blob: 3568063339e0624dbe0f87f167c9de297b518a1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "observation_batch.proto";
// A row of output for a report of type SIMPLE_OCCURRENCE_COUNT.
// Gives the total daily, fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of an
// event with a particular event code, on a particular day, considering only
// devices matching a particular system profile.
message SimpleOccurrenceCountReportRow {
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// |system_profile_field| entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The label for the event code associated with the events that occurred. If
// the event_code has not been assigned a label (in the event_codes field of
// the MetricDefinition) then this will be a string of the form
// "<event-code-42>".
string event_code = 3;
// The total count of the event occurrence on the |date|, over all reporting
// devices with the |system_profile|. Unless |local_privacy_noise_level| in
// the Reportdefintion is set to NONE, this value is an estimate.
float count = 4;
// An estimate of the standard error in the value of the |count|. This will
// be zero if |local_privacy_noise_level| in the Reportdefintion is NONE.
// Multiply this value by z_{alpha/2} to obtain the radius of an approximate
// 100(1 - alpha)% confidence interval. For example an approximate 95%
// confidence interval for the count is given by
// (count_estimate - 1.96*std_error, count_estimate + 1.96 * std_error)
// because 1.96 ~= z_{.025} meaning that P(Z > 1.96) ~= 0.025 where
// Z ~ Normal(0, 1).
float std_err = 5;
// A row of output for a report of type EVENT_COMPONENT_OCCURRENCE_COUNT.
// Gives the total daily fleet-wide count of the number of occurrences of an
// event with a particular event code, for a particular component, on a
// particular day, considering only devices matching a particular system
// profile.
message EventComponentOccurrenceCountReportRow {
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// |system_profile_field| entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The label for the event code associated with the events that occurred. If
// the event code has not been assigned a label (in the event_codes field of
// the MetricDefinition) then this will be a string of the form
// "<event-code-42>".
string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// |candidate_list| or |candidate_file| fields). There are also two special
// values of |component|.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// The total sum of the event occurrence counts for events with the
// |event_code| and |component|, on the |date|, over all
// reporting devices with the |system_profile|.
int64 sum = 5;
// The count of Observations that contributed to the |sum|.
int64 count = 6;
// A row of output for a report of type INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM.
// Gives the value for one bucket of an integer range histogram, aggregated
// over the fleet, for a particular event code, a particular component, on a
// particular day, considering only devices matching a particular system
// profile.
message IntRangeHistogramReportRow {
// The date on which the logged events occurred, as measured on the device.
// This is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
string date = 1;
// A profile of the system from which the events were logged. This will be
// populated with only the fields that are specified in the
// |system_profile_field| entry in the ReportDefinition for this report.
SystemProfile system_profile = 2;
// The label for the event code associated with the events that occurred. If
// the event code has not been assigned a label (in the event_codes field of
// the MetricDefinition) then this will be a string of the form
// "<event-code-42>".
string event_code = 3;
// The component string associated with the events that occurred. This string
// must have been pre-registered in the ReportDefinition (using the
// |candidate_list| or |candidate_file| fields). There are also two special
// values of |component|.
// "<NONE>" is the component associated with logged events that
// contained an empty component string.
// "<OTHER>" is the component associated with logged events that contained
// a non-empty component string that was not pre-registered.
string component = 4;
// String describing the interval of integers for this bucket, such as
// "10-15".
string bucket_name = 5;
// The count for this bucket.
int64 bucket_count = 6;