blob: 7fc31961b1a80d1815f3e9621951d80ee6345c3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "./encrypted_message.pb.h"
#include "./observation.pb.h"
#include "algorithms/forculus/forculus_analyzer.h"
#include "analyzer/report_master/report_generator.h"
#include "analyzer/store/observation_store.h"
#include "analyzer/store/report_store.h"
#include "config/analyzer_config.h"
#include "grpc++/grpc++.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace analyzer {
// Forward declaration.
class DecoderAdapter;
// A HistogramAnalysisEngine is responsible for performing the analysis that
// leads to the generation of a Histogram report.
// The set of observations analyzed are allowed to be heterogeneous with respect
// to their encoding. The observations are aggregated into homogeneous groups,
// the appropriate decoder/analyzer is applied to each group, and the analysis
// results are combined into a final Histogram report.
// An instance of HistogramAnalysisEngine is used just once, for one Histogram
// report.
// usage:
// - Construct a HistogramAnalysisEngine.
// - Invoke ProcessObservationPart() multiple times.
// - Invoke PerformAnalysis() to retrieve the rows of the Histogram report.
class HistogramAnalysisEngine {
// Constructs a HistogramAnalysisEngine for the Histogram report with the
// given |report_id|.
// The |report_variable| is used to look up any per-encoding
// report configuration that may have been specified. Examples of this
// are the String RAPPOR candidate list, and the category labels for
// basic RAPPOR configured with indexed categories.
// The |analyzer_config| is used to look up EncodingConfigs by their ID.
const ReportId& report_id,
const ReportVariable* report_variable,
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfig> analyzer_config);
// Process the given (day_index, ObservationPart) pair. The |day_index|
// indicates the day on which the ObservationPart was observed, as specified
// by the Encoder client. The |encoding_config_id| from the ObservationPart
// will be looked up in the AnalyzerConfig passed to the constructor and
// this will determine which decooder/analyzer is used to process the
// ObservationPart.
// Returns true if the ObservationPart was processed without error or false
// otherwise.
bool ProcessObservationPart(uint32_t day_index, const ObservationPart& obs);
// Performs the appropriate analyses on the ObservationParts introduced
// via ProcessObservationPart(). If the set of observations was heterogeneous
// then multiple analyses are combined as appropriate. (This is not
// yet supported in V0.1 of Cobalt.) The results are written
// into |results| and the returned Status indicates success or error.
grpc::Status PerformAnalysis(std::vector<ReportRow>* results);
// Returns the DecoderAdapter appropriate for decoding the given
// |observation_part|.
DecoderAdapter* GetDecoder(const ObservationPart& observation_part);
// Constructs a new DecoderAdapter appropriate for the given
// |encoding_config|.
std::unique_ptr<DecoderAdapter> NewDecoder(
const EncodingConfig* encoding_config);
// The ID of the Histogram report this HistogramAnalysisEngine is for.
ReportId report_id_;
// The variable being analyzed.
const ReportVariable* report_variable_;
// The keys to this map are encoding-config IDs and the values are the
// DecoderAdapters adapting to the decoder/analyzer that knows how to
// decode the correspodning encoding.
std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<DecoderAdapter>> decoders_;
// Contains the registry of EncodingConfigs.
std::shared_ptr<config::AnalyzerConfig> analyzer_config_;
// A DecoderAdapter offers a common interface for the HistogramAnalysisEngine to
// use while encapsulating heterogeneous backend interfaces to the underlying
// privacy-preserving algorithm decoder/analyzers.
// This is an abstract class. Concrete subclasses adapt to a particular
// algorithm.
class DecoderAdapter {
virtual bool ProcessObservationPart(uint32_t day_index,
const ObservationPart& obs) = 0;
virtual grpc::Status PerformAnalysis(std::vector<ReportRow>* results) = 0;
} // namespace analyzer
} // namespace cobalt