blob: fccbe7cc51a37422fdcd27d7074c1d911852a53b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/local_aggregation/aggregation_utils.h"
#include <optional>
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace cobalt::local_aggregation {
using logger::kOK;
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, MakeDayWindow) {
const int kSevenDays = 7;
auto window = MakeDayWindow(kSevenDays);
ASSERT_EQ(OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kDays, window.units_case());
EXPECT_EQ(kSevenDays, window.days());
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, MakeHourWindow) {
const int kOneHour = 1;
auto window = MakeHourWindow(kOneHour);
ASSERT_EQ(OnDeviceAggregationWindow::kHours, window.units_case());
EXPECT_EQ(kOneHour, window.hours());
/*** SUM tests ***/
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateSumNoPriorValue) {
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::SUM, std::nullopt, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue, updated_value);
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateSumWithPriorValue) {
const int64_t kStoredAggregate = 45;
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::SUM, kStoredAggregate, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue + kStoredAggregate, updated_value);
/*** MAX tests ***/
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMaxNoPriorValue) {
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MAX, std::nullopt, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue, updated_value);
// Check that the function does not update the aggregate if it is larger than the new value.
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMaxWithLargerPriorValue) {
const int64_t kStoredAggregate = 45;
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MAX, kStoredAggregate, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kStoredAggregate, updated_value);
// Check that the function updates the aggregate if it is smaller than the new value.
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMaxWithSmallerPriorValue) {
const int64_t kStoredAggregate = 2;
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MAX, kStoredAggregate, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue, updated_value);
/*** MIN tests ***/
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMinNoPriorValue) {
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MIN, std::nullopt, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue, updated_value);
// Check that the function does not update the aggregate if it is smaller than the new value.
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMinWithSmallerPriorValue) {
const int64_t kStoredAggregate = 2;
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MIN, kStoredAggregate, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kStoredAggregate, updated_value);
// Check that the function updates the aggregate if it is larger than the new value.
TEST(AggregationUtilsTest, GetUpdatedAggregateMinWithLargerPriorValue) {
const int64_t kStoredAggregate = 45;
const int64_t kNewValue = 4;
auto [status, updated_value] =
GetUpdatedAggregate(ReportDefinition::MIN, kStoredAggregate, kNewValue);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, status);
EXPECT_EQ(kNewValue, updated_value);
} // namespace cobalt::local_aggregation