blob: f1710d78bf0e1433a2e78fa732576e25877d60cb [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
// NOTE: This file is used by the Cobalt client and the Cobalt servers.
// The source-of-truth of this file is located in Google's internal code
// repository, and the file is automatically copied to Cobalt's open source
// repo where it is used by the Cobalt client code. Do not edit the copy of this
// file in the open-source repo as those edits will be overwritten when the file
// is next copied.
// An EncryptedMessage carries the encrypted bytes of another proto message,
// along with information about how it is encrypted.
// Observations collected via Cobalt are doubly encrypted. First each individual
// message is encrypted to the Analyzer that will process it. Second each
// Envelope containing many observations is encrypted to the Shuffler. We use
// the EncryptedMessage proto to carry the ciphertext in both cases.
message EncryptedMessage {
// The different schemes used in Cobalt to encrypt a message.
enum EncryptionScheme {
// The message is not encrypted. |ciphertext| contains plaintext bytes of a
// serialized protocol buffer message. This scheme must only be used in
// tests.
NONE = 0;
// Hybrid Cipher using elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, version 1.
// Hybrid cipher compatible with Tink hybrid encryption/decryption
// primitives declared in
// third_party/tink/cc/hybrid/hybrid_key_templates.h
// Multiple hybrid encryption schemes are supported and indicated by the
// type of key used.
// Which scheme was used to encrypt this message?
EncryptionScheme scheme = 1;
// Which key was used to encrypt this message?
// This key is mutually exclusive with |scheme| being set.
uint32 key_index = 4;
// 32-byte fingerprint (SHA256) of the recipient’s public key.
// This is used to facilitate key rotation.
bytes public_key_fingerprint = 2;
// The |ciphertext| field contains the bytes of the encryption of the standard
// serialization of one of the following types of proto messages:
// - A cobalt.Envelope, as defined in Cobalt's envelope.proto.
// EncryptedMessages containing Envelopes are the input to the Shuffler.
// - A cobalt.Observation, as defined in Cobalt's observation.proto.
// An ObservationBatch (defined in observation_batch.proto) contains
// EncryptedMessages of this type. ObservationBatches are output from the
// Shuffler.
bytes ciphertext = 3;