blob: bd98e58569612056852bfa0733b92a154eedb803 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/lib/util/clock.h"
#include "src/logger/logger.h"
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/pb/observation.pb.h"
namespace cobalt {
class LoggerFactory {
virtual ~LoggerFactory() = default;
// Creates a new Logger. If a nonzero day index is provided, then the Logger
// will log events with that day index.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE google-default-arguments
virtual std::unique_ptr<logger::LoggerInterface> NewLogger(uint32_t day_index = 0) = 0;
virtual const logger::ProjectContext* project_context() = 0;
virtual size_t ObservationCount() = 0;
virtual void ResetObservationCount() = 0;
virtual void ResetLocalAggregation() = 0;
virtual bool GenerateAggregatedObservations(uint32_t day_index) = 0;
virtual bool SendAccumulatedObservations() = 0;
// The Cobalt testing client application.
class TestApp {
static std::unique_ptr<TestApp> CreateFromFlagsOrDie(char* argv[]);
// Modes of operation of the Cobalt test application. An instance of
// TestApp is in interactive mode unless set_mode() is invoked.
// set_mode() is invoked from CreateFromFlagsOrDie() in order to set the
// mode to the one specified by the -mode flag.
enum Mode {
// In this mode the TestApp is controlled via an interactive command-line
// loop.
kInteractive = 0,
// In this mode the TestApp sends a single RPC to the Shuffler.
kSendOnce = 1,
// In this mode the TestApp loops forever generating random Observations and
// sending many RPCs to the Shuffler.
kAutomatic = 2
// Constructor. The |ostream| is used for emitting output in interactive mode.
TestApp(std::unique_ptr<LoggerFactory> logger_factory, const std::string& initial_metric_name,
Mode mode, std::ostream* ostream);
TestApp(const TestApp& other) = delete;
TestApp(const TestApp&& other) = delete;
void operator=(const TestApp& other) = delete;
void operator=(const TestApp&& other) = delete;
bool SetMetric(const std::string& metric_name);
// Run() is invoked by main(). It invokes either CommandLoop(),
// SendAndQuit(), or RunAutomatic() depending on the mode.
void Run();
// Processes a single command. This is used in interactive mode. The
// method is public so an instance of TestApp may be used as a library
// and driven from another program. We use this in unit tests.
// Returns false if an only if the specified command is "quit".
bool ProcessCommandLine(const std::string& command_line);
// Returns the current day index in UTC according to the test app's clock.
uint32_t CurrentDayIndex();
// Implements interactive mode.
void CommandLoop();
// Implements send-once mode.
void SendAndQuit();
// Implements automatic mode.
void RunAutomatic();
bool ProcessCommand(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void Log(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogEvent(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogEvent(size_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, uint32_t day_index = 0u);
void LogEventCount(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogEventCount(size_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, const std::string& component,
int64_t duration, int64_t count, uint32_t day_index = 0u);
void LogElapsedTime(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogElapsedTime(uint64_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, const std::string& component,
int64_t elapsed_micros);
void LogFrameRate(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogFrameRate(uint64_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, const std::string& component,
float fps);
void LogMemoryUsage(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogMemoryUsage(uint64_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, const std::string& component,
int64_t bytes);
void LogIntHistogram(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogIntHistogram(uint64_t num_clients, uint32_t event_code, const std::string& component,
int64_t bucket, int64_t count);
void LogCustomEvent(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void LogCustomEvent(uint64_t num_clients, const std::vector<std::string>& metric_parts,
const std::vector<std::string>& values);
// Generates all aggregated observations for a day index specified by
// |command|.
void GenerateAggregatedObservations(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
// Deletes the local aggregates and the history of aggregated observations.
void ResetLocalAggregation();
void ListParameters();
void SetParameter(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void Send(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
void Show(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
bool ParseInt(const std::string& str, bool complain, int64_t* x);
bool ParseFloat(const std::string& str, bool complain, float* x);
bool ParseIndex(const std::string& str, uint32_t* index);
// Parses strings of the following forms:
// day=today
// day=today+N, where N is a nonnegative number
// day=today-N, where N is a nonnegative number <= the current day index
// day=K, where K is a day index
// Computes the day index of that day in UTC, using |clock_| to get the
// current day index if |str| begins with "day=today", and writes it to
// |day_index|.
bool ParseDay(const std::string& str, uint32_t* day_index);
bool ParseNonNegativeInt(const std::string& str, bool complain, int64_t* x);
FRIEND_TEST(TestAppTest, ParseInt);
FRIEND_TEST(TestAppTest, ParseFloat);
FRIEND_TEST(TestAppTest, ParseIndex);
FRIEND_TEST(TestAppTest, ParseNonNegativeInt);
FRIEND_TEST(TestAppTest, ParseDay);
// Parses a string of the form <part>:<value> and writes <part> into
// |part_name| and <value> into |value|.
// Returns true if and only if this succeeds.
static bool ParsePartValuePair(const std::string& pair, std::string* part_name,
std::string* value);
CustomDimensionValue ParseCustomDimensionValue(const std::string& value_string);
logger::EventValuesPtr NewCustomEvent(std::vector<std::string> dimension_names,
std::vector<std::string> values);
void GenerateAggregatedObservationsAndSend(uint32_t day_index);
void ResetLocalAggregateStore();
void ResetAggregatedObservationHistory();
const MetricDefinition* current_metric_;
// The TestApp is in interactive mode unless set_mode() is invoked.
Mode mode_ = kInteractive;
std::unique_ptr<LoggerFactory> logger_factory_;
std::ostream* ostream_;
std::unique_ptr<util::SystemClockInterface> clock_;
} // namespace cobalt