blob: 6ba882e85c809c9f4ce04464b43343efd8dd000f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "logger/event_aggregator.h"
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "./event.pb.h"
#include "./gtest.h"
#include "logger/logger_test_utils.h"
#include "util/clock.h"
#include "util/datetime_util.h"
#include "util/proto_util.h"
using ::google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer;
namespace cobalt {
using encoder::ClientSecret;
using encoder::ObservationStoreUpdateRecipient;
using encoder::ObservationStoreWriterInterface;
using encoder::SystemDataInterface;
using util::EncryptedMessageMaker;
using util::IncrementingClock;
using util::SerializeToBase64;
using util::TimeToDayIndex;
namespace logger {
using testing::CheckUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::ExpectedAggregationParams;
using testing::ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::FakeObservationStore;
using testing::FetchAggregatedObservations;
using testing::MakeAggregationConfig;
using testing::MakeAggregationKey;
using testing::MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations;
using testing::MockConsistentProtoStore;
using testing::PopulateMetricDefinitions;
using testing::TestUpdateRecipient;
namespace {
// Number of seconds in a day
const int kDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
// Number of seconds in an ideal year
const int kYear = kDay * 365;
static const uint32_t kCustomerId = 1;
static const uint32_t kProjectId = 1;
static const char kCustomerName[] = "Fuchsia";
static const char kProjectName[] = "Cobalt";
// Filenames for constructors of ConsistentProtoStores
static const char kAggregateStoreFilename[] = "local_aggregate_store_backup";
static const char kObsHistoryFilename[] = "obs_history_backup";
// Pairs (metric ID, report ID) for the locally aggregated reports defined
// in the MetricDefinition strings below. The MetricDefinition and
// ReportDefinition corresponding to each of these MetricReportIds is determined
// relative to a ProjectContext.
const MetricReportId kDeviceBootsMetricReportId = MetricReportId(10, 101);
const MetricReportId kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId = MetricReportId(20, 201);
const MetricReportId kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId = MetricReportId(30, 302);
const MetricReportId kEventsOccurredMetricReportId = MetricReportId(40, 402);
const MetricReportId kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId =
MetricReportId(50, 501);
const MetricReportId kSettingsChangedMetricReportId = MetricReportId(60, 601);
// A set of metric definitions of various types, each with a locally aggregated
// report.
static const char kMetricDefinitions[] = R"(
metric {
metric_name: "ErrorsOccurred"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 30
max_event_code: 2
reports: {
report_name: "ErrorsOccurred_SimpleCount"
id: 301
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
reports: {
report_name: "ErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices"
id: 302
local_privacy_noise_level: LARGE
window_size: 1
window_size: 7
window_size: 30
metric {
metric_name: "ConnectionFailures"
metric_type: EVENT_COUNT
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 50
reports: {
report_name: "ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceCount"
id: 501
window_size: 1
// Properties of the locally aggregated Observations which should be generated
// for the reports in |kMetricDefinitions|, assuming that no events have ever
// been logged for those reports.
static const ExpectedAggregationParams kExpectedParams = {
/* The total number of locally aggregated Observations that should be
generated for each day index. */
/* The MetricReportIds of the locally aggregated reports in this
configuration. */
{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId},
/* The number of Observations which should be generated for each day index,
broken down by MetricReportId. */
{{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, 9},
{kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, 0}},
/* The number of event codes for each report of type UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES,
by MetricReportId. */
{{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, 3}},
/* The set of window sizes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, {1, 7, 30}},
{kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, {1}}}};
// A set of metric definitions of type EVENT_OCCURRED, each of which has a
static const char kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions[] = R"(
metric {
metric_name: "DeviceBoots"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 10
max_event_code: 1
reports: {
report_name: "DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices"
id: 101
local_privacy_noise_level: MEDIUM
window_size: 1
metric {
metric_name: "FeaturesActive"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 20
max_event_code: 4
reports: {
report_name: "FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices"
id: 201
local_privacy_noise_level: LARGE
window_size: 7
window_size: 30
metric {
metric_name: "ErrorsOccurred"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 30
max_event_code: 2
reports: {
report_name: "ErrorsOccurred_SimpleCount"
id: 301
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
reports: {
report_name: "ErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices"
id: 302
local_privacy_noise_level: LARGE
window_size: 1
window_size: 7
window_size: 30
// Properties of the locally aggregated reports in
// |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
static const ExpectedAggregationParams kUniqueActivesExpectedParams = {
/* The total number of locally aggregated Observations which should be
generated for each day index. */
/* The MetricReportIds of the locally aggregated reports in this
configuration. */
{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
/* The number of Observations which should be generated for each day
index, broken down by MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 2},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 10},
{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, 9}},
/* The number of event codes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 2},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 5},
{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, 3}},
/* The set of window sizes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, {1}},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, {7, 30}},
{kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, {1, 7, 30}}}};
// A set of MetricDefinitions of type EVENT_OCCURRED, each of which has a
// UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report with local_privacy_noise_level set to NONE.
