blob: 6a8e6f8d8fa7088762ac17ff8e6eea47a366898c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
namespace store {
// The status of an operation.
enum Status {
// The operation succeeded.
kOK = 0,
// The operation was not attempted because the arguments are invalid.
// The requested item was not found.
// The item being created already exists.
// The operation requires a pre-condition which is not true.
// The operation was attempted but failed for an unspecified reason. More
// information may be found in the log file.
// Interface to the Cobalt underlying data store. Instead of working
// directly with this interface, work with ObservationStore and
// ReportStore which are implemented on top of this interface.
// The Cobalt data store is a key-multi-value store. There are
// two tables: Observations and Reports. Each table is organized into
// rows identified by a unique string row key. Each row has multiple values
// organized into columns. Each column has a string name and a string value.
// Different rows may have different numbers of columns and different column
// names.
// The rows are ordered lexicographically by row_key.
class DataStore {
static std::unique_ptr<DataStore> CreateFromFlagsOrDie();
// The different tables that are controlled by this data store.
enum Table {
// The Observations table holds the Observations received from the Shuffler.
// The ReportMetadata table holds metadata about reports.
// The ReportRows table holds the actual rows of reports.
virtual ~DataStore() = 0;
// A row of the data store. A move-only type.
struct Row {
// Default constructor
Row() {}
// Move constructor
Row(Row&& other)
: key(std::move(other.key)),
column_values(std::move(other.column_values)) {}
// The row key
std::string key;
// The column values. The keys of the map are the column names and the
// values of the map are the column values.
std::map<std::string, std::string> column_values;
// Writes a row of |table|. The operation may be an insert of a new row
// or a replacement of an existing row.
// Returns kOK on success or an error status on failure.
virtual Status WriteRow(Table table, Row row) = 0;
// Writes many rows of |table|. The operation may consists of inserts of
// new rows and replacements of existing rows.
// The sum over all of the rows of the number of columns being written
// must be less than 100,000.
// Returns kOK on success or an error status on failure.
virtual Status WriteRows(Table table, std::vector<Row> rows) = 0;
// Reads the row with the given key from the store, if there is one.
// table: Which table to read from.
// column_names: If non-empty then the read will only return data from the
// columns with the specified names. Otherwise there will be no
// restriction.
// row: is both input and output. On input only the |key| field will be
// inspected and the |column_values| will be cleared. The row with the
// given |key| will be fetched from the datastore.
// Returns kOK on success, kNotFound if there is no such row,
// kInvalidArgument if |row| is nullptr, and kOperationFailed if there was
// any other unexpected problem.
virtual Status ReadRow(Table table,
const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
Row* row) = 0;
// A ReadResponse is returned from the ReadRows() method.
struct ReadResponse {
// status will be kOK on success or an error status on failure.
// If there was an error then the other fields of ReadResponse
// should be ignored.
Status status;
// If status is kOK then this is the list of returned rows. If
// |more_available| is true then there will be at least one row.
std::vector<Row> rows;
// If status is kOK, indicates whether or not there were more rows available
// from the requested range than were returned. If true the caller may
// invoke ReadRows again, passing as |start_row_key| the key of the last
// returned row from |rows| and passing |inclusive| = false. Note that it
// is possible that more_available = true even if rows.size() < max_rows.
// In other words fewer than max_rows might be returned even if there are
// more rows available. However if |more_availabe| is true then it
// is guaranteed that |rows| will not be empty.
bool more_available = false;
// Reads a lexicographic range of rows from the store.
// table: Which table to read from.
// start_row_key: The start of the lexicographic interval to be read.
// inclusive: Whether or not the interval to be read includes the
// |start_row_key|.
// limit_row_key: The *exclusive* end of the interval to be read. That is,
// the interval does not include |limit_row_key|. If |limit_row_key| is
// empty it is interpreted as the infinite row key. |start_row_key| must
// be less than |limit_row_key| lexicographically.
// column_names: If non-empty then the read will only return data from the
// columns with the specified names. Otherwise there will be no
// restriction.
// max_rows: At most |max_rows| rows will be returned. The number of
// returned rows may be less than max_rows for several reasons.
// Must be positive or kInvalidArguments will be returned.
virtual ReadResponse ReadRows(Table table, std::string start_row_key,
bool inclusive, std::string limit_row_key,
const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
size_t max_rows) = 0;
// Deletes the given row from the given table, if it exists.
virtual Status DeleteRow(Table table, std::string row_key) = 0;
// Deletes the rows from the store whose row keys contain the given
// |row_key_prefix| as a prefix.
// table: Which table to delete from.
// row_key_prefix: All rows with row keys that extend this prefix will be
// deleted. |row_key_prefix| cannot be empty. To delete all rows use
// DeleteAllRows().
virtual Status DeleteRowsWithPrefix(Table table,
std::string row_key_prefix) = 0;
// Deletes all of the rows of the given table.
// WARNING: This permanently deletes all data from the table.
virtual Status DeleteAllRows(Table table) = 0;
} // namespace store
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt