked files unchanged."
files = set()
for change in changes:
op = change[0]
filename = change[1]
if filename in files:
# For renames, the new file name is the last element on the line.
if "R" in op:
filename = change[-1]
# 'A' means added and 'M' means modified.
if "A" in op or "M" in op:
self._skipped += 1
for f in self._formatters:
"Formatted {} file(s), failed to format {} file(s) and skipped {}"
" file(s)."
).format(self._formatted, self._failed, self._skipped)
def _git_status():
"Get the files that are changed."
status_str = _run_command(
["git", "status", "--ignored=no", "--ignore-submodules", "--porcelain"]
return [
for l in status_str.split("\n")
if len(l.split()) >= 2 and not _ignored_file(l.split()[1])
def _git_show():
"Get the files that changed in the last git commit."
show_str = _run_command(
["git", "show", "--name-status", "--oneline", "--ignore-submodules"]
lines = show_str.split("\n")
return [
for l in lines[1:]
if len(l.split()) >= 2 and not _ignored_file(l.split()[1])
def _ignored_file(f):
for name in IGNORED_FILES:
if f.startswith(name):
return True
return False
def _git_ls_files():
"Get all tracked files."
ls_files_str = _run_command(["git", "ls-files"])
return [["M", l] for l in ls_files_str.split("\n") if not _ignored_file(l)]
def _git_root_dir():
"Get the root of the current git repository."
root_dir = _run_command(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"])
return root_dir.strip()
def fmt(
staged_only, also_fmt_last_commit, also_fmt_all_tracked, repo_path=None
"""Format last changed files in a git repository.
If staged_only is True, do not format any files that are not staged.
If also_fmt_last_commit is True, also format files changes in the latest
If also_fmt_all_tracked is True, also format all tracked files.
If repo_path is None, use the current git repository. If repo_path is not
None, format files in that repository.
if not repo_path:
repo_path = _git_root_dir()
cwd = os.getcwd()
repo_path = os.path.abspath(repo_path)
changes = _git_status()
if not changes and not staged_only:
changes += _git_show()
if also_fmt_all_tracked:
changes = _git_ls_files()
if also_fmt_last_commit:
changes += _git_show()
session = FormattingSession(repo_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
fmt(True, False, False)