static const char kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions[] = R"(
metric {
metric_name: "DeviceBoots"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 10
max_event_code: 1
reports: {
report_name: "DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices"
id: 101
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
window_size: 1
metric {
metric_name: "FeaturesActive"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 20
max_event_code: 4
reports: {
report_name: "FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices"
id: 201
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
window_size: 1
window_size: 7
window_size: 30
metric {
metric_name: "EventsOccurred"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 40
max_event_code: 4
reports: {
report_name: "EventsOccurred_SimpleCount"
id: 401
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
reports: {
report_name: "EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices"
id: 402
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
window_size: 1
window_size: 7
// Properties of the locally aggregated reports in
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
static const ExpectedAggregationParams kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams = {
/* The total number of locally aggregated Observations which should be
generated for each day index. */
/* The MetricReportIds of the locally aggregated reports in this
configuration. */
{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
/* The number of Observations which should be generated for each day
index, broken down by MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 2},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 15},
{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, 10}},
/* The number of event codes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 2},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 5},
{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, 5}},
/* The set of window sizes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, {1}},
{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, {1, 7, 30}},
{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, {1, 7}}}};
// A set of MetricDefinitions of type EVENT_COUNT, each of which has a
// ReportDefinition of type PER_DEVICE_COUNT_STATS.
static const char kPerDeviceCountMetricDefinitions[] = R"(
metric {
metric_name: "ConnectionFailures"
metric_type: EVENT_COUNT
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 50
reports: {
report_name: "ConnectionFailures_PerDeviceCount"
id: 501
window_size: 1
metric {
metric_name: "SettingsChanged"
metric_type: EVENT_COUNT
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 60
reports: {
report_name: "SettingsChanged_PerDeviceCount"
id: 601
window_size: 7
window_size: 30
// Properties of the locally aggregated Observations which should be generated
// for the reports in |kMetricDefinitions|, assuming that no events have ever
// been logged for those reports.
// TODO(pesk): update these fields once the EventAggregator is generating
// observations for PerDeviceCount reports.
static const ExpectedAggregationParams kPerDeviceCountExpectedParams = {
/* The total number of Observations that should be generated for a day
index. */
/* The MetricReportIds of the locally aggregated reports in this
configuration. */
{kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, kSettingsChangedMetricReportId},
/* The number of Observations which should be generated for a day index,
broken down by MetricReportId. */
{{kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, 0},
{kSettingsChangedMetricReportId, 0}},
/* Omitted because this config contains no UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports. */
/* The set of window sizes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId, {1}},
{kSettingsChangedMetricReportId, {7, 30}}}};
// A set of MetricDefinitions including one with TimeZonePolicy UTC and one with
// TimeZonePolicy LOCAL.
