blob: ff9a387f32d2f8b061cbb4f0338da0403bd3e24a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Package report_client implements a user-friendly wrapper around the
auto-generated gRPC client for the ReportMaster API.
package report_client
import (
// The ReportMasterStub interface provides an abstraction layer that allows
// us to mock out the gRPC stub in tests.
type ReportMasterStub interface {
StartReport(*report_master.StartReportRequest) (*report_master.StartReportResponse, error)
GetReport(*report_master.GetReportRequest) (*report_master.Report, error)
// gRPCReportMasterStub implements the interface ReportMasterStub by actually
// using a real gRPC stub.
type gRPCReportMasterStub struct {
grpcStub report_master.ReportMasterClient
func (s *gRPCReportMasterStub) StartReport(request *report_master.StartReportRequest) (*report_master.StartReportResponse, error) {
return s.grpcStub.StartReport(context.Background(), request)
func (s *gRPCReportMasterStub) GetReport(request *report_master.GetReportRequest) (*report_master.Report, error) {
return s.grpcStub.GetReport(context.Background(), request)
// An instance of ReportClient is used to communicate with the ReportMaster.
// It encapsulates a fixed customer ID and project ID.
type ReportClient struct {
CustomerId uint32
ProjectId uint32
stub ReportMasterStub
// NewReportClient constructs a ReportClient connected to the ReportMaster Service at the given |uri|.
// A fixed |customerId| and |projectId| is specified.
// If |tls| is false an insecure connection is used, and the remaining
// parameters or ignored, otherwise TLS is used
// |caFile| is optional. If non-empty it should specify the path to a file
// containing a PEM encoding of root certificates to use for TLS.
// Logs and crashes on any failure.
func NewReportClient(customerId uint32, projectId uint32, uri string, tls bool, caFile string) *ReportClient {
grpcStubImpl := gRPCReportMasterStub{}
client := ReportClient{
CustomerId: customerId,
ProjectId: projectId,
stub: &grpcStubImpl,
var opts []grpc.DialOption
if tls {
var creds credentials.TransportCredentials
if caFile != "" {
var err error
creds, err = credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(caFile, "")
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to create TLS credentials: %v", err)
} else {
creds = credentials.NewClientTLSFromCert(nil, "")
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds))
} else {
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure())
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithBlock())
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTimeout(10*time.Second))
glog.Infoln("Dialing ", uri, "...")
conn, err := grpc.Dial(uri, opts...)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Connect to server failed: %v", err)
grpcStubImpl.grpcStub = report_master.NewReportMasterClient(conn)
return &client
// StartCompleteReport invokes StartReport using the infinite interval
// of day indices.
func (c *ReportClient) StartCompleteReport(reportConfigId uint32) (string, error) {
return c.StartReport(reportConfigId, 0, math.MaxUint32)
// StartReport starts a report that covers the specified interval of day indices.
// A report for the given |reportConfigId| is started. The
// returned string is the unique report ID, which may be passed to GetReport(),
// or a non-nil error.
func (c *ReportClient) StartReport(reportConfigId uint32, firstDayIndex uint32, lastDayIndex uint32) (string, error) {
request := report_master.StartReportRequest{
CustomerId: c.CustomerId,
ProjectId: c.ProjectId,
ReportConfigId: reportConfigId,
FirstDayIndex: firstDayIndex,
LastDayIndex: lastDayIndex,
response, err := c.stub.StartReport(&request)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return response.ReportId, nil
// GetReport queries for the report with the given |reportId|.
// The report meta-data is fetched repeatedly until the report is finished,
// or until the specified maximum |wait| time. The caller may inspect the
// |State| of the |Metadata| of the returned report to see whether or not
// the report is complete. Returns the Report or a non-nil error.
func (c *ReportClient) GetReport(reportId string, wait time.Duration) (*report_master.Report, error) {
sleepDuration := 500 * time.Millisecond
if wait < time.Second {
sleepDuration = wait / 2
request := report_master.GetReportRequest{
ReportId: reportId,
t0 := time.Now()
var report *report_master.Report
var err error
for {
report, err = c.stub.GetReport(&request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if report.Metadata.State != report_master.ReportState_IN_PROGRESS &&
report.Metadata.State != report_master.ReportState_WAITING_TO_START {
t1 := time.Now()
if (t1.Sub(t0))+sleepDuration >= wait {
glog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Report not yet complete. Sleeping for %v.\n", sleepDuration))
return report, nil
// ReportErrorsToStrings returns the list of human-readable error messages associated with the given |report|
// and, optionally, its associated reports. If |includeAssociatedReportErrors| is true and the given
// report has associated reports, then the associated reports will first be fetched using the
// GetReport() method. Any error messages from the associated reports will be listed before
// the error messages for the given report.
func (c *ReportClient) ReportErrorsToStrings(report *report_master.Report, includeAssociatedReportErrors bool) []string {
var result = []string{}
if includeAssociatedReportErrors {
for _, associatedId := range report.Metadata.AssociatedReportIds {
associatedReport, err := c.GetReport(associatedId, 0)
if err == nil {
result = append(result, c.ReportErrorsToStrings(associatedReport, false)...)
for _, message := range report.Metadata.InfoMessages {
result = append(result, message.Message)
return result
// valuePartToString returns a human-readable string representing the given ValuePart.
func valuePartToString(val *cobalt.ValuePart) string {
if x, ok := val.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_StringValue); ok {
return x.StringValue
if x, ok := val.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_IntValue); ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.IntValue)
// We won't try to display the contents of a BLOB.
return "[blob]"
// reportRowToStrings returns a list of human-readable strings that represent the given |row|.
