blob: 044e5ed84f9b0340fd484e3443133dcac0f2e3f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/observation_store/envelope_maker.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/logging.h"
#include "src/observation_store/observation_store.h"
#include "third_party/gflags/include/gflags/gflags.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace cobalt::observation_store {
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kCustomerId = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kProjectId = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kFirstMetricId = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kSecondMetricId = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kThirdMetricId = 3;
// This is the day index for Friday Dec 2, 2016
const uint32_t kUtcDayIndex = 17137;
} // namespace
class EnvelopeMakerTest : public ::testing::Test {
: envelope_maker_(new EnvelopeMaker()),
encrypt_(util::EncryptedMessageMaker::MakeUnencrypted()) {}
// Returns the current value of envelope_maker_ and resets envelope_maker_
// to a new EnvelopeMaker constructed using the given optional arguments.
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeMaker> ResetEnvelopeMaker(size_t max_bytes_each_observation = SIZE_MAX,
size_t max_num_bytes = SIZE_MAX) {
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeMaker> return_val = std::move(envelope_maker_);
envelope_maker_ = std::make_unique<EnvelopeMaker>(max_bytes_each_observation, max_num_bytes);
return return_val;
// Adds an Observation
// (as represented by an EncryptedMessage and an ObservationMetadata) of size
// |num_bytes|, with the specified |metric_id|, to the EnvelopeMaker.
// |expected_num_batches|is the expected number of batches in the
// EnvelopeMaker after the new Observation has been added.
// |expected_this_batch_index| The expected index of the batch that the
// new Observation should have been put into.
// |expected_this_batch_size| The expected number of Observations in the
// batch, including the new Observation.
void AddObservation(size_t num_bytes, uint32_t metric_id, int expected_num_batches,
size_t expected_this_batch_index, int expected_this_batch_size,
ObservationStore::StoreStatus expected_status) {
// Create an EncryptedMessage and an ObservationMetadata
auto message = std::make_unique<EncryptedMessage>();
// We subtract 1 from |num_bytes| because EnvelopeMaker adds one
// to its definition of size.
CHECK(num_bytes > 4);
message->set_ciphertext(std::string(num_bytes - 4, 'x'));
auto metadata = std::make_unique<ObservationMetadata>();
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, envelope_maker_);
// Add the Observation to the EnvelopeMaker
size_t size_before_add = envelope_maker_->Size();
auto m = std::make_unique<StoredObservation>();
envelope_maker_->StoreObservation(std::move(m), std::move(metadata)));
size_t size_after_add = envelope_maker_->Size();
size_t expected_size_change = (expected_status == ObservationStore::kOk ? num_bytes : 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_size_change, size_after_add - size_before_add);
// Check the number of batches currently in the envelope.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_batches, envelope_maker_->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get()).batch_size());
if (expected_status != ObservationStore::kOk) {
// Check the ObservationMetadata of the expected batch.
const auto& batch =
EXPECT_EQ(kCustomerId, batch.meta_data().customer_id());
EXPECT_EQ(kProjectId, batch.meta_data().project_id());
EXPECT_EQ(metric_id, batch.meta_data().metric_id());
EXPECT_EQ(kUtcDayIndex, batch.meta_data().day_index());
// Check the size of the expected batch.
ASSERT_EQ(expected_this_batch_size, batch.encrypted_observation_size())
<< "batch_index=" << expected_this_batch_index << "; metric_id=" << metric_id;
// The Observation we just added should be the last one in the batch.
EXPECT_EQ(num_bytes - 4,
batch.encrypted_observation(expected_this_batch_size - 1).ciphertext().size());
// Adds multiple observations to the EnvelopeMaker for the given
// metric_id. The Observations will have sizes 10 + i for i in [first, limit).
// expected_num_batches: How many batches do we expecte the EnvelopeMaker to
// contain after the first add.
// expected_this_batch_index: Which batch index do we expect this add to
// have gone into.