static const char kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneMetricDefinitions[] = R"(
metric {
metric_name: "DeviceBoots"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 10
max_event_code: 2
time_zone_policy: LOCAL
reports: {
report_name: "DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices"
id: 101
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
window_size: 1
metric {
metric_name: "FeaturesActive"
metric_type: EVENT_OCCURRED
customer_id: 1
project_id: 1
id: 20
max_event_code: 2
time_zone_policy: UTC
reports: {
report_name: "FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices"
id: 201
local_privacy_noise_level: NONE
window_size: 1
static const ExpectedAggregationParams kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneExpectedParams = {
/* The total number of locally aggregated Observations which should be
generated for each day index. */
/* The MetricReportIds of the locally aggregated reports in this
configuration. */
{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId},
/* The number of Observations which should be generated for each day
index, broken down by MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 3}, {kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 3}},
/* The number of event codes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, 3}, {kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, 3}},
/* The set of window sizes for each MetricReportId. */
{{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, {1}}, {kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, {1}}}};
// A map keyed by base64-encoded, serialized ReportAggregationKeys. The value at
// a key is a map of event codes to sets of day indices. Used in tests as
// a record, external to the LocalAggregateStore, of the activity logged for
typedef std::map<std::string, std::map<uint32_t, std::set<uint32_t>>>
// A map used in tests as a record, external to the LocalAggregateStore, of the
// activity logged for PER_DEVICE_COUNT_STATS reports. The keys are, in
// descending order, serialized ReportAggregationKeys, components, event codes,
// and day indices. The innermost value is a count.
typedef std::map<
std::map<std::string, std::map<uint32_t, std::map<uint32_t, int64_t>>>>
// Given a string representing a MetricDefinitions proto message, creates a
// ProjectContext from that MetricDefinitions and returns a unique pointer.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectContext> MakeProjectContext(const char metric_string[]) {
auto metric_definitions = std::make_unique<MetricDefinitions>();
if (!PopulateMetricDefinitions(metric_string, metric_definitions.get())) {
return nullptr;
auto project_context = std::make_unique<ProjectContext>(
kCustomerId, kProjectId, kCustomerName, kProjectName,
return project_context;
} // namespace
// EventAggregatorTest creates an EventAggregator which sends its Observations
// to a FakeObservationStore. The EventAggregator is not pre-populated with
// aggregation configurations.
class EventAggregatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() {
observation_store_.reset(new FakeObservationStore);
update_recipient_.reset(new TestUpdateRecipient);
new EncryptedMessageMaker("", EncryptedMessage::NONE));
new ObservationWriter(observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get(),
new Encoder(ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret(), system_data_.get()));
new MockConsistentProtoStore(kAggregateStoreFilename));
new MockConsistentProtoStore(kObsHistoryFilename));
event_aggregator_.reset(new EventAggregator(
encoder_.get(), observation_writer_.get(),
local_aggregate_proto_store_.get(), obs_history_proto_store_.get()));
// Provide the EventAggregator with a mock clock starting at 1 year after
// the beginning of time.
mock_clock_ = new IncrementingClock(std::chrono::system_clock::duration(0));
day_store_created_ = CurrentDayIndex();
// Destruct the EventAggregator (thus calling EventAggregator::ShutDown())
// before destructing the objects which the EventAggregator points to but does
// not own.
void TearDown() { event_aggregator_.reset(); }
// Advances |mock_clock_| by |num_seconds| seconds.
void AdvanceClock(int num_seconds) {
// Returns the day index of the current day according to |mock_clock_|, in
// |time_zone|, without incrementing the clock.
uint32_t CurrentDayIndex(
MetricDefinition::TimeZonePolicy time_zone = MetricDefinition::UTC) {
return TimeToDayIndex(
size_t GetBackfillDays() { return event_aggregator_->backfill_days_; }
void SetBackfillDays(size_t num_days) {
event_aggregator_->backfill_days_ = num_days;
Status BackUpLocalAggregateStore() {
return event_aggregator_->BackUpLocalAggregateStore();
Status BackUpObservationHistory() {
return event_aggregator_->BackUpObservationHistory();
LocalAggregateStore CopyLocalAggregateStore() {
return event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
Status GenerateObservations(uint32_t final_day_index_utc,
uint32_t final_day_index_local = 0u) {
return event_aggregator_->GenerateObservationsNoWorker(
final_day_index_utc, final_day_index_local);
Status GarbageCollect(uint32_t day_index_utc, uint32_t day_index_local = 0u) {
return event_aggregator_->GarbageCollect(day_index_utc, day_index_local);
void DoScheduledTasksNow() {
auto current_time = mock_clock_->now();
event_aggregator_->next_generate_obs_ = current_time;
event_aggregator_->next_gc_ = current_time;
// Clears the FakeObservationStore and resets the counts of Observations
// received by the FakeObservationStore and the TestUpdateRecipient.
void ResetObservationStore() {
update_recipient_->invocation_count = 0;
void ResetProtoStores() {
// Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of a
// UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES report in |project_context|, as well as a day index
// and an event code, logs an OccurrenceEvent to the EventAggregator for
// that report, day index, and event code. If a non-null LoggedActivity map is
// provided, updates the map with information about the logged Event.
Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(const ProjectContext& project_context,
const MetricReportId& metric_report_id,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t event_code,
LoggedActivity* logged_activity = nullptr) {
EventRecord event_record;
event_record.metric = project_context.GetMetric(metric_report_id.first);
auto status = event_aggregator_->LogUniqueActivesEvent(
metric_report_id.second, &event_record);
if (logged_activity == nullptr) {
return status;
std::string key;
if (!SerializeToBase64(
MakeAggregationKey(project_context, metric_report_id), &key)) {
return kInvalidArguments;
return status;
// Given a ProjectContext |project_context| and the MetricReportId of an
// PER_DEVICE_COUNT_STATS report in |project_context|, as well as a
// day index, a component string, and an event code, logs a CountEvent to the
// EventAggregator for that report, day index, component, and event code. If a
// non-null LoggedCounts map is provided, updates the map with information
// about the logged Event.
Status LogPerDeviceCountEvent(const ProjectContext& project_context,
const MetricReportId& metric_report_id,
uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component,
uint32_t event_code, int64_t count,
LoggedCounts* logged_counts = nullptr) {
EventRecord event_record;
event_record.metric = project_context.GetMetric(metric_report_id.first);
auto count_event = event_record.event->mutable_count_event();
auto status = event_aggregator_->LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
metric_report_id.second, &event_record);
if (logged_counts == nullptr) {
return status;
std::string key;
if (!SerializeToBase64(
MakeAggregationKey(project_context, metric_report_id), &key)) {
return kInvalidArguments;
(*logged_counts)[key][component][event_code][day_index] += count;
return status;
// Given a LoggedActivity map describing the events that have been logged
// to the EventAggregator, checks whether the contents of the
// LocalAggregateStore are as expected, accounting for any garbage
// collection.
// logged_activity: a LoggedActivity representing event occurrences
// since the LocalAggregateStore was created. All day indices should be
// greater than or equal to |day_store_created_| and less than or equal to
// |current_day_index|.
// current_day_index: The day index of the current day in the test's frame
// of reference.
bool CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(const LoggedActivity& logged_activity,
uint32_t current_day_index) {
auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more UniqueActives
// aggregates than |logged_activity| and |day_last_garbage_collected_|
// should imply.
for (const auto& report_pair : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
const auto& aggregates = report_pair.second;
if (aggregates.type_case() !=
ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates) {
const auto& report_key = report_pair.first;
// Check whether this ReportAggregationKey is in |logged_activity|. If
// not, expect that its by_event_code map is empty.
auto report_activity = logged_activity.find(report_key);
if (report_activity == logged_activity.end()) {
if (!aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code().empty()) {
return false;
auto expected_events = report_activity->second;
for (const auto& event_pair :
aggregates.unique_actives_aggregates().by_event_code()) {
// Check that this event code is in |logged_activity| under this
// ReportAggregationKey.
auto event_code = event_pair.first;
auto event_activity = expected_events.find(event_code);
EXPECT_NE(event_activity, expected_events.end());
if (event_activity == expected_events.end()) {
return false;
const auto& expected_days = event_activity->second;
for (const auto& day_pair : event_pair.second.by_day_index()) {
// Check that this day index is in |logged_activity| under this
// ReportAggregationKey and event code.
const auto& day_index = day_pair.first;
auto day_activity = expected_days.find(day_index);
EXPECT_NE(day_activity, expected_days.end());
if (day_activity == expected_days.end()) {
return false;
// Check that the day index is no earlier than is implied by the
// dates of store creation and garbage collection.
if (day_index <
EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config())) {
return false;
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for all events in
// |logged_activity|, as long as they are recent enough to have survived any
// garbage collection.
for (const auto& logged_pair : logged_activity) {
const auto& logged_key = logged_pair.first;
const auto& logged_event_map = logged_pair.second;
// Check that this ReportAggregationKey is in the LocalAggregateStore, and
// that the aggregates are of the expected type.
auto report_aggregates =
EXPECT_NE(report_aggregates, local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end());
if (report_aggregates == local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end()) {
return false;
if (report_aggregates->second.type_case() !=
ReportAggregates::kUniqueActivesAggregates) {
return false;
// Compute the earliest day index that should appear among the aggregates
// for this report.
auto earliest_allowed = EarliestAllowedDayIndex(
for (const auto& logged_event_pair : logged_event_map) {
const auto& logged_event_code = logged_event_pair.first;
const auto& logged_days = logged_event_pair.second;
// Check whether this event code is in the LocalAggregateStore
// under this ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices
// for this event code are smaller than the day index of the earliest
// allowed aggregate.
auto event_code_aggregates =
if (event_code_aggregates ==
.end()) {
for (auto day_index : logged_days) {
EXPECT_LT(day_index, earliest_allowed);
if (day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
return false;
// Check that all of the day indices in |logged_activity| under this
// ReportAggregationKey and event code are in the
// LocalAggregateStore, as long as they are recent enough to have
// survived any garbage collection. Check that each aggregate has its
// activity field set to true.
for (const auto& logged_day_index : logged_days) {
auto day_aggregate =
if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
if (day_aggregate ==
event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end()) {
return false;
if (!day_aggregate->second.activity_daily_aggregate()
.activity_indicator()) {
return false;
return true;
bool CheckPerDeviceCountAggregates(const LoggedCounts& logged_counts,
uint32_t current_day_index) {
auto local_aggregate_store = event_aggregator_->CopyLocalAggregateStore();
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains no more PerDeviceCount
// aggregates than |logged_counts| and |day_last_garbage_collected_| should
// imply.
for (const auto& report_pair : local_aggregate_store.by_report_key()) {
const auto& aggregates = report_pair.second;
if (aggregates.type_case() != ReportAggregates::kCountAggregates) {
const auto& report_key = report_pair.first;
// Check whether this ReportAggregationKey is in |logged_counts|. If not,
// expect that its by_component map is empty.
auto report_counts = logged_counts.find(report_key);
if (report_counts == logged_counts.end()) {
if (!aggregates.count_aggregates().by_component().empty()) {
return false;
auto expected_components = report_counts->second;
for (const auto& component_pair :
aggregates.count_aggregates().by_component()) {
// Check that this component is in |logged_counts| under this
// ReportAggregationKey.
auto component = component_pair.first;
auto component_counts = expected_components.find(component);
EXPECT_NE(component_counts, expected_components.end());
if (component_counts == expected_components.end()) {
return false;
const auto& expected_events = component_counts->second;
for (const auto& event_pair : component_pair.second.by_event_code()) {
// Check that this event code is in |logged_counts| under this
// ReportAggregationKey and component.
const auto& event_code = event_pair.first;
auto event_counts = expected_events.find(event_code);
EXPECT_NE(event_counts, expected_events.end());
if (event_counts == expected_events.end()) {
return false;
const auto& expected_days = event_counts->second;
for (const auto& day_pair : event_pair.second.by_day_index()) {
// Check that this day index is in |logged_counts| under this
// ReportAggregationKey, component, and event code.
const auto& day_index = day_pair.first;
auto day_count = expected_days.find(day_index);
EXPECT_NE(day_count, expected_days.end());
if (day_count == expected_days.end()) {
return false;
// Check that the day index is no earlier than is implied by the
// dates of store creation and garbage collection.
if (day_index <
EarliestAllowedDayIndex(aggregates.aggregation_config())) {
return false;
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for all counts in
// |logged_counts|, as long as they are recent enough to have survived any
// garbage collection.
for (const auto& logged_pair : logged_counts) {
const auto& logged_key = logged_pair.first;
const auto& logged_component_map = logged_pair.second;
// Check that this ReportAggregationKey is in the LocalAggregateStore, and
// that the aggregates are of the expected type.
auto report_aggregates =
EXPECT_NE(report_aggregates, local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end());
if (report_aggregates == local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end()) {
return false;
if (report_aggregates->second.type_case() !=
ReportAggregates::kCountAggregates) {
return false;
// Compute the earliest day index that should appear among the aggregates
// for this report.
auto earliest_allowed = EarliestAllowedDayIndex(
for (const auto& logged_component_pair : logged_component_map) {
const auto& logged_component = logged_component_pair.first;
const auto& logged_event_code_map = logged_component_pair.second;
// Check whether this component is in the LocalAggregateStore under this
// ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices for all
// entries in |logged_counts| under this component are smaller than the
// day index of the earliest allowed aggregate.
