blob: d3111062643b87587e5860028036f7f535280c30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "util/encrypted_message_util.h"
#include <string>
#include "./encrypted_message.pb.h"
#include "./observation.pb.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "util/crypto_util/cipher.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace util {
using crypto::HybridCipher;
Observation MakeDummyObservation(std::string part_name) {
Observation observation;
(*observation.mutable_parts())[part_name] = ObservationPart();
return observation;
// Tests the use of the no-encryption option.
TEST(EncryptedMessageUtilTest, NoEncryption) {
// Make a dummy observation.
auto observation = MakeDummyObservation("hello");
// Make an EncryptedMessageMaker that uses the NONE encryption scheme.
auto maker = EncryptedMessageMaker::MakeAllowUnencrypted(
"dummy_key", EncryptedMessage::NONE)
// Encrypt the dummy observation.
EncryptedMessage encrypted_message;
EXPECT_TRUE(maker->Encrypt(observation, &encrypted_message));
// Make a MessageDecrypter.
MessageDecrypter decrypter("dummy_key");
// Decrypt and check.
EXPECT_TRUE(decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
// Tests the use of bad encryption keys
TEST(EncryptedMessageUtilTest, BadKeys) {
// Make a dummy observation.
auto observation = MakeDummyObservation("hello");
// Make an EncryptedMessageMaker that uses a bad public key.
auto maker = EncryptedMessageMaker::Make(
"dummy_key", EncryptedMessage::HYBRID_ECDH_V1)
// Try to encrypt the dummy observation.
EncryptedMessage encrypted_message;
// Expect it to fail, but not crash.
EXPECT_FALSE(maker->Encrypt(observation, &encrypted_message));
// Tests the use of the hybrid cipher option.
TEST(EncryptedMessageUtilTest, HybridEncryption) {
std::string public_key;
std::string private_key;
EXPECT_TRUE(HybridCipher::GenerateKeyPairPEM(&public_key, &private_key));
// Make a dummy observation.
auto observation = MakeDummyObservation("hello");
// Make an EncryptedMessageMaker that uses our real encryption scheme.
auto maker = EncryptedMessageMaker::Make(
public_key, EncryptedMessage::HYBRID_ECDH_V1)
// Encrypt the dummy observation.
EncryptedMessage encrypted_message;
ASSERT_TRUE(maker->Encrypt(observation, &encrypted_message));
EXPECT_EQ(32u, encrypted_message.public_key_fingerprint().size());
// Make a MessageDecrypter.
MessageDecrypter decrypter(private_key);
// Decrypt and check.
ASSERT_TRUE(decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
// Make a MessageDecrypter that uses a bad private key.
MessageDecrypter bad_decrypter("dummy_key");
// Try to decrypt.
// Expect it to fail, but not crash.
EXPECT_FALSE(bad_decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
// Tests that Make does not allow the NONE scheme.
TEST(EncryptedMessageUtilTest, DisallowUnencrypted) {
// Make a dummy observation.
auto observation = MakeDummyObservation("hello");
// Try to make an EncryptedMessageMaker that uses the NONE encryption scheme.
auto status = EncryptedMessageMaker::Make(
"dummy_key", EncryptedMessage::NONE);
EXPECT_EQ(INVALID_ARGUMENT, status.status().error_code());
// Tests that using encryption incorrectly fails but doesn't cause any crashes.
TEST(EncryptedMessageUtilTest, Crazy) {
std::string public_key;
std::string private_key;
EXPECT_TRUE(HybridCipher::GenerateKeyPairPEM(&public_key, &private_key));
// Make a dummy observation.
auto observation = MakeDummyObservation("hello");
// Make an EncryptedMessageMaker that incorrectly uses the private key
// instead of the public key
auto bad_maker = EncryptedMessageMaker::Make(
private_key, EncryptedMessage::HYBRID_ECDH_V1)
// Try to encrypt the dummy observation.
EncryptedMessage encrypted_message;
// Expect it to fail, but not crash.
EXPECT_FALSE(bad_maker->Encrypt(observation, &encrypted_message));
// Now make a good EncryptedMessageMaker
auto real_maker = EncryptedMessageMaker::Make(
public_key, EncryptedMessage::HYBRID_ECDH_V1)
// Encrypt the dummy observation.
EXPECT_TRUE(real_maker->Encrypt(observation, &encrypted_message));
// Make a MessageDecrypter that uses the correct private key.
MessageDecrypter real_decrypter(private_key);
// Decrypt and check.
EXPECT_TRUE(real_decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
// Make a MessageDecrypter that incorrectly uses the public key
MessageDecrypter bad_decrypter(public_key);
// Try to decrypt.
// Expect it to fail, but not crash.
EXPECT_FALSE(bad_decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
// Try to decrypt corrupted ciphertext.
// Expect it to fail, but not crash.
encrypted_message.mutable_ciphertext()[0] =
encrypted_message.ciphertext()[0] + 1;
EXPECT_FALSE(real_decrypter.DecryptMessage(encrypted_message, &observation));
} // namespace util
} // namespace cobalt