blob: 46d2d82c8a81c41499bf58304f3b1618fe947700 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "analyzer/store/bigtable_store.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <google/bigtable/v2/data.pb.h>
#include <google/rpc/code.pb.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "analyzer/store/bigtable_emulator_helper.h"
#include "analyzer/store/bigtable_flags.h"
#include "analyzer/store/bigtable_names.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/base64.h"
using google::bigtable::admin::v2::BigtableTableAdmin;
using google::bigtable::admin::v2::DropRowRangeRequest;
using google::bigtable::v2::Bigtable;
using google::bigtable::v2::MutateRowRequest;
using google::bigtable::v2::MutateRowResponse;
using google::bigtable::v2::MutateRowsRequest;
using google::bigtable::v2::MutateRowsResponse;
using google::bigtable::v2::Mutation_SetCell;
using google::bigtable::v2::ReadRowsRequest;
using google::bigtable::v2::ReadRowsResponse;
using google::bigtable::v2::ReadRowsResponse_CellChunk;
using google::bigtable::v2::RowRange;
using google::bigtable::v2::RowSet;
using google::protobuf::Empty;
using grpc::ClientContext;
using grpc::ClientReader;
typedef google::bigtable::admin::v2::Table BtTable;
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
namespace store {
using crypto::RegexEncode;
using crypto::RegexDecode;
namespace {
// We never request more than this many rows regardless of how many the user
// asks for. Bigtable fails with "operation aborted", status_code=10 if too
// many rows are requested.
size_t kMaxRowsReadLimit = 10000;
// Returns an error message appropriate for LOG(ERROR) based on the given
// status (which should be an error status) and the name of the method in
// which the error occured.
std::string ErrorMessage(const grpc::Status& status,
const std::string& method_name) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Error during " << method_name << ": " << status.error_message()
<< " code=" << status.error_code();
return stream.str();
store::Status GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(const grpc::Status& status) {
switch (status.error_code()) {
return kInvalidArguments;
return kOperationFailed;
// Returns whether or not an operation should be retried based on its returned
// status.
bool ShouldRetry(const grpc::Status& status) {
switch (status.error_code()) {
case grpc::ABORTED:
case grpc::CANCELLED:
case grpc::INTERNAL:
case grpc::UNAVAILABLE:
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<BigtableStore> BigtableStore::CreateFromFlagsOrDie() {
if (FLAGS_for_testing_only_use_bigtable_emulator) {
LOG(WARNING) << "*** Using an insecure connection to Bigtable Emulator "
"instead of using a secure connection to Cloud Bigtable. "
return std::unique_ptr<BigtableStore>(
// See \
// application-default-credentials
// for an explanation of grpc::GoogleDefaultCredentials(). When running
// on GKE this should cause the service account to be used. When running
// on a developer's machine this might either use the user's oauth credentials
// or a service account if the user has installed one. To use a service
// account the library looks for a key file located at the path specified in
// the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.
CHECK_NE("", FLAGS_bigtable_project_name);
CHECK_NE("", FLAGS_bigtable_instance_name);
auto creds = grpc::GoogleDefaultCredentials();
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to CloudBigtable at " << kCloudBigtableUri << ", "
<< kCloudBigtableAdminUri;
LOG(INFO) << "project=" << FLAGS_bigtable_project_name
<< " instance=" << FLAGS_bigtable_instance_name;
return std::unique_ptr<BigtableStore>(new BigtableStore(
kCloudBigtableUri, kCloudBigtableAdminUri, creds,
FLAGS_bigtable_project_name, FLAGS_bigtable_instance_name));
const std::string& uri, const std::string& admin_uri,
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials> credentials,
const std::string& project_name, const std::string& instance_name)
: stub_(Bigtable::NewStub(grpc::CreateChannel(uri, credentials))),
grpc::CreateChannel(admin_uri, credentials))),
BigtableNames::ObservationsTableName(project_name, instance_name)),
BigtableNames::ReportMetadataTableName(project_name, instance_name)),
BigtableNames::ReportRowsTableName(project_name, instance_name)) {}
std::string BigtableStore::TableName(DataStore::Table table) {
switch (table) {
case kObservations:
return observations_table_name_;
case kReportMetadata:
return report_progress_table_name_;
case kReportRows:
return report_rows_table_name_;
CHECK(false) << "unexpected table: " << table;
Status BigtableStore::WriteRow(DataStore::Table table, DataStore::Row row) {
std::vector<Row> rows;
return WriteRows(table, std::move(rows));
Status BigtableStore::WriteRows(DataStore::Table table,
std::vector<DataStore::Row> rows) {
// We use the following simplistic strategy to perform retries with
// exponential backoff.
