blob: a94f83d68b99a67ed3fdc145b4d4be573b3560d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements outputLanguage for Java
package source_generator
import (
type Java struct{}
func (_ Java) getCommentPrefix() string { return " //" }
func (_ Java) supportsTypeAlias() bool { return false }
func getPackageName(namespaces []string) string {
ns := make([]string, len(namespaces))
for i, v := range namespaces {
ns[i] = toSnakeCase(v)
return strings.Join(ns, ".")
func (_ Java) writeExtraHeader(so *sourceOutputter, projectName, customerName string, namespaces []string) {
if len(namespaces) > 0 {
so.writeLineFmt("package %s;", getPackageName(namespaces))
so.writeLine("import java.util.Arrays;")
so.writeLine("import java.util.List;")
if so.options.shouldGenerateNameMaps() {
so.writeLine("import java.util.Map;")
so.writeLine("import static java.util.Map.entry;")
func (_ Java) writeExtraFooter(so *sourceOutputter, projectName, customerName string, namespaces []string) {
func (_ Java) writeEnumBegin(so *sourceOutputter, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public static enum %s {", toPascalCase(name...))
func (_ Java) writeEnumEntry(so *sourceOutputter, value uint32, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" %s(%d),", toUpperSnakeCase(name...), value)
func (_ Java) writeEnumAliasesBegin(so *sourceOutputter, name ...string) {}
func (_ Java) writeEnumAlias(so *sourceOutputter, name, from, to []string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" %s(%s.code),", toUpperSnakeCase(to...), toUpperSnakeCase(from...))
func (_ Java) writeEnumEnd(so *sourceOutputter, name ...string) {
so.writeLine(" ;")
so.writeLine(" private final int code;")
so.writeLineFmt(" private %s(int code) {", toPascalCase(name...))
so.writeLine(" this.code = code;")
so.writeLine(" }")
so.writeLine(" public int getCode() {")
so.writeLine(" return code;")
so.writeLine(" }")
so.writeLine(" }")
func (_ Java) writeEnumExport(so *sourceOutputter, enumName, name []string) {
variant := toUpperSnakeCase(name...)
so.writeLineFmt(" public static final int %s_%s = %s.%s.code;", toUpperSnakeCase(enumName...), variant, toPascalCase(enumName...), variant)
func (_ Java) writeTypeAlias(so *sourceOutputter, from, to []string) {}
func (_ Java) writeNamespacesBegin(so *sourceOutputter, namespaces []string, outputFilename string) {
so.writeLine("/** Constants defined in the Cobalt Registry. */")
so.writeLineFmt("public final class %s {", toPascalCase(outputFilename))
func (_ Java) writeNamespacesEnd(so *sourceOutputter, namespaces []string, outputFilename string) {
so.writeLine(" /** Private constructor to prevent instantiation of static class. */")
so.writeLineFmt(" private %s() {}", toPascalCase(outputFilename))
func (_ Java) writeConstUint32(so *sourceOutputter, value uint32, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public static final long %s = %dL;", toUpperSnakeCase(name...), value)
func (_ Java) writeConstInt64(so *sourceOutputter, value int64, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public static final long %s = %dL;", toUpperSnakeCase(name...), value)
func (_ Java) writeConstMap(so *sourceOutputter, value map[uint32]string, name ...string) {
var keys []uint32
for k := range value {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return keys[i] < keys[j] })
so.writeLineFmt(" public static Map<String, long> %s = Map.ofEntries(", toUpperSnakeCase(name...))
for _, id := range keys {
dimensionValue := value[id]
so.writeLineFmt(" entry(\"%s\", %d),", dimensionValue, id)
so.writeLineFmt(" );")
func (_ Java) writeStringConstant(so *sourceOutputter, value string, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public static final String %s = \"%s\";", toUpperSnakeCase(name...), value)
func (_ Java) writeStructBegin(so *sourceOutputter, name ...string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public static class %s {", toPascalCase(name...))
func (_ Java) writeStructField(so *sourceOutputter, name, typeName []string) {
so.writeLineFmt(" public %s %s;", toPascalCase(typeName...), toCamelCase(name...))
func (_ Java) writeToVectorMethod(so *sourceOutputter, structName []string, fields [][]string) {
so.writeLine(" public List<Integer> toList() {")
so.writeLineFmt(" return Arrays.asList(")
for i, field := range fields {
suffix := ","
if i == len(fields)-1 {
suffix = ""
so.writeLineFmt(" %s.code%s", toCamelCase(field...), suffix)
so.writeLineFmt(" );")
so.writeLine(" }")
func (_ Java) writeStructEnd(so *sourceOutputter) {
so.writeLine(" }")
// Returns an output formatter that will output the contents of a Java source
// file that contains a variable declaration for a string literal that contains
// the base64-encoding of the serialized proto.
// varName will be the name of the variable containing the base64-encoded serialized proto.
// namespace is a list of nested namespaces inside of which the variable will be defined.
// If features contains "testing", constants will also be generated for each report.
func JavaOutputFactory(varName string, namespace []string, options generatorOptions, outFilename string) OutputFormatter {
return newSourceOutputterWithNamespacesAndFilename(Java{}, varName, namespace, options, outFilename).getOutputFormatter()