blob: 7ba7c38717a7da17f80ee77a079bf68b8c9c11a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "src/registry/aggregation_window.proto";
import "src/registry/annotations.proto";
import "src/registry/window_size.proto";
option go_package = "src/registry;config";
// A Report analyzes Events that were logged to Cobalt and emits an aggregated
// output that may then be queried or visualized by an analyst user of Cobalt.
// A Report is associated with a Metric and this means that the Report analyzes
// the Events that were logged to that Metric. The first step occurs on a
// Fuchsia device where Cobalt analyzes the logged Events in order to form
// Observations.
// An Observation is built for a particular Report. The type of observation,
// including which of several privacy-oriented Encodings is used or not, depends
// on the Report type.
// The Observations are sent to the Cobalt Shuffler which shuffles them in order
// to break linkability between Observations and linkability with the
// originating device. Next the shuffled Observations are sent to the Analyzer
// which aggregates Observations from all Fuchsia devices in order to generate
// a report.
// There are multiple types of Metrics and multiple types of Reports. Each
// Report type is compatible with only some of the Metric types.
// A ReportDefinition defines a Cobalt Report to be generated.
// An instance of ReportDefinition is always associated with an instance of
// MetricDefinition called the owning MetricDefinition.
// Next ID: 26
message ReportDefinition {
reserved 5, 6, 7, 12;
reserved "expected_population_size", "expected_string_set_size", "output_location", "threshold";
// Unique name for this Report within its owning MetricDefinition.
// The name must obey the syntax of a C variable name and must have length
// at most 64. The integer |id| field is the stable identifier for a report
// so this name may be changed. However doing this may affect the
// names and locations of some artifacts produced by Cobalt's report
// generation pipeline.
string report_name = 1;
// The unique integer ID for this report within its owning metric.
// The user must manually set this |id| field. This is the stable identifier
// for a report and should not be changed once data collection begins.
uint32 id = 2;
// A Report has one of the following types.
// Next standard report type ID: 21
enum ReportType {
reserved 5, 6, 7, 19;
// Gives the total, daily, fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of
// each of a set of event types. Supports the use of local differential
// privacy.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Metric type: EVENT_OCCURRED
// Encoding: Basic RAPPOR
// Observation type: BasicRapporObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_privacy_noise_level # Gives Basic RAPPOR parameters
// Report row type: SimpleOccurrenceCountReportRow. (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// Gives the total, daily, fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of
// each of a set of event types, for each of a set of components.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Metric type: EVENT_COUNT
// Encoding: component name is hashed
// Observation type: IntegerEventObservation
// Observation value field: count
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - candidate_list # All known component names
// - candidate_file # File with all known component names
// Report row type: EventComponentOccurrenceCountReportRow.
// (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// Gives daily, fleet-wide aggregate statistics of a numerical metric of one
// or more event types, associated with one or more components
// Supported Input Types:
// Encoding: component name is hashed
// Observation type: IntegerEventObservation
// Observation value field: Respectively, duration_microseconds
// occurrences, round(fps * 100), bytes
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - candidate_list # All known component names
// - candidate_file # File with all known component names
// - percentiles # A list of percentiles between 0-100 to include in the
// report
// Report row type: NumericAggregationReportRow.
// (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// Gives daily, fleet-wide histograms of an integer-valued metric of one or
// more event types, associated with one or more components
// Supported Input Types:
// Encoding, Observation type, Observation value field: Same as
// - Metric type: INT_HISTOGRAM
// Encoding: Component name is hashed, values are bucketed
// Observation type: HistogramObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - candidate_list # All known component names
// - candidate_file # File with all known component names
// - int_buckets # Definition of integer-range buckets for histogram
// # Not used for Metric type INT_HISTOGRAM because the
// # Metric already contains this field.
// Report row type: IntRangeHistogramReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
////////////////////// Locally aggregated ReportTypes //////////////////////
// Report types for which logged Events are aggregated on each device over a
// specified number of days. Each day, each device sends an Observation of
// the aggregate of the Events over the rolling window ending on that day.
// For each of a set of events, gives an estimate of the number of unique
// devices on which that event occurred at least once during a rolling
// window. Supports the use of local differential privacy with Basic RAPPOR.
// Each device sends an observation each day for each window size registered
// in a ReportDefinition of this type, whether or not any of the associated
// events occurred in the window ending on that day.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Metric type: EVENT_OCCURRED
// - Encoding: Basic RAPPOR. In the decoding step one should not assume
// that the true bit vector has exactly 1 bit set, but rather
// can have any number of bits set. This encoding/decoding
// scheme is the same as the Instantanous Randomized Response
// in the RAPPOR paper (
// - Observation type: UniqueActivesObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_privacy_noise_level # Gives Basic RAPPOR parameters.
// - window_size # A list of window sizes in days.
// Report row type: UniqueActivesReportRow.
// (see report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// For each of a set of events, for each of a set of component labels, for
// a rolling window of a particular number of days, gives summary statistics
// of the number of occurrences on individual devices of that event, with
// that component, during the window.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Encoding: component name is hashed
// - Observation type: PerDeviceNumericObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - candidate_list # All known component names.
// - candidate_file # File with all known component names.
// - window_size # A list of window sizes in days
// - aggregation_type # How numeric values should be aggregated on-device
// Report row type: PerDeviceNumericStatsReportRow.
// (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// For each of a set of events, for each of a set of component labels, for
// a rolling window of a particular number of days, gives summary statistics
// of the number of occurrences on individual devices of that event, with
// that component, during the window.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Encoding: component name is hashed
// - Observation type: PerDeviceHistogramObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - candidate_list # All known component names.
// - candidate_file # File with all known component names.
// - aggregation_window # A list of desired aggregation windows in days
// or hours.
// - aggregation_type # How numeric values should be aggregated on-device
// - int_buckets # Definition of integer-range buckets for histogram
// Report row type: PerDeviceHistogramReportRow.
// (See report_row.proto)
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
// Cobalt 1.1 report types are below this line.
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces the total
// count of all occurrences on all devices in the fleet with system profile
// SP of the event associated with EV over the course of the report day.
// For example, a report of this type might give the total number of times
// a medium, red widget was used across the fleet yesterday.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE
// Local aggregation: COUNT
// Local aggregation period: 1 hour
// Global aggregation: OCCURRENCE_COUNTS
// Output report row type: OccurrenceCountReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// none
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces the count
// of the number of unique devices with system profile SP for which EV
// “is accepted” during the aggregation period, which must
// be DAYS_1, DAYS_7 or DAYS_30.
// There are different versions of what “is accepted” means depending on
// which local aggregation procedure is specified:
// AT_LEAST_ONCE. In this case EV is accepted if EV was logged at least once
// during the aggregation period. For example, a report of this type might
// give the total number of devices with system profile SP on which a
// medium, red widget was used at least once in the seven-day period
// ending yesterday.
// SELECT_FIRST, SELECT_MOST_COMMON. In this case EV is accepted if the
// category selection procedure selected EV. For example, a report of this
// type using SELECT_MOST_COMMON might give the total number of devices
// with system profile SP on which most of the widgets used during the
// seven-day period ending yesterday were medium-red.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE
// Local aggregation period: DAYS_1, DAYS_7 or DAYS_30.
// Global aggregation: OCCURRENCE_COUNTS
// Output report row type: OccurrenceCountReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_aggregation_procedure
// - local_aggregation_period
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces an
// int-range histogram such that in each int range bucket it gives the
// number of unique devices with system_profile SP for which an integer
// value, aggregated locally on device over the aggregation period,
// associated with EV, falls into the bucket.
// There are two versions of this depending on the metric type:
// With metrics of type OCCURRENCE the integer values are occurrence counts.
// For example, for the integer bucket 10-100, a report of this type might
// give the number of devices with system profile SP on which a medium,
// red widget was used between 10 and 100 times in the seven-day period
// ending yesterday.
// With metrics of type INTEGER the integer values are computed statistics.
// For example, for the integer bucket 10-100, a report of this type that
// specifies the MINIMUM local aggregation procedure might give the number
// of devices with system profile SP on which the minimum temperature of a
// medium red widget over the seven-day period ending yesterday was between
// 10 and 100 degrees.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE or INTEGER
// Local aggregation: COUNT_AS_INTEGER (used with OCCURRENCE metrics) or
// NUMERIC_STAT (used with INTEGER metrics)
// Local aggregation period: DAYS_1, DAYS_7 or DAYS_30.
// Global aggregation: INTEGER_HISTOGRAMS
// Output report row type: IntegerHistogramReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_aggregation_procedure (only when the metric type is INTEGER)
// - local_aggregation_period
// - int_buckets (this is used only on the server for reports without
// added privacy, but is used on the client for reports with added
// privacy)
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces an
// int-range histogram such that in each int range bucket it gives the
// number of values, associated with EV, from devices
// with system_profile SP, that fall into the bucket, where each device
// computes one such value per hour.
// Computationally this report type is identical to
// UNQIQUE_DEVICE_HISTOGRAMS except that the local aggregation period
// used is one hour and so the counts in each buckets are not interpreted
// as a number of unique devices.
// There are two versions of this depending on the metric type:
// With metrics of type OCCURRENCE the integer values are occurrence counts.
// For example, for the integer bucket 10-100, a report of this type might
// give the number of times that the hourly count of medium red widgets
// used was between 10 and 100 over devices with system profile SP,
// yesterday.
// With metrics of type INTEGER the integer values are computed statistics.
// For example, for the integer bucket 10-100, a report of this that
// specifies the MINIMUM local aggregation procedure might give the number
// of times that the minimum temperature over an hour of all medium red
// widgets used was between 10 and 100 degrees over all devices with
// system profile SP, yesterday.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE or INTEGER
// Local aggregation: COUNT_AS_INTEGER (used with OCCURRENCE metrics) or
// NUMERIC_STAT (used with INTEGER metrics)
// Local aggregation period: one hour
// Global aggregation: INTEGER_HISTOGRAMS
// Output report row type: IntegerHistogramReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_aggregation_procedure (only when the metric type is INTEGER)
// - int_buckets (this is used only on the server for reports without
// added privacy, but is used on the client for reports with added
// privacy)
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces an
// int-range histogram such that in each int range bucket it gives the
// number of integer measurements, associated with EV, logged on devices
// with system_profile SP, that fall into the bucket. Here we are counting
// each value logged by the instrumented code individually and so the rate
// at which values are being recorded is arbitrary and varies from device
// to device. For example, for the integer bucket 10-100, a report of this
// type might give the number of times that a medium red widget's
// temperature was measured as being between 10 and 100 degrees over all
// devices with system profile SP, yesterday. The rate at which these
// widget temperature measurements are taken is arbitrary and may vary
// from device to device.
// Input metric types: INTEGER or INTEGER_HISTOGRAM
// Local aggregation: INTEGER_HISTOGRAM
// Local aggregation period: one hour
// Global aggregation: INTEGER_HISTOGRAMS
// Output report row type: IntegerHistogramReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - int_buckets (Only with metric_type = INTEGER)
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces the sum
// and count of many integer measurements associated with EV, logged on
// devices with system_profile SP. Here we are counting each value logged
// by the instrumented code individually and so the rate at which values are
// being recorded is arbitrary and varies from device to device. This allows
// us to produce a fleetwide mean. For example, a report of this type might
// give the mean of all temperature measurements of medium-red widgets
// yesterday, across all devices with system profile SP, regardless of how
// many temperature measurements were taken on each device individually.
// Input metric types: INTEGER
// Local aggregation: SUM_AND_COUNT
// Local aggregation period: one hour
// Global aggregation: SUM_AND_COUNTS
// Output report row type: SumAndCountReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// none
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces several
// numeric statistics (e.g. 95%-ile) over a set of integers associated
// with EV, collected from all devices with system_profile SP. Each unique
// device contributes a single value and so the distribution of the values
// may be thought of as a distribution of unique devices.
// There are different versions of this depending on the metric type:
// With metrics of type OCCURRENCE the integer values are occurrence counts
// over the course of the aggregation period. For example a report of this
// type might give the 95%-ile of the counts of medium-red widgets used by
// each device over the 7-day period ending yesterday.
// With metrics of type INTEGER the integer values are computed statistics.
// For example, a report of this type that specifies the MINIMUM local
// aggregation procedure might give the 95%-ile of the minimum temperature
// over the 7-day period ending yesterday of all medium-red widgets over
// all devices with system profile SP.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE or INTEGER
// Local aggregation: COUNT_AS_INTEGER (used with OCCURRENCE metrics) or
// NUMERIC_STAT (used with INTEGER metrics)
// Local aggregation period: DAYS_1, DAYS_7 or DAYS_30.
// Global aggregation: NUMERIC_STATS
// Output report row type: NumericStatsReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_aggregation_procedure (only when the metric type is INTEGER)
// - local_aggregation_period
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces several
// numeric statistics (e.g. 95%-ile) over a set of integers associated
// with EV, collected from all devices with system_profile SP. Each unique
// device contributes a value every hour and so the distribution of the
// values may NOT be thought of as a distribution of unique devices.
// Computationally this report type is identical to
// UNIQUE_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS except that the local aggregation period
// used is one hour.
// There are different versions of this depending on the metric type:
// With metrics of type OCCURRENCE the integer values are occurrence counts
// over the course of the hour. For example a report of this
// type might give the 95%-ile of the counts of medium-red widgets used in
// any one hour period on any device with System profile SP, yesterday.
// With metrics of type INTEGER the integer values are computed statistics.
// For example, a report of this type that specifies the MINIMUM local
// aggregation procedure might give the 95%-ile of the minimum temperature
// over any one-hour period of medium-red widgets use on any device
// with system profile SP, yesterday.
// Input metric types: OCCURRENCE or INTEGER
// Local aggregation: COUNT_AS_INTEGER (used with OCCURRENCE metrics) or
// NUMERIC_STAT (used with INTEGER metrics)
// Local aggregation period: 1 hour
// Global aggregation: NUMERIC_STATS
// Output report row type: NumericStatsReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// - local_aggregation_procedure (only when the metric type is INTEGER)
// For each system_profile SP and each event_vector EV, produces the total
// count of all occurrences of a string value on all devices in the fleet
// with system profile SP of the event associated with EV over the course
// of the report day.
// Input metric types: STRING
// Local aggregation: STRING_HISTOGRAM
// Local aggregation period: 1 hour
// Global aggregation: STRING_HISTOGRAMS
// Output report row type: StringCountReportRow
// (See report_row.proto)
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type:
// candidate_file
/////////////////////// Custom Raw Dump Report /////////////////////////////
// Gives a raw dump of the Observations for a CustomMetric for a day.
// Supported Input Types:
// - Metric types: CUSTOM
// Encoding: none
// Observation type: CustomObservation
// ReportDefinition fields particular to this type: none
// Report fields:
// - date
// - system_profile # One or more fields from the SystemProfile message
// type (cobalt/observation.proto) describing the
// system on which the events occurred.
// - event
// - component
// - part-1, part-2, ... # The values of the custom parts
// Example report:
// Date, SystemProfile, Component, Event, part-1, part-2, part-3, ...
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2018-7-25,<sys-prof 1>,"Part 1","value1"
// 2018-7-25,<sys-prof 2>,"Part 1","value1"
// 2018-7-25,<sys-prof 1>,"Part 2","value2"
// A report of this type must be associated with a MetricDefinition of type
// CustomMetric. Observations for the Report will be of type
// CustomObservation
ReportType report_type = 3;
//////////////// Fields specific to some report types /////////////////
// A level of random noise to use when encoding observations for local
// differential privacy.
enum LocalPrivacyNoiseLevel {
// local_privacy_noise_level must be explicitly set when using
// Basic RAPPOR.
// p = 0.0, q = 1.0
NONE = 1;
// p = 0.01, q = 0.99
SMALL = 2;
// p = 0.1, q = 0.9
// p = 0.25, q = 0.75
LARGE = 4;
// This field is used with all report types that use local differential
// privacy in Cobalt 1.0:
LocalPrivacyNoiseLevel local_privacy_noise_level = 4;
// The level of differential privacy applied to the report. Each level
// corresponds to an epsilon value in the shuffled model. The mapping
// from enum values to epsilon values is hard-coded in makePrivacyConstants()
// in the file //src/bin/config_parser/src/privacy/privacy_encoding_params.go
enum PrivacyLevel {
// epsilon = infinity
// This field is used to specify the privacy level for a Cobalt 1.1 report.
// All Cobalt 1.1 report types other than CUSTOM_RAW_DUMP support differential
// privacy and are required to set this field (use NO_ADDED_PRIVACY to disable
// differential privacy).
PrivacyLevel privacy_level = 20;
// The probability of a bit being flipped when performing RAPPOR encoding for
// Cobalt 1.1 reports.
// The value of this field is computed by the registry parser as a function of
// other privacy-related fields and an estimate of the user population size.
// It should not be set manually in the Cobalt registry.
double prob_bit_flip = 21;
// When reporting numerical values with privacy, the values are mapped to
// indices from 0 to num_index_points-1 with a randomized rounding method.
// The value of this field is computed by the registry parser as a function of
// other privacy-related fields and an estimate of the user population size.
// It should not be set manually in the Cobalt registry.
uint32 num_index_points = 22;
// These fields specify the range of values that can be reported by a device
// in the specified local_aggregation_period. If the true value to be reported
// falls outside specified range, the value is clipped.