// (1) If any retryable error occurs we sleep and retry the entire operation.
// (2) The sleep period starts with 10ms the first time and doubles each time
// until it reaches about 5 seconds.
// (3) If we fail every time the sum of all sleep times is about 10 seconds.
// TODO(rudominer) The exponential backoff strategy can be made more
// sophisticated in the following ways:
// (a) We could randomize the sleep time up to an exponentially increasing
// maximum value.
// (b) Instead of retrying the whole operation we could retry only the failed
// parts of the operation.
// (c) Instead of always continuing the procedure up to about 10 seconds we
// could instead consider the pending RPC deadline from our own client.
// Currently the Shuffler does not set an RPC deadline.
grpc::Status status;
static const size_t kMaxAttempts = 11;
int sleepmillis = 10;
for (size_t attempt = 0; attempt < kMaxAttempts; attempt++) {
status = DoWriteRows(table, rows);
if (status.ok()) {
return kOK;
if (!ShouldRetry(status)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Non-retryable error: "
<< ErrorMessage(status, "WriteRows");
return GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
if (attempt < kMaxAttempts - 1) {
VLOG(1) << "Sleeping for " << sleepmillis << " ms.";
sleepmillis *= 2;
LOG(ERROR) << "Retried " << kMaxAttempts << " times without success. "
<< ErrorMessage(status, "WriteRows");
return GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
grpc::Status BigtableStore::DoWriteRows(
DataStore::Table table, const std::vector<DataStore::Row>& rows) {
MutateRowsRequest req;
for (auto& row : rows) {
auto entry = req.add_entries();
for (const auto& pair : row.column_values) {
Mutation_SetCell* cell = entry->add_mutations()->mutable_set_cell();
// We Regex encode all values before using them as column names so that
// we can use a regular expression to search for specific column names
// later.
std::string encoded_column_name;
if (!RegexEncode(pair.first, &encoded_column_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "RegexEncode failed on '" << pair.first << "'";
return grpc::Status(grpc::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "RegexEncode failed.");
grpc::Status return_status = grpc::Status::OK;
ClientContext context;
std::unique_ptr<ClientReader<MutateRowsResponse>> reader(
stub_->MutateRows(&context, req));
MutateRowsResponse resp;
while (reader->Read(&resp)) {
for (const auto& entry : resp.entries()) {
if (entry.status().code() != google::rpc::OK) {
VLOG(1) << "MutateRows failed at entry " << entry.index()
<< " with error " << entry.status().message()
<< " code=" << entry.status().code();
return_status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode(entry.status().code()),
grpc::Status status = reader->Finish();
if (!status.ok()) {
VLOG(1) << ErrorMessage(status, "MutateRows");
return_status = status;
return return_status;
Status BigtableStore::ReadRow(Table table,
const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
Row* row) {
if (row == nullptr) {
return kInvalidArguments;
auto read_response =
ReadRowsInternal(table, row->key, true, row->key, true, column_names, 1);
if (read_response.status != kOK) {
return read_response.status;
if (read_response.rows.empty()) {
return kNotFound;
DCHECK(read_response.rows.size() == 1) << read_response.rows.size();
DCHECK(read_response.rows[0].key == row->key);
return kOK;
BigtableStore::ReadResponse BigtableStore::ReadRows(
Table table, std::string start_row_key, bool inclusive,
std::string limit_row_key, const std::vector<std::string>& column_names,
size_t max_rows) {
// Invoke ReadRowsInternal passing in false for |inclusive_end| indicating
// that our interval is open on the right.
return ReadRowsInternal(table, start_row_key, inclusive, limit_row_key, false,
column_names, max_rows);
BigtableStore::ReadResponse BigtableStore::ReadRowsInternal(
Table table, std::string start_row_key, bool inclusive_start,
std::string end_row_key, bool inclusive_end,
const std::vector<std::string>& column_names, size_t max_rows) {
ReadResponse read_response;
read_response.status = kOK;
if (max_rows == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "max_rows=0";
read_response.status = kInvalidArguments;
return read_response;
max_rows = std::min(max_rows, kMaxRowsReadLimit);
ReadRowsRequest req;
RowSet* rowset = req.mutable_rows();
RowRange* row_range = rowset->add_row_ranges();
if (inclusive_start) {
} else {
if (!end_row_key.empty()) {
if (inclusive_end) {
} else {
if (!column_names.empty()) {
std::string column_filter;
bool first = true;
for (const auto& column_name : column_names) {
if (!first) {
column_filter += "|";
// Our column names are RegexEncoded.
std::string encoded_column_name;
if (!RegexEncode(column_name, &encoded_column_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "RegexEncode failed on '" << column_name << "'";
read_response.status = kOperationFailed;
return read_response;
column_filter += encoded_column_name;
first = false;
// We request one more row than we really want in order to be able
// to set the |more_available| value in the response.
req.set_rows_limit(max_rows + 1);
ClientContext context;
std::unique_ptr<ClientReader<ReadRowsResponse>> reader(
stub_->ReadRows(&context, req));
ReadRowsResponse resp;
size_t num_complete_rows_read = 0;
// The name of the current column for which we are receiving data. This
// changes as the server sends us a chunk with a new "qualifier". (In
// Bigtable lingo the "column qualifier" is what we are calling the column
// name here.) The column names stored in Bigtable are RegexEncoded, but
// we want to return the decoded version.
std::string current_decoded_column_name = "";
// We are using GRPC's Server Streaming feature to receive the response.
// reader->Read() returns false to indicate that there will be no more
// incoming messages, either because all the rows have been transmitted
// or because the stream has failed or been canceled. (We detect these
// latter cases by examining the Status returned from reader->Finish().)
// It appears that it is necessary to keep reading until Read() returns
// false, even if we have read as many rows as we want, because if we
// leave the last row unread then the call to reader->Finish() below
// will hang.
while (reader->Read(&resp)) {
for (const auto& chunk : resp.chunks()) {
if (num_complete_rows_read == max_rows) {
read_response.more_available = true;
// When we get a different row key, start a new row.
if (read_response.rows.empty() ||
(!chunk.row_key().empty() &&
read_response.rows.back().key != chunk.row_key())) {
read_response.rows.back().key = chunk.row_key();
// We are starting a new row so reset the current column.
current_decoded_column_name = "";
auto& row = read_response.rows.back();
if (!chunk.has_qualifier()) {
// Keep using the same current column.
} else {
// Update the current column.
if (!RegexDecode(chunk.qualifier().value(),
&current_decoded_column_name)) {
read_response.status = kOperationFailed;
return read_response;
row.column_values[current_decoded_column_name] += chunk.value();
if (chunk.commit_row()) {
// TODO(rudominer) Handle chunk.reset_row(). For now we fail CHECK if
// it happens just so we can keep track of if it is happening. But
// ultimately this CHECK is not correct and we should handle this case
// because I believe it can actually happen.
grpc::Status status = reader->Finish();
if (!status.ok()) {
// TODO(rudominer) Consider doing a retry here. Consider if this
// method should be asynchronous.
LOG(ERROR) << ErrorMessage(status, "ReadRows");
read_response.status = GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
return read_response;
read_response.status = kOK;
return read_response;
Status BigtableStore::DeleteRow(Table table, std::string row_key) {
MutateRowRequest req;
ClientContext context;
MutateRowResponse resp;
grpc::Status status = stub_->MutateRow(&context, req, &resp);
if (!status.ok()) {
// TODO(rudominer) Consider doing a retry here. Consider if this
// method should be asynchronous.
LOG(ERROR) << ErrorMessage(status, "DeleteRow");
return GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
return kOK;
Status BigtableStore::DeleteRowsWithPrefix(Table table,
std::string row_key_prefix) {
DropRowRangeRequest req;
ClientContext context;
Empty resp;
grpc::Status status = admin_stub_->DropRowRange(&context, req, &resp);
if (!status.ok()) {
// TODO(rudominer) Consider doing a retry here. Consider if this
// method should be asynchronous.
LOG(ERROR) << ErrorMessage(status, "DeleteRowsWithPrefix");
return GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
return kOK;
Status BigtableStore::DeleteAllRows(Table table) {
DropRowRangeRequest req;
ClientContext context;
Empty resp;
grpc::Status status = admin_stub_->DropRowRange(&context, req, &resp);
if (!status.ok()) {
// TODO(rudominer) Consider doing a retry here. Consider if this
// method should be asynchronous.
LOG(ERROR) << ErrorMessage(status, "DeleteAllRows");
return GrpcStatusToStoreStatus(status);
return kOK;
} // namespace store
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt