blob: 65497c820c31d526b34287b613b0220b35d0008a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Compares the generated source files to a list of golden files.
// If the test fails due to a change in the config protos, you can find the
// new golden files in your /tmp directory.
package source_generator
import (
type memConfigReader struct {
customers string
projects map[string]string
func (r memConfigReader) Customers() (string, error) {
return r.customers, nil
func (r memConfigReader) CustomersFilePath() string {
return "fake/customers.yaml"
func (r memConfigReader) Project(customerName string, projectName string) (string, error) {
key := customerName + "|" + projectName
yaml, ok := r.projects[key]
if !ok {
return yaml, fmt.Errorf("Project could not be read!")
return yaml, nil
func (r *memConfigReader) SetProject(customerName string, projectName string, yaml string) {
if r.projects == nil {
r.projects = map[string]string{}
key := customerName + "|" + projectName
r.projects[key] = yaml
const projectConfigYaml = `
- metric_name: the_metric_name
id: 100
time_zone_policy: UTC
- report_name: the_report
id: 10
report_type: CUSTOM_RAW_DUMP
- report_name: the_other_report
id: 20
- metric_name: the_other_metric_name
id: 200
time_zone_policy: LOCAL
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
- event_codes:
0: AnEvent
1: AnotherEvent
2: A third event
max_event_code: 200
- report_name: the_report
id: 10
- id: 300
metric_name: "event groups"
time_zone_policy: LOCAL
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
- dimension: "The First Group"
0: AnEvent
1: AnotherEvent
2: A third event
max_event_code: 2
- dimension: "A second group"
1: This
2: Is
3: another
4: Test
- event_codes:
0: ThisMetric
2: HasNo
4: Name
HasNo: Alias
- report_name: the_report
id: 30
privacy_level: LOW_PRIVACY
- id: 400
metric_name: "linear buckets"
floor: 0
num_buckets: 140
step_size: 5
- id: 500
metric_name: "exponential buckets"
- report_name: report
id: 40
floor: 0
num_buckets: 3
initial_step: 2
step_multiplier: 2
- id: 600
metric_name: "metric"
metric_dimensions: &dimensions
- dimension: "First"
1: A
2: Set
3: OfEvent
4: Codes
- dimension: "Second"
0: Some
4: More
8: Event
16: Codes
- id: 601
metric_name: "second metric"
metric_dimensions: *dimensions
func readGoldenFile(filename string) (string, error) {
_, thisFname, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
goldenFname := path.Join(path.Dir(thisFname), "source_generator_test_files", filename)
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(goldenFname)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(contents), nil
func getConfigFrom(config string, cobalt_version config_parser.CobaltVersion) config.CobaltRegistry {
r := memConfigReader{}
r.SetProject("the_customer", "the_project", config)
con := config_parser.ProjectConfig{
CustomerName: "the_customer",
CustomerId: 10,
ProjectName: "the_project",
ProjectId: 5,
CobaltVersion: cobalt_version,
_ = config_parser.ReadProjectConfig(r, &con)
return config_parser.MergeConfigs([]config_parser.ProjectConfig{con})
var cfgTests = []struct {
goldenFile string
formatter OutputFormatter
hideOnClient bool
{"golden.cb.dart", DartOutputFactory("config", []string{"generate-config-base64"}), false},
{"golden.cb.h", CppOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"generate-config-base64"}), false},
{"", RustOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"generate-config-base64"}), false},
{"golden.cb.go", GoOutputFactory("config", "package", []string{"generate-config-base64"}), false},
{"", JavaOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"generate-config-base64"}, "golden"), false},
{"golden_with_ns.cb.h", CppOutputFactory("config", []string{"ns1", "ns2"}, []string{}), false},
{"", RustOutputFactory("config", []string{"ns1", "ns2"}, []string{}), false},
{"", JavaOutputFactory("config", []string{"ns1", "ns2"}, []string{}, "golden_with_ns"), false},
{"golden_filtered.cb.dart", DartOutputFactory("config", []string{}), true},
{"golden_filtered.cb.h", CppOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{}), true},
{"", RustOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{}), true},
{"golden_filtered.cb.go", GoOutputFactory("config", "package", []string{}), true},
{"", JavaOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{}, "golden_filtered"), true},
{"golden_for_testing.cb.dart", DartOutputFactory("config", []string{"testing"}), false},
{"golden_for_testing.cb.h", CppOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"testing"}), false},
{"", RustOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"testing"}), false},
{"golden_for_testing.cb.go", GoOutputFactory("config", "package", []string{"testing"}), false},
{"", JavaOutputFactory("config", []string{}, []string{"testing"}, "golden_for_testing"), false},
// JSONOutput() ignores hideOnClients so we only test once
{"golden.cb.json", JSONOutputFactory(nil), true},
func TestPrintConfig(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range cfgTests {
c := getConfigFrom(projectConfigYaml, config_parser.CobaltVersion1)
filtered := proto.Clone(&c).(*config.CobaltRegistry)
if tt.hideOnClient {
configBytes, err := tt.formatter(&c, filtered)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error generating file: %v", err)
goldenFile, err := readGoldenFile(tt.goldenFile)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error reading golden file: %v", err)
generatedConfig := string(configBytes)
goldenLines := strings.Split(goldenFile, "\n")
generatedLines := strings.Split(generatedConfig, "\n")
if diff := cmp.Diff(goldenLines, generatedLines); diff != "" {
genFile := "/tmp/" + tt.goldenFile
ioutil.WriteFile(genFile, configBytes, 0644)
t.Errorf("Golden file %s doesn't match the generated config (%s). Diff: %s", tt.goldenFile, genFile, diff)
var headerGuardTests = []struct {
projectName string
customerName string
namespaces []string
expected string
{"Project", "Customer", []string{}, "COBALT_REGISTRY_PROJECT_CUSTOMER_GEN_"},
{"PrOjeCt", "custOMER", []string{"single"}, "COBALT_REGISTRY_PR_OJE_CT_CUST_OMER_SINGLE_GEN_"},
{"Pr)j#ct", "Cu$t@m#r", []string{"123", "!@#"}, "COBALT_REGISTRY_PR_J_CT_CU_T_M_R_123_GEN_"},
{"AnotherProject", "AlsoCustomer", []string{"a", "very", "nested", "namespace", "for", "some", "reason"}, "COBALT_REGISTRY_ANOTHER_PROJECT_ALSO_CUSTOMER_A_VERY_NESTED_NAMESPACE_FOR_SOME_REASON_GEN_"},
func TestGetHeaderGuard(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range headerGuardTests {
result := getHeaderGuard(tt.projectName, tt.customerName, tt.namespaces)
if result != tt.expected {
t.Errorf("getHeaderGuard(%v, %v, %v), %v != %v", tt.projectName, tt.customerName, tt.namespaces, result, tt.expected)