// applies to the numerical value computed for the device.
// FLEETWIDE_HISTOGRAMS, the range applies to the values contained in the
// individual buckets for each histogram.
// For FLEETWIDE_MEANS, the range applies to the per-device sum of the value
// to be averaged.
// If a privacy_level other than NO_ADDED_PRIVACY is specified, this field is
// required for reports of type:
int64 min_value = 23;
int64 max_value = 24;
// This field specifies the maximum count to be reported by a device in the
// specified local_aggregation_period. If the true count is greater than
// max_count, then the count will be reported as max_count.
// If a privacy_level other than NO_ADDED_PRIVACY is specified, this field is
// required for reports of type:
uint64 max_count = 25;
// Explicit list of known string values. Either this or |candidate_file|
// should be used, not both. Used for the hashed |component_name|
// field for several Report types.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
repeated string candidate_list = 8 [(cobalt_options).hide_on_client = true];
// Simple name or full path to file containing known string values.
// In Cobalt 1.0 this field is used for |component_names|. Either this or
// |candidate_list| should be used, not both.
// In Cobalt 1.1 this field is used only for reports of type STRING.
string candidate_file = 9;
// A specification of integer-range buckets for a histogram.
// In Cobalt 1.0:
// This field is used only with the INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM Report type, but
// not used when the Metric type is INT_HISTOGRAM because in that case the
// MetricDefinition already contains an instance of IntegerBuckets.
// In Cobalt 1.1:
// This field is for reports of type UNIQUE_DEVICE_HISTOGRAMS,
// FLEETWIDE_HISTOGRAMS only with metrics of type INTEGER, not with metrics of
// type INTEGER_HISTOGRAM, because in that case the MetricDefinition already
// contains an instance of IntegerBuckets.
IntegerBuckets int_buckets = 10;
// This field is required for the UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES and
// PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS Report types. It is not used with any other
// report types.
// Used to specify the length in days of the rolling window for that
// report type. Cobalt will send a separate Observation for each
// WindowSize specified.
// TODO(pesk): make this a reserved name and ID once support for
// |aggregation_window| is done and existing reports are updated.
// This field will be deleted in Cobalt 1.1 and replaced with
// |local_aggregation_period|.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
repeated WindowSize window_size = 11;
// A time window in units of days or hours over which to aggregate events
// on-device. Cobalt will send a separate Observation for each
// OnDeviceAggregationWindow specified.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
repeated OnDeviceAggregationWindow aggregation_window = 16;
// This field can be used with all Report types. When set, the generated
// report will exclude an Observation if there are not at least
// |reporting_threshold| number of distinct devices reporting Observations
// with the same ObservationMetadata.
uint32 reporting_threshold = 13;
// How to aggregate numeric values on a device.
// This enum will be deleted in Cobalt 1.1 and replaced with
// the LocalAggregationProcedure enum.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
enum OnDeviceAggregationType {
// Sum the values.
SUM = 0;
// Take the minimum value.
MIN = 1;
// Take the maximum value.
MAX = 2;
// This field is required for the PER_DEVICE_NUMERIC_STATS report type.
// It is not used with any other report type.
// Used to specify how numeric values should be aggregated on-device.
// If SUM is chosen, each device will generate an Observation containing
// the sum of logged numeric values over a specified aggregation window.
// If MIN (resp., MAX) is chosen, an Observation for this report will
// contain the minimum (resp., maximum) numeric value logged during the
// aggregation window.
// This field will be deleted in Cobalt 1.1 and replaced with the
// field |local_aggregation_procedure|.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
OnDeviceAggregationType aggregation_type = 14;
// This field is optional for the NUMERIC_AGGREGATION report type. It is not
// used with any other report type.
// Used to specify which additional percentiles to include in the report
// output. Each value should be between 0 and 100.
// TODO(fxb/45463) Delete when all users move to Cobalt 1.1.
repeated uint32 percentiles = 15;
// The on-device function computed on the metric during the aggregation
// window.
enum LocalAggregationProcedure {
// Numerical statistic aggregation procedures to be used with reports
// TODO(zmbush): Rename these to remove the '_PROCEDURE' suffix once the
// 'OnDeviceAggregationType' enum is removed.
MEAN = 4;
// The value of N is set in the field
// |local_aggregation_procedure_percentile_n|.
// Logical aggregation procedures to be used with reports of type
// This field is required for reports of type
// and UNIQUE_DEVICE_COUNTS. Different report types support
// different values of this field. See the comments on the
// enum values in LocalAggregationProcedure.
LocalAggregationProcedure local_aggregation_procedure = 17;
// This field is required when
// local_aggregation_procedure = LOCAL_AGGREGATION_PROCEDURE_PERCENTILE_N.
// In this case it gives the value of N to use. Otherwise this field is
// ignored.
uint32 local_aggregation_procedure_percentile_n = 18;
// Time window over which the metric is aggregated. The local aggregation
// period is specified for UNIQUE_DEVICE_* report types.
WindowSize local_aggregation_period = 19;
/////////////////// Fields used by all report types ///////////////////
// Next id: 103
// The list of SystemProfileFields to include in each row of the report.
// Optional.
repeated SystemProfileField system_profile_field = 100;
// Configuration of differentially private release for this report.
DifferentialPrivacyConfig dp_release_config = 101;
// Overrides the location to where Cobalt exports this Report.
// This field is implementation-specific. If omitted Cobalt will use its
// default settings to determine the location of the exported report.
string export_location_override = 102;
// If the system profile value changed during the aggregation window specified for this report,
// system_profile_selection specifies which system profile to report for each device.
SystemProfileSelectionPolicy system_profile_selection = 103;
// A specification for SystemProfile selection policy.
enum SystemProfileSelectionPolicy {
// The default implementation. May change without notice.
// Always report the last SystemProfile seen in the aggregation_window.
// Always report the first SystemProfile seen in the aggregation_window.
message DifferentialPrivacyConfig {
float epsilon = 1;
float delta = 2;
// A specification of a field from SystemProfile. These are used in a ReportDefinition to specify
// which fields should be included in the generated Observations and reports.
enum SystemProfileField {
OS = 0;
ARCH = 1;
REALM = 6;
// ExponentialIntegerBuckets is used to define a partition of the integers into
// a finite number of exponentially increasing buckets.
// Let n = num_buckets. Then there are n+2 buckets indexed 0,...,n+1.
// The bucket boundaries are:
// a[0] = floor
// a[1] = floor + initial_step
// a[2] = floor + initial_step * step_multiplier
// a[3] = floor + initial_step * step_multiplier ^ 2
// a[4] = floor + initial_step * step_multiplier ^ 3
// and in general, for i = 1, 2, 3 ... n
// a[i] = floor + initial_step * step_multiplier ^ (i-1)
// Then, the buckets are defined as follows:
// Bucket 0 is the underflow bucket: (-infinity, floor)
// Bucket i for 0 < i < n+1: [a[i-1], a[i])
// Bucket n+1 is the overflow bucket: [a[n], +infinity)
// Examples:
// floor = 0
// num_buckets = 3
// initial_step = 10
// step_multiplier = 10
// Then, the buckets are:
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 10), [10, 100), [100, 1000), [1000, +infinity)
// floor = 0
// num_buckets = 3
// initial_step = 2
// step_multiplier = 2
// Then, the buckets are:
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 2), [2, 4), [4, 8), [8, +infinity)
// floor = 10
// num_buckets = 3
// initial_step = 2
// step_multiplier = 2
// Then, the buckets are:
// (-infinity, 10), [10, 12), [12, 14), [14, 18), [18, +infinity)
// floor = 0
// num_buckets = 3
// initial_step = 100
// step_multiplier = 10
// Then, the buckets are:
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 100), [100, 1000), [1000, 10000), [10000, +infinity)
message ExponentialIntegerBuckets {
int64 floor = 1;
// num_buckets must be at least 1.
uint32 num_buckets = 2;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 initial_step = 3;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 step_multiplier = 4;
// LinearIntegerBuckets is used to define a partition of the integers into a
// finite number of buckets of equal size.
// Let n = num_buckets. Then there are n+2 buckets indexed 0,...,n+1.
// Bucket 0 is the underflow bucket: (-infinity, floor)
// Bucket n+1 is the overflow bucket: [lower + step_size * n, +infinity)
// For i = 1 to n, the bucket i is defined as
// [floor + step_size * (i-1), floor + step_size * i)
// Example: floor = 0, num_buckets = 3, step_size = 10.
// (-infinity, 0), [0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30), [30, +inifinity)
message LinearIntegerBuckets {
int64 floor = 1;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 num_buckets = 2;
// Must be at least one.
uint32 step_size = 3;
message IntegerBuckets {
oneof buckets {
ExponentialIntegerBuckets exponential = 1;
LinearIntegerBuckets linear = 2;