// The first one or two elements of the returned list will be the row's |Value|,
// or its |Value2| or both, depending on which of those is non-nil.
// The next element of the list will be the row's |CountEstimate|.
// If |includeStdErr| is true the final element of the list will be the row's
// |StdError|.
func ReportRowToStrings(row *report_master.ReportRow, includeStdErr bool) []string {
result := []string{}
if row.GetValue() != nil {
result = append(result, valuePartToString(row.Value))
if row.GetValue2() != nil {
result = append(result, valuePartToString(row.Value2))
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", math.Max(0, float64(row.CountEstimate))))
if includeStdErr {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", row.StdError))
return result
// Compare compares two |ValuePart|s for the purpose of sorting.
// Returns -1, 0 or 1 as v1 is respectively less than, equivalent to,
// or greater than v2.
// Compares number and strings in natural order. For other comparisons
// we make the following arbitrary choices for the sake of concreteness:
// (a) A nil is less than a non-nil
// (b) A number is less than a string is less than a blob
func Compare(v1, v2 *cobalt.ValuePart) int {
// If both values are missing they are equal.
if (v1 == nil) && (v2 == nil) {
return 0
// A nil is less than a non-nil
if v1 == nil {
return -1
if v2 == nil {
return 1
// See if the values are string values
string1, ok1 := v1.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_StringValue)
string2, ok2 := v2.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_StringValue)
// Compare two string values naturally.
if ok1 && ok2 {
return strings.Compare(string1.StringValue, string2.StringValue)
// A number is less than a string
if ok1 {
return -1
if ok2 {
return 1
// See if the two values are integers
int1, ok1 := v1.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_IntValue)
int2, ok2 := v2.GetData().(*cobalt.ValuePart_IntValue)
// Compare two integers naturally.
if ok1 && ok2 {
if int1.IntValue > int2.IntValue {
return 1
if int1.IntValue < int2.IntValue {
return -1
return 0
if ok1 {
return -1
if ok2 {
return 1
return 0
// ByValues implements the sort.Interface interface.
// It is used to sort the rows of a report by their values.
type ByValues []*report_master.ReportRow
func (v ByValues) Len() int { return len(v) }
func (v ByValues) Swap(i, j int) { v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] }
// We compare ReportRows by their values, lexicographcially.
func (v ByValues) Less(i, j int) bool {
switch Compare(v[i].GetValue(), v[j].GetValue()) {
case -1:
return true
case 1:
return false
case 0:
return Compare(v[i].GetValue2(), v[j].GetValue2()) == -1
panic("Unexpected output from Compare")
// ReportRowsSortedByValues returns a sorted slice of ReportRows.
// The rows of are sorted in increasing order of their values.
// It is possible for nil to be returned if there are not ReportRows.
func ReportRowsSortedByValues(report *report_master.Report, includeStdErr bool) []*report_master.ReportRow {
rows := report.GetRows().GetRows()
if rows != nil {
return rows
// ReportToStrings returns a sorted list of human-readable report rows.
// Each element of the returned list represents a row of the report.
// The rows of are sorted in increasing order of their values.
// Each row is itself a list of strings as specified by ReportRowToStrings.
func ReportToStrings(report *report_master.Report, includeStdErr bool) [][]string {
result := [][]string{}
rows := ReportRowsSortedByValues(report, includeStdErr)
if rows != nil {
for _, row := range rows {
result = append(result, ReportRowToStrings(row, includeStdErr))
return result
// WriteCSVReport writes a comma-separated values representation of the
// given |report| to the given |writer|. Each line represents a row of the
// report. The lines are sorted in increasing order by value. Each row
// contains 2, 3 or 4 fields. The first two fields are the rows Value,
// or its Value2, or both, depending on which of these is present.
// The next field is the row's CountEstimate. If |includeStdErr| is true
// the final field will be the row's StdErr.
func WriteCSVReport(w io.Writer, report *report_master.Report, includeStdErr bool) error {
csvWriter := csv.NewWriter(w)
err := csvWriter.WriteAll(ReportToStrings(report, includeStdErr))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// WriteCSVReportToString writes a comma-separated values representation of the
// given |report| and returns it as a string. See comments at WriteCSVReport
// for more details.
func WriteCSVReportToString(report *report_master.Report, includeStdErr bool) (csv string, err error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err = WriteCSVReport(&buffer, report, includeStdErr); err != nil {
csv = buffer.String()