// expected_this_batch_size: What is the expected number of Observations in
// the current batch *before* the first add.
void AddManyObservations(int first, int limit, uint32_t metric_id, int expected_num_batches,
size_t expected_this_batch_index, int expected_this_batch_size) {
for (int i = first; i < limit; i++) {
AddObservation(10 + i, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
++expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kOk);
// Adds multiple encoded Observations to two different metrics. Test that
// the EnvelopeMaker behaves correctly.
void DoTest() {
// Add 10 observations for metric 1
size_t expected_num_batches = 1;
size_t expected_this_batch_index = 0;
size_t expected_batch0_size = 0;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch0_size += 10;
// Add 5 more.
AddManyObservations(15, 20, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch0_size += 5;
// Add 5 observations for metric 2
expected_num_batches = 2;
expected_this_batch_index = 1;
size_t expected_batch1_size = 0;
AddManyObservations(15, 20, kSecondMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch1_size += 5;
// Add 5 more observations for metric 2
AddManyObservations(20, 25, kSecondMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch1_size += 5;
// Add 12 more observations for metric 1
expected_this_batch_index = 0;
AddManyObservations(11, 23, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch0_size += 12;
// Add 13 more observations for metric 1
AddManyObservations(11, 24, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch0_size += 13;
// Add 10 more observations for metric 2
expected_this_batch_index = 1;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, kSecondMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch1_size += 10;
// Add 10 more.
AddManyObservations(10, 20, kSecondMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_batch1_size += 10;
const Envelope& envelope = envelope_maker_->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get());
EXPECT_EQ(2, envelope.batch_size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, envelope.batch(i).meta_data().metric_id());
auto expected_batch_size = (i == 0 ? expected_batch0_size : expected_batch1_size);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_batch_size, envelope.batch(i).encrypted_observation_size());
// Returns the ObservationBatch containing the given |metadata|. If
// this is the first time we have seen the given |metadata| then a
// new ObservationBatch is created.
StoredObservationBatch* GetBatch(std::unique_ptr<ObservationMetadata> metadata) {
return envelope_maker_->GetBatch(std::move(metadata));
std::unique_ptr<EnvelopeMaker> envelope_maker_;
std::unique_ptr<util::EncryptedMessageMaker> encrypt_;
// We perform DoTest() three times with a Clear() between each turn.
// This last tests that Clear() works correctly.
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, TestThrice) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Tests the MergeWith() method.
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, MergeWith) {
// Add metric 1 batch to EnvelopeMaker 1 with strings 0..9
uint32_t metric_id = kFirstMetricId;
int expected_num_batches = 1;
size_t expected_this_batch_index = 0;
int expected_this_batch_size = 0;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
// Add metric 2 batch to EnvelopeMaker 1 with strings 0..9
metric_id = kSecondMetricId;
expected_num_batches = 2;
expected_this_batch_index = 1;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
// Take EnvelopeMaker 1 and create EnvelopeMaker 2.
auto envelope_maker1 = ResetEnvelopeMaker();
// Add metric 2 batch to EnvelopeMaker 2 with strings 10..19
metric_id = kSecondMetricId;
expected_num_batches = 1;
expected_this_batch_index = 0;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
// Add metric 3 to EnvelopeMaker 2 with strings 0..9
metric_id = kThirdMetricId;
expected_num_batches = 2;
expected_this_batch_index = 1;
AddManyObservations(10, 20, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
// Take EnvelopeMaker 2,
auto envelope_maker2 = ResetEnvelopeMaker();
// Now invoke MergeWith to merge EnvelopeMaker 2 into EnvelopeMaker 1.
// EnvelopeMaker 2 should be null.
EXPECT_EQ(envelope_maker2, nullptr);
// EnvelopeMaker 1 should have three batches for Metrics 1, 2, 3
ASSERT_EQ(3, envelope_maker1->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get()).batch_size());
// Iterate through each of the batches and check it.
for (uint index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
// Batch 0 and 2 should have 10 encrypted observations and batch
// 1 should have 20 because batch 1 from EnvelopeMaker 2 was merged
// into batch 1 of EnvelopeMaker 1.
auto& batch = envelope_maker1->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get()).batch(index);
EXPECT_EQ(index + 1, batch.meta_data().metric_id());
auto expected_num_observations = (index == 1 ? 20 : 10);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_observations, batch.encrypted_observation_size());
// Check each one of the observations.
for (int i = 0; i < expected_num_observations; i++) {
// Extract the serialized observation.
// TODO(rudominer)
// Now we want to test that after the MergeWith() operation the EnvelopeMaker
// is still usable. Put EnvelopeMaker 1 back as the test EnvelopeMaker.
envelope_maker_ = std::move(envelope_maker1);
// Add string observations 10..19 to metric ID 1 batches 1, 2 and 3.
for (int metric_id = 1; metric_id <= 3; metric_id++) {
expected_num_batches = 3;
expected_this_batch_index = metric_id - 1;
expected_this_batch_size = (metric_id == 2 ? 20 : 10);
AddManyObservations(10, 20, metric_id, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
// Tests that EnvelopeMaker returns kObservationTooBig when it is supposed to.
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, ObservationTooBig) {
// Set max_bytes_each_observation = 105.
size_t expected_num_batches = 1;
size_t expected_this_batch_index = 0;
size_t expected_this_batch_size = 1;
// Add an observation that is not too big.
AddObservation(105, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kOk);
// Try to add an observation that is too big.
// We expect the Observation to not be added to the Envelope and so for
// the Envelope size to not change.
AddObservation(106, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kObservationTooBig);
// Add another observation that is not too big.
expected_this_batch_size = 2;
AddObservation(104, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kOk);
// Try to add another observation that is too big.
// We expect the Observation to not be added to the Envelope and so for
// the Envelope size to not change.
AddObservation(107, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kObservationTooBig);
// Tests that EnvelopeMaker returns kStoreFull when it is supposed to.
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, EnvelopeFull) {
// Set max_bytes_each_observation = 100, max_num_bytes=1000.
ResetEnvelopeMaker(100, 1000);
int expected_this_batch_size = 1;
int expected_num_batches = 1;
size_t expected_this_batch_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
// Add 19 observations of size 50 for a total of 950 bytes
AddObservation(50, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size++, ObservationStore::kOk);
EXPECT_EQ(950u, envelope_maker_->Size());
// If we try to add an observation of more than 100 bytes we should
// get kObservationTooBig.
// We expect the Observation to not be added to the Envelope and so for
// the Envelope size to not change.
AddObservation(101, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kObservationTooBig);
// If we try to add an observation of 65 bytes we should
// get kStoreFull
AddObservation(65, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kStoreFull);
// We can add one more observation of size 50.
AddObservation(50, kFirstMetricId, expected_num_batches, expected_this_batch_index,
expected_this_batch_size, ObservationStore::kOk);
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, CanWriteUnencrypted) {
auto observation = std::make_unique<StoredObservation>();
auto unencrypted = observation->mutable_unencrypted();
auto metadata = std::make_unique<ObservationMetadata>();
envelope_maker_->StoreObservation(std::move(observation), std::move(metadata)));
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, CanReadUnencrypted) {
auto observation = std::make_unique<Observation2>();
auto encrypted_obs = std::make_unique<EncryptedMessage>();
encrypt_->Encrypt(*observation, encrypted_obs.get());
// Verify that our encrypted observation is non-trivial.
ASSERT_GT(encrypted_obs->ciphertext().size(), 0);
auto metadata = std::make_unique<ObservationMetadata>();
auto read_env = envelope_maker_->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get());
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch_size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch(0).encrypted_observation_size(), 1);
// Verify that we got the observation we expected.
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch(0).encrypted_observation(0).ciphertext(), encrypted_obs->ciphertext());
TEST_F(EnvelopeMakerTest, CanReadWriteUnencrypted) {
auto observation = std::make_unique<StoredObservation>();
auto unencrypted = observation->mutable_unencrypted();
auto encrypted_obs = std::make_unique<EncryptedMessage>();
encrypt_->Encrypt(*unencrypted, encrypted_obs.get());
// Verify that our encrypted observation is non-trivial.
ASSERT_GT(encrypted_obs->ciphertext().size(), 0);
auto metadata = std::make_unique<ObservationMetadata>();
envelope_maker_->StoreObservation(std::move(observation), std::move(metadata)));
auto read_env = envelope_maker_->GetEnvelope(encrypt_.get());
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch_size(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch(0).encrypted_observation_size(), 1);
// Verify that we got the observation we expected.
ASSERT_EQ(read_env.batch(0).encrypted_observation(0).ciphertext(), encrypted_obs->ciphertext());
} // namespace cobalt::observation_store