blob: 62cca21fc992688ed61ae64fd73d5b877a4af08a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/uploader/shipping_manager.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>
#include "src/lib/util/protected_fields.h"
#include "src/logger/logger_interface.h"
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "src/pb/clearcut_extensions.pb.h"
#include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h"
namespace cobalt::uploader {
using observation_store::ObservationStore;
using EnvelopeHolder = ObservationStore::EnvelopeHolder;
using cobalt::clearcut_extensions::LogEventExtension;
namespace {
// The number of upload failures after which ShippingManager will bail out of an
// invocation of SendAllEnvelopes().
constexpr size_t kMaxFailuresWithoutSuccess = 3;
std::string ToString(const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& t) {
std::time_t time_struct = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(t);
return std::ctime(&time_struct);
grpc::Status CobaltStatusToGrpcStatus(const util::Status& status) {
return grpc::Status(static_cast<grpc::StatusCode>(status.error_code()), status.error_message(),
} // namespace
ShippingManager::ShippingManager(const UploadScheduler& upload_scheduler,
ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_analyzer)
: encrypt_to_analyzer_(encrypt_to_analyzer),
next_scheduled_send_time_(std::chrono::system_clock::now() + upload_scheduler_.Interval()),
protected_fields_(observation_store) {}
ShippingManager::~ShippingManager() {
if (!worker_thread_.joinable()) {
VLOG(4) << "ShippingManager destructor: waiting for worker thread to exit...";
void ShippingManager::Start() {
// We set idle and waiting_for_schedule to false since we are about to
// start the worker thread. The worker thread will set these variables
// to true at the appropriate times.
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
locked->idle = false;
locked->waiting_for_schedule = false;
std::thread t([this] { this->Run(); });
worker_thread_ = std::move(t);
void ShippingManager::NotifyObservationsAdded() {
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (locked->observation_store->IsAlmostFull()) {
VLOG(4) << name()
<< ": NotifyObservationsAdded(): observation_store "
if (!locked->observation_store->Empty()) {
// Set idle false because any thread that invokes WaitUntilIdle() after this
// should wait until the Observation just added has been sent.
locked->idle = false;
// The caller must hold a lock on mutex_.
void ShippingManager::RequestSendSoonLockHeld(ShippingManager::Fields::LockedFieldsPtr* fields) {
auto& f = *fields;
VLOG(5) << name() << ":RequestSendSoonLockHeld()";
f->expedited_send_requested = true;
// We set waiting_for_schedule_ false here so that if the calling thread
// invokes WaitUntilWorkerWaiting() after this then it will be waiting
// for a *subsequent* time that the worker thread enters the
// waiting-for-schedule state.
f->waiting_for_schedule = false;
void ShippingManager::RequestSendSoon() { RequestSendSoon(SendCallback()); }
void ShippingManager::RequestSendSoon(const SendCallback& send_callback) {
VLOG(4) << name() << ": Expedited send requested.";
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
// If we were given a SendCallback then do one of two things...
if (send_callback) {
if (locked->observation_store->Empty() && locked->idle) {
// If the ObservationStore is empty and the ShippingManager is idle. Then
// we can safely invoke the SendCallback immediately.
locked->expedited_send_requested = false;
VLOG(5) << name()
<< "::RequestSendSoon. Not waiting because there are no "
"observations. Invoking callback(true) now.";
} else {
// Otherwise, we should put the callback into the send callback queue.
bool ShippingManager::shut_down() const { return protected_fields_.const_lock()->shut_down; }
void ShippingManager::ShutDown() {
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
locked->shut_down = true;
VLOG(4) << name() << ": shut-down requested.";
size_t ShippingManager::num_send_attempts() const {
return protected_fields_.const_lock()->num_send_attempts;
size_t ShippingManager::num_failed_attempts() const {
return protected_fields_.const_lock()->num_failed_attempts;
grpc::Status ShippingManager::last_send_status() const {
return protected_fields_.const_lock()->last_send_status;
void ShippingManager::Disable(bool is_disabled) {
LOG(INFO) << name() << ": " << (is_disabled ? "Disabling" : "Enabling")
<< " observation uploading.";
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
locked->is_disabled = is_disabled;
if (!is_disabled) {
// Set idle false when setting is_disabled to false to make sure that the worker thread wakes up
// and runs through another loop. Even if there are no observations to send, we want to make
// sure that any thread that invokes WaitUntilIdle() after this will actually wait until the
// ShippingManager returns to the idle state.
locked->idle = false;
void ShippingManager::Run() {
while (true) {
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (locked->shut_down) {
// We start each iteration of the loop with a sleep of
// upload_scheduler_.MinInterval().
// This ensures that we never send twice within one
// upload_scheduler_.MinInterval() period.
// Sleep for upload_scheduler_.MinInterval() or until shut_down_.
VLOG(4) << name() << " worker: sleeping for " << upload_scheduler_.MinInterval().count()
<< " seconds.";
locked->shutdown_notifier.wait_for(locked, upload_scheduler_.MinInterval(),
[&locked] { return (locked->shut_down); });
VLOG(4) << name() << " worker: waking up from sleep. shut_down_=" << locked->shut_down;
if (locked->shut_down) {
if (!locked->ObservationsAvailable()) {
// There are no Observations at all in the observation_store_, or the ShippingManager is
// disabled. Wait forever until one of the following occurs:
// 1. An observation is added.
// 2. The value of is_disabled changes.
// 3. The ShippingManager shuts down.
VLOG(5) << name()
<< " worker: waiting for an Observation to "
"be added.";
// If we are about to enter idle, we should make sure that we invoke all of the SendCallbacks
// so they don't have to wait until the next time observations are added.
InvokeSendCallbacksLockHeld(&locked, true);
locked->idle = true;
locked->add_observation_notifier.wait(locked, [&locked] {
return (
locked->shut_down ||
// If there are now observations available to upload, we should leave the waiting state.
locked->ObservationsAvailable() ||
// The ObservationStore has manually been set to non-idle by either Disable or
// NotifyObservationAdded. We should leave the wait state and run another loop.
VLOG(5) << name()
<< " worker: Waking up because an Observation was "
locked->idle = false;
} else {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
VLOG(4) << name() << ": now: " << ToString(now)
<< " next_scheduled_send_time_: " << ToString(next_scheduled_send_time_);
if (next_scheduled_send_time_ <= now || locked->expedited_send_requested) {
VLOG(4) << name() << " worker: time to send now.";
locked->expedited_send_requested = false;
next_scheduled_send_time_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + upload_scheduler_.Interval();
} else {
// Wait until the next scheduled send time or until notified of
// a new request for an expedited send or we are shut down.
auto time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(next_scheduled_send_time_);
VLOG(4) << name() << " worker: waiting until " << std::ctime(&time)
<< " for next scheduled send.";
locked->waiting_for_schedule = true;
locked->expedited_send_notifier.wait_until(locked, next_scheduled_send_time_, [&locked] {
return (locked->shut_down || locked->expedited_send_requested);
locked->waiting_for_schedule = false;
void ShippingManager::SendAllEnvelopes() {
if (protected_fields_.const_lock()->is_disabled) {
VLOG(5) << name() << ": SendAllEnvelopes().";
bool success = true;
size_t failures_without_success = 0;
// Loop through all envelopes in the ObservationStore.
while (true) {
auto holder = protected_fields_.lock()->observation_store->TakeNextEnvelopeHolder();
if (holder == nullptr) {
// No more envelopes in the store, we can exit the loop.
auto failed_holder = SendEnvelopeToBackend(std::move(holder));
if (failed_holder == nullptr) {
// The send succeeded.
failures_without_success = 0;
} else {
// The send failed. Increment failures_without_success and return the
// failed EnvelopeHolder to the store.
success = false;
if (failures_without_success >= kMaxFailuresWithoutSuccess) {
VLOG(4) << name() << "::SendAllEnvelopes(): failed too many times ("
<< failures_without_success << "). Stopping uploads.";
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
InvokeSendCallbacksLockHeld(&locked, success);
void ShippingManager::InvokeSendCallbacksLockHeld(ShippingManager::Fields::LockedFieldsPtr* fields,
bool success) {
auto& f = *fields;
f->expedited_send_requested = false;
std::vector<SendCallback> callbacks_to_invoke;
for (SendCallback& callback : callbacks_to_invoke) {
VLOG(5) << name() << ": Invoking send callback(" << success << ") now.";
const UploadScheduler& upload_scheduler, ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_analyzer,
std::unique_ptr<lib::clearcut::ClearcutUploader> clearcut, int32_t log_source_id,
logger::LoggerInterface* internal_logger, size_t max_attempts_per_upload, std::string api_key)
: ClearcutV1ShippingManager(upload_scheduler, observation_store, encrypt_to_analyzer,
std::move(clearcut), internal_logger, max_attempts_per_upload,
std::move(api_key)) {
AddClearcutDestination(encrypt_to_shuffler, log_source_id);
const UploadScheduler& upload_scheduler, ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_analyzer,
std::unique_ptr<lib::clearcut::ClearcutUploader> clearcut,
logger::LoggerInterface* internal_logger, size_t max_attempts_per_upload, std::string api_key)
: ShippingManager(upload_scheduler, observation_store, encrypt_to_analyzer),
api_key_(std::move(api_key)) {}
void ClearcutV1ShippingManager::AddClearcutDestination(
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_shuffler, int32_t log_source_id) {
clearcut_destinations_.emplace_back(ClearcutDestination({encrypt_to_shuffler, log_source_id}));
void ClearcutV1ShippingManager::ResetInternalMetrics(logger::LoggerInterface* internal_logger) {
internal_metrics_ = logger::InternalMetrics::NewWithLogger(internal_logger);
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> ClearcutV1ShippingManager::SendEnvelopeToBackend(
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> envelope_to_send) {
auto envelope = envelope_to_send->GetEnvelope(encrypt_to_analyzer_);
bool error_occurred = false;
for (const auto& clearcut_destination : clearcut_destinations_) {
util::Status status =
SendEnvelopeToClearcutDestination(envelope, envelope_to_send->Size(), clearcut_destination);
if (!status.ok()) {
error_occurred = true;
VLOG(4) << name() << ": Cobalt send to Shuffler failed: (" << status.error_code() << ") "
<< status.error_message() << ". Observations have been re-enqueued for later.";
if (error_occurred) {
return envelope_to_send;
return nullptr;
util::Status ClearcutV1ShippingManager::SendEnvelopeToClearcutDestination(
const Envelope& envelope, size_t envelope_size,
const ClearcutDestination& clearcut_destination) {
auto log_extension = std::make_unique<LogEventExtension>();
if (!clearcut_destination.encrypt_to_shuffler_->Encrypt(
envelope, log_extension->mutable_cobalt_encrypted_envelope())) {
// TODO(rudominer) log
// Drop on floor.
return util::Status::OK;
for (const auto& observation_batch : envelope.batch()) {
const auto& metadata = observation_batch.meta_data();
observation_batch.ByteSizeLong(), metadata.customer_id(), metadata.project_id());
VLOG(5) << name() << " worker: Sending Envelope of size " << envelope_size
<< " bytes to clearcut.";
lib::clearcut::LogRequest request;
request.add_log_event()->SetAllocatedExtension(LogEventExtension::ext, log_extension.release());
util::Status status;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(clearcut_mutex_);
status = clearcut_->UploadEvents(&request, max_attempts_per_upload_);
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (!status.ok()) {
locked->last_send_status = CobaltStatusToGrpcStatus(status);
if (status.ok()) {
VLOG(4) << name() << "::SendEnvelopeToBackend: OK";
for (const auto& observation_batch : envelope.batch()) {
const auto& metadata = observation_batch.meta_data();
observation_batch.GetCachedSize(), metadata.customer_id(), metadata.project_id());
return status;
void ShippingManager::WaitUntilIdle(std::chrono::seconds max_wait) {
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (locked->shut_down || locked->idle) {
locked->idle_notifier.wait_for(locked, max_wait,
[&locked] { return (locked->shut_down || locked->idle); });
void ShippingManager::WaitUntilWorkerWaiting(std::chrono::seconds max_wait) {
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (locked->shut_down || locked->waiting_for_schedule) {
locked, max_wait, [&locked] { return (locked->shut_down || locked->waiting_for_schedule); });
LocalShippingManager::LocalShippingManager(observation_store::ObservationStore* observation_store,
std::string output_file_path, util::FileSystem* fs)
: LocalShippingManager(observation_store, nullptr, std::move(output_file_path), fs) {}
LocalShippingManager::LocalShippingManager(observation_store::ObservationStore* observation_store,
util::EncryptedMessageMaker* encrypt_to_analyzer,
std::string output_file_path, util::FileSystem* fs)
: ShippingManager({std::chrono::seconds::zero(), std::chrono::seconds::zero()},
observation_store, encrypt_to_analyzer),
fs_(fs) {
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> LocalShippingManager::SendEnvelopeToBackend(
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeHolder> envelope_to_send) {
const Envelope& envelope = envelope_to_send->GetEnvelope(encrypt_to_analyzer_);
VLOG(5) << name() << " worker: Saving Envelope of size " << envelope_to_send->Size()
<< " bytes to local file.";
util::Status status = util::Status::OK;
auto ofs = fs_->NewProtoOutputStream(output_file_path_, /*append=*/true);
if (ofs.ok()) {
auto proto_output_stream = std::move(ofs.ValueOrDie());
if (!google::protobuf::util::SerializeDelimitedToZeroCopyStream(envelope,
proto_output_stream.get())) {
VLOG(4) << name() << ": Unable to write Envelope to local file: " << output_file_path_;
auto locked = protected_fields_.lock();
if (!status.ok()) {
locked->last_send_status = CobaltStatusToGrpcStatus(status);
if (status.ok()) {
VLOG(4) << name() << "::SendEnvelopeToBackend: OK";
return nullptr;
VLOG(4) << name() << ": Cobalt save to local file failed: (" << status.error_code() << ") "
<< status.error_message() << ". Observations have been re-enqueued for later.";
return envelope_to_send;
} // namespace cobalt::uploader