blob: 9e26c373bdbcc7ca989cb832b460bc81a9f1c5c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package util
import (
// We need to import glog so that the flag --logtostderr is recognized since
// our test infrastructure passes this flag to all tests.
_ ""
// symmetricCipherKeySize is the size in bytes of the key used by SymmetricCipher.
const symmetricCipherKeySize = 128 / 8
// symmetricCipherNonceSize is the size in bytes of the nonce used by SymmetricCipher.
const symmetricCipherNonceSize = 96 / 8
const hybridCipherSaltSize = 128 / 8 // Salt for HKDF
var allZeroNonce []byte
func init() {
allZeroNonce = make([]byte, symmetricCipherNonceSize)
// SymmetricCipher implements an AEAD symmetric cipher.
type SymmetricCipher struct {
// Underlying implementation. We use AES-128/GCM. If this changes the
// numeric constants above must also change.
aesgcm cipher.AEAD
// NewSymmetricCipher returns a new SymmetricCipher that uses the given |key|,
// or an error.
// The |key| must have length |symmetricCipherKeySize|.
func NewSymmetricCipher(key []byte) (*SymmetricCipher, error) {
if len(key) != symmetricCipherKeySize {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "key must be %d bytes", symmetricCipherKeySize)
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error constructing AES block cipher: %v", err)
aesgcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(block)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error constructing GCM: %v", err)
return &SymmetricCipher{
aesgcm: aesgcm,
}, nil
// Encrypt performs AEAD encryption on the |plaintext| using
// SymmetricCipher. |nonce| must have length |symmetricCipherNonceSize|. It is
// essential that the same (key, nonce) pair never be used to encrypt two
// different plain texts. If re-using the same key multiple times you *must*
// change the nonce or the resulting encryption will not be secure. Returns
// encrypted |ciphertext| on success or an error on failure.
// Panics if SymmetricCipher |c| is nil.
func (c *SymmetricCipher) Encrypt(plaintext []byte, nonce []byte) (ciphertext []byte, err error) {
if c == nil {
panic("SymmetricCipher is nil")
if c.aesgcm == nil {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "SymmetricCipher is not initialized")
if plaintext == nil {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "plaintext is nil")
if len(nonce) != symmetricCipherNonceSize {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "nonce must be %d bytes", symmetricCipherNonceSize)
ciphertext = c.aesgcm.Seal(nil, nonce, plaintext, nil)
// Decrypt performs AEAD decryption on the given |ciphertext| using
// SymmetricCipher. |nonce| must have length |symmetricCipherNonceSize|.Returns
// decrypted |plaintext| on success or an error on failure.
// Panics if SymmetricCipher |c| is nil.
func (c *SymmetricCipher) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte, nonce []byte) (plaintext []byte, err error) {
if c == nil {
panic("SymmetricCipher is nil")
if c.aesgcm == nil {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.Internal, "SymmetricCipher is not initialized")
if ciphertext == nil {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "ciphertext is nil")
if len(nonce) != symmetricCipherNonceSize {
err = grpc.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "nonce must be %d bytes", symmetricCipherNonceSize)
plaintext, err = c.aesgcm.Open(nil, nonce, ciphertext, nil)
// HybridCipher implements a public-key hybrid encryption scheme using ECIES-KEM.
// The following description of the algorithm is copied from the C++ implementation
// in util/crypto_util/cipher.h except that the use of the variables "x" and "y"
// there have been replaced by "alpha" and "beta" here. It would have been
// confusing to use "x" and "y" here since in the implementation we use
// "x" and "y" to refer to the coordinates of a point on an elliptic curve.
// Some other words have also been changed to make the description make sense
// in this context.
// Public key = g^alpha in an elliptic curve group (NIST P256) represented in
// X9.62 serialization with a compressed point representation.
// Private key = alpha stored in bytes and interpreted as a big-endian number.
// Enc(public key, message):
// 1. Samples a fresh EC keypair (g^beta, beta)
// 2. Samples a salt
// 3. Computes symmetric key = HKDF(g^beta, g^alpha*beta, salt) with SHA512
// compression function.
// 4. (Symmetric) encrypts message using SymmetricCipher.Encrypt with key
// and all-zero nonce into symmetric_ciphertext
// 5. Publishes (public_key_part, salt, symmetric_ciphertext) as the hybrid
// ciphertext, where public_key_part is the X9.62 serialization of g^beta.
// Dec(private key, hybrid_ciphertext)
// where hybrid_ciphertext = (public_key_part, salt, symmetric_ciphertext):
// 1. Computes symmetric key = HKDF(g^beta, g^(alpha*beta), salt) with SHA512
// compression function from private key (alpha) and public_key_part (g^beta)
// 2. (Symmetric) decrypts symmetric_ciphertext using
// SymmetricCipher::decrypt with key and all-zero nonce.
type HybridCipher struct {
privateKey []byte
publicKeyX, publicKeyY *big.Int
// Returns a new HybridCipher. It may be used for encryption if |publicKey|
// is not nil and it may be used for decryption if |privateKey| is not nil.
func NewHybridCipher(privateKey, publicKey []byte) *HybridCipher {
var publicX, publicY *big.Int
if publicKey != nil {
publicX, publicY = Unmarshal(ellipticCurve, publicKey)
return &HybridCipher{
privateKey: privateKey,
publicKeyX: publicX,
publicKeyY: publicY,
// generateECKey generates a new key pair of the form
// (privateKey, publicKey) = (alpha, g^alpha). Here g^alpha is an element of
// the elliptic curve group, g is a generator of the group, and alpha is
// an element of the underlying prime field.
// The private key alpha is returned in serialized form as |priv|. The public key
// is returned in two different forms. First it is returned in serialized form
// as |pub|. Second it is returned as the coordinates of the point g^alpha
// as |pubX|, |pubY|.
func generateECKey() (priv, pub []byte, pubX, pubY *big.Int, err error) {
priv, pubX, pubY, err = elliptic.GenerateKey(ellipticCurve, rand.Reader)
pub = MarshalCompressed(ellipticCurve, pubX, pubY)
// deriveKey returns a key of size |symmetricCipherKeySize| derived from the given inputs.
// It invokes HKDF-sha512 using (|publicKeyPart|, |sharedKey|) as the master key
// and the given |salt|
func deriveKey(publicKeyPart, sharedKey, salt []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// hkdfInput is the master key parameter to hkdf(). We use the concatenation
// of the publicKeyPart and the sharedKey
hkdfInput := make([]byte, len(publicKeyPart)+len(sharedKey))
copy(hkdfInput, publicKeyPart)
copy(hkdfInput[len(publicKeyPart):], sharedKey)
hkdf := hkdf.New(sha512.New, hkdfInput, salt, nil)
hkdfDerivedKey := make([]byte, symmetricCipherKeySize)
n, err := io.ReadFull(hkdf, hkdfDerivedKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n != len(hkdfDerivedKey) {
err = fmt.Errorf("n=%d but len(hkdfDerivedKey)=%d", n, len(hkdfDerivedKey))
return nil, err
return hkdfDerivedKey, nil
func (c *HybridCipher) Encrypt(plaintext []byte) (hybridCiphertext []byte, err error) {
if c.publicKeyX == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("The public key was not set")
// Generate fresh EC key (privateKeyPart, publicKeyPart) = (beta, g^beta).
privateKeyPart, publicKeyPart, _, _, err := generateECKey()
// Compute the shared key g^{alpha*beta}
sharedKey := computeSharedKey(c.publicKeyX, c.publicKeyY, privateKeyPart)
// Generate a random salt
salt := make([]byte, hybridCipherSaltSize)
var n int
n, err = io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, salt)
if err != nil {
if n != len(salt) {
err = fmt.Errorf("n=%d but len(salt)=%d", n, len(salt))
// Derive hkdfDerivedKey by running HKDF with SHA512 and the salt.
hkdfDerivedKey, err := deriveKey(publicKeyPart, sharedKey, salt)
if err != nil {
// Do symmetric encryption with hkdfDerivedKey
symmetricCipher, err := NewSymmetricCipher(hkdfDerivedKey)
if err != nil {
// For hybrid mode, we can fix the nonce to all zeroes without losing
// security. See:
symmetricCiphertext, err := symmetricCipher.Encrypt(plaintext, allZeroNonce)
if err != nil {
if len(publicKeyPart) != ecSerializationSize {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("len(publicKeyPart)=%d", len(publicKeyPart)))
hybridCiphertext = make([]byte, len(publicKeyPart)+len(salt)+len(symmetricCiphertext))
copy(hybridCiphertext, publicKeyPart)
copy(hybridCiphertext[len(publicKeyPart):], salt)
copy(hybridCiphertext[(len(publicKeyPart)+len(salt)):], symmetricCiphertext)
func (c *HybridCipher) Decrypt(hybridCiphertext []byte) (plaintext []byte, err error) {
if c.privateKey == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("The private key was not set")
if len(hybridCiphertext) < ecSerializationSize+hybridCipherSaltSize+1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("len(hybridCiphertext)=%d", len(hybridCiphertext))
publicKeyPart := hybridCiphertext[:ecSerializationSize]
salt := hybridCiphertext[ecSerializationSize : ecSerializationSize+hybridCipherSaltSize]
symmetricCiphertext := hybridCiphertext[ecSerializationSize+hybridCipherSaltSize:]
// The publicKeyPart is g^beta.
publicX, publicY := Unmarshal(ellipticCurve, publicKeyPart)
if publicX == nil || publicY == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse publicKeyPart as a group element.")
// Compute sharedKey g^{alpha*beta}
sharedKey := computeSharedKey(publicX, publicY, c.privateKey)
// Derive hkdfDerivedKey by running HKDF with SHA512 and the salt.
hkdfDerivedKey, err := deriveKey(publicKeyPart, sharedKey, salt)
if err != nil {
// Decrypt using symm_cipher_ interface
symmetricCipher, err := NewSymmetricCipher(hkdfDerivedKey)
if err != nil {
plaintext, err = symmetricCipher.Decrypt(symmetricCiphertext, allZeroNonce)