blob: fc4d648c13866fef520ac3a550e80cd2583f37ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./observation.pb.h"
#include "analyzer/store/data_store.h"
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store_internal.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/random.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
namespace store {
using internal::DayIndexFromRowKey;
using internal::GenerateNewRowKey;
using internal::ParseEncryptedObservationPart;
using internal::RangeLimitKey;
using internal::RangeStartKey;
// The internal namespace contains private implementation functions that need
// to be accessible to unit tests. The functions are declared in
// observation_store_internal.h.
namespace internal {
// Returns the row key that encapsulates the given data.
std::string RowKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t day_index,
uint64_t current_time_millis, uint32_t random) {
// We write five ten-digit numbers, plus one twenty-digit number plus five
// colons. The string has size 76 to accommodate a trailing null character.
std::string out(76, 0);
// TODO(rudominer): Replace human-readable row key with smaller more efficient
// representation.
// TODO(rudominer): Use (random, time) instead of (time, random) because this
// allows the ReportGenerator to be sharded based on random.
std::snprintf(&out[0], out.size(), "%.10u:%.10u:%.10u:%.10u:%.20lu:%.10u",
customer_id, project_id, metric_id, day_index,
current_time_millis, random);
// Discard the trailing null character.
return out;
// Returns the common prefix of all rows keys for the given metric.
std::string RowKeyPrefix(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id) {
// TODO(rudominer) This length corresponds to our current, temporary,
// human-readable row-keys built in RowKey() above. This function needs
// to change when the implementation changes. The prefix we return
// includes three ten-digit numbers plus three colons.
static const size_t kPrefixLength = 33;
std::string row_key = RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, 0, 0, 0);
return row_key;
// Returns the day_index encoded by |row_key|.
uint32_t DayIndexFromRowKey(const std::string& row_key) {
uint32_t day_index = 0;
// Parse the string produced by the RowKey() function above. We skip three
// ten-digit integers and three colons and then parse 10 digits.
CHECK_GT(row_key.size(), 33u);
std::sscanf(&row_key[33], "%10u", &day_index);
return day_index;
// Returns the lexicographically least row key for rows with the given
// data.
std::string RangeStartKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t day_index) {
return RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, day_index, 0, 0);
// Returns the lexicographically least row key that is greater than all row
// keys for rows with the given metadata, if day_index < UINT32_MAX. In the case
// that |day_index| = UINT32_MAX, returns the lexicographically least row key
// that is greater than all row keys for rows with the given values of
// the other parameters.
std::string RangeLimitKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t day_index) {
if (day_index < UINT32_MAX) {
return RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, day_index + 1, 0, 0);
} else {
// UINT32_MAX is already greater than all valid values of day_index.
return RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, UINT32_MAX, 0, 0);
// Returns the current time expressed as a number of milliseonds since the
// Unix epoch.
uint64_t CurrentTimeMillis() {
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
// Generates a new row key for a row with the given data.
std::string GenerateNewRowKey(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t day_index) {
cobalt::crypto::Random rand;
int32_t random = rand.RandomUint32();
return RowKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, day_index,
CurrentTimeMillis(), random);
bool ParseEncryptedObservationPart(ObservationPart* observation_part,
std::string bytes) {
// TODO(rudominer) Arrange for ObservationParts to be encrypted.
return observation_part->ParseFromString(bytes);
} // namespace internal
ObservationStore::ObservationStore(std::shared_ptr<DataStore> store)
: store_(store) {}
Status ObservationStore::AddObservation(const ObservationMetadata& metadata,
const Observation& observation) {
DataStore::Row row;
row.key = GenerateNewRowKey(metadata.customer_id(), metadata.project_id(),
metadata.metric_id(), metadata.day_index());
for (const auto& pair : {
std::string serialized_observation_part;
// TODO(rudominer) Consider ways to avoid having so many copies of the
// part names.
row.column_values[pair.first] = std::move(serialized_observation_part);
return store_->WriteRow(DataStore::kObservations, std::move(row));
Status ObservationStore::AddObservationBatch(
const ObservationMetadata& metadata,
const std::vector<Observation>& observations) {
std::vector<DataStore::Row> rows;
for (const Observation& observation : observations) {
DataStore::Row row;
row.key = GenerateNewRowKey(metadata.customer_id(), metadata.project_id(),
metadata.metric_id(), metadata.day_index());
for (const auto& pair : {
std::string serialized_observation_part;
// TODO(rudominer) Consider ways to avoid having so many copies of the
// part names.
row.column_values[pair.first] = std::move(serialized_observation_part);
return store_->WriteRows(DataStore::kObservations, std::move(rows));
ObservationStore::QueryResponse ObservationStore::QueryObservations(
uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id, uint32_t metric_id,
uint32_t start_day_index, uint32_t end_day_index,
std::vector<std::string> parts, size_t max_results,
std::string pagination_token) {
ObservationStore::QueryResponse query_response;
std::string start_row;
bool inclusive = true;
std::string range_start_key =
RangeStartKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, start_day_index);
if (!pagination_token.empty()) {
// The pagination token should be the row key of the last row returned the
// previous time this method was invoked.
if (pagination_token < range_start_key) {
query_response.status = kInvalidArguments;
return query_response;
inclusive = false;
} else {
std::string limit_row =
RangeLimitKey(customer_id, project_id, metric_id, end_day_index);
if (limit_row <= start_row) {
query_response.status = kInvalidArguments;
return query_response;
DataStore::ReadResponse read_response = store_->ReadRows(
DataStore::kObservations, std::move(start_row), inclusive,
std::move(limit_row), std::move(parts), max_results);
query_response.status = read_response.status;
if (query_response.status != kOK) {
return query_response;
for (const DataStore::Row& row : read_response.rows) {
// For each row of the read_response we add a query_result to the
// query_response.
auto& query_result = query_response.results.back();
query_result.day_index = DayIndexFromRowKey(row.key);
for (auto& pair : row.column_values) {
const std::string& column_name = pair.first;
const std::string& column_value = pair.second;
// For each column_value in the row we add an ObservationPart.
// The column_name is the part name and so the key to the map. The
// The insert_result is a pair of the form < <key, value>, bool> where
// the bool indicates whether or not the key was newly added to the map.
auto insert_result = query_result.observation.mutable_parts()->insert(
google::protobuf::Map<std::string, ObservationPart>::value_type(
column_name, ObservationPart()));
// The column names should all be unique so each insert should return
// true.
// The ObservationPart is the value and so the second element of the
// first element of insert_result.
auto& observation_part = insert_result.first->second;
// We deserialize the ObservationPart from the column value.
if (!ParseEncryptedObservationPart(&observation_part, column_value)) {
query_response.status = kOperationFailed;
return query_response;
if (read_response.more_available) {
// If the underling store says that there are more rows available, then
// we return the row key of the last row as the pagination_token.
if (read_response.rows.empty()) {
// There Read operation indicated that there were more rows available yet
// it did not return even one row. In this pathological case we return
// an error.
query_response.status = kOperationFailed;
return query_response;
size_t last_index = read_response.rows.size() - 1;
return query_response;
Status ObservationStore::DeleteAllForMetric(uint32_t customer_id,
uint32_t project_id,
uint32_t metric_id) {
return store_->DeleteRowsWithPrefix(
internal::RowKeyPrefix(customer_id, project_id, metric_id));
} // namespace store
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt