blob: 063beb484480e78ecd4453fc0b6c10fc380ff89a [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains the source of truth for the set of ReportConfigs
# that are registered in version 0.1 of Cobalt.
# This file is maintained by hand. To add a new ReportConfig or change
# the definition of an ReportConfig, manually edit this file and
# commit the change to the Cobalt repo.
# The format of this file is the textual representation of the
# RegisteredReports Protocol Buffer message, which is defined in
# report_configs.proto.
# Customer 1 (Fuchsia)
## Project 1
#### ReportConfig (1, 1, 1)
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 1
name: "Fuschsia Rating and City Joint Analysis"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 1
variable {
metric_part: "city"
rappor_candidates {
candidates: "San Francisco"
candidates: "Los Angeles"
variable {
metric_part: "rating"
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 1
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
#### ReportConfig (1, 1, 2)
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 2
name: "Fuschsia Usage by Hour"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 2
variable {
metric_part: "hour"
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 5
aggregation_epoch_type: WEEK
export_configs {
csv {}
gcs {
bucket: "bucket-1"
#### ReportConfig (1, 1, 3)
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 3
name: "Fuschsia Daily System Event Counts"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 3
variable {
metric_part: "event"
index_labels {
labels {
key: 0
value: "Event A"
labels {
key: 1
value: "Event B"
labels {
key: 25
value: "Event Z"
#### ReportConfig (1, 1, 4)
element {
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 4
name: "Fuchsia Daily Fruit Rating"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 3
report_type: RAW_DUMP
variable {
metric_part: "fruit"
variable {
metric_part: "rating"
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 3
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY
export_configs {
csv {}
gcs {
bucket: "fuchsia-cobalt-reports-test1-rudominer"
# Customer 2 (Acme)
## Project 1
#### ReportConfig (2, 1, 1)
element {
customer_id: 2
project_id: 1
id: 1
name: "Acme Module Names"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 1
variable {
metric_part: "name"
rappor_candidates {
candidates: "Module A"
candidates: "Module B"
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 5
aggregation_epoch_type: MONTH
#### ReportConfig (2, 1, 2)
element {
customer_id: 2
project_id: 1
id: 3
name: "Acme Popular URLs"
description: "This is a fictional report used for the development of Cobalt."
metric_id: 3
variable {
metric_part: "url"
scheduling {
report_finalization_days: 1
aggregation_epoch_type: DAY