bool component_found = false;
auto component_aggregates =
if (component_aggregates !=
report_aggregates->second.count_aggregates().by_component().end()) {
component_found = true;
for (const auto& logged_event_pair : logged_event_code_map) {
const auto& logged_event_code = logged_event_pair.first;
const auto& logged_day_map = logged_event_pair.second;
// Check whether this event code is in the LocalAggregateStore under
// this ReportAggregationKey. If not, check that all day indices in
// |logged_counts| under this component are smaller than the day index
// of the earliest allowed aggregate.
bool event_code_found = false;
if (component_found) {
auto event_code_aggregates =
if (event_code_aggregates !=
component_aggregates->second.by_event_code().end()) {
event_code_found = true;
if (event_code_found) {
// Check that all of the day indices in |logged_counts| under this
// ReportAggregationKey, component, and event code are in the
// LocalAggregateStore, as long as they are recent enough to have
// survived any garbage collection. Check that each aggregate has
// the expected count.
for (const auto& logged_day_pair : logged_day_map) {
auto logged_day_index = logged_day_pair.first;
auto logged_count = logged_day_pair.second;
auto day_aggregate =
if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
if (day_aggregate ==
event_code_aggregates->second.by_day_index().end()) {
return false;
if (day_aggregate->second.count_daily_aggregate().count() !=
logged_count) {
return false;
if (!component_found | !event_code_found) {
for (auto logged_day_pair : logged_day_map) {
auto logged_day_index = logged_day_pair.first;
EXPECT_LT(logged_day_index, earliest_allowed);
if (logged_day_index >= earliest_allowed) {
return false;
return true;
// Given the AggregationConfig of a locally aggregated report, returns the
// earliest (smallest) day index for which an aggregate may exist in the
// LocalAggregateStore for that report, accounting for garbage
// collection and the number of backfill days.
uint32_t EarliestAllowedDayIndex(const AggregationConfig& config) {
// If the LocalAggregateStore has never been garbage-collected, then the
// earliest allowed day index is just the day when the store was created,
// minus the number of backfill days.
auto backfill_days = GetBackfillDays();
EXPECT_GE(day_store_created_, backfill_days)
<< "The day index of store creation must be larger than the number "
"of backfill days.";
if (day_last_garbage_collected_ == 0u) {
return day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
} else {
// Otherwise, it is the later of:
// (a) The day index on which the store was created minus the number
// of backfill days.
// (b) The day index for which the store was last garbage-collected
// minus the number of backfill days, minus the largest window size in
// the report associated to |config|, plus 1.
EXPECT_GE(day_last_garbage_collected_, backfill_days)
<< "The day index of last garbage collection must be larger than "
"the number of backfill days.";
uint32_t max_window_size = 1;
for (uint32_t window_size : {
if (window_size > max_window_size) {
max_window_size = window_size;
if (day_last_garbage_collected_ - backfill_days < (max_window_size + 1)) {
return day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
return (day_store_created_ <
(day_last_garbage_collected_ - max_window_size + 1))
? (day_last_garbage_collected_ - backfill_days -
max_window_size + 1)
: day_store_created_ - backfill_days;
std::unique_ptr<EventAggregator> event_aggregator_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> local_aggregate_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<MockConsistentProtoStore> obs_history_proto_store_;
std::unique_ptr<ObservationWriter> observation_writer_;
std::unique_ptr<Encoder> encoder_;
std::unique_ptr<EncryptedMessageMaker> observation_encrypter_;
std::unique_ptr<TestUpdateRecipient> update_recipient_;
std::unique_ptr<FakeObservationStore> observation_store_;
IncrementingClock* mock_clock_;
// The day index on which the LocalAggregateStore was last
// garbage-collected. A value of 0 indicates that the store has never been
// garbage-collected.
uint32_t day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
// The day index on which the LocalAggregateStore was created.
uint32_t day_store_created_ = 0u;
std::unique_ptr<SystemDataInterface> system_data_;
// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with MetricDefinitions from a
// serialized representation |metric_string|.
class EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext : public EventAggregatorTest {
explicit EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(const char metric_string[]) {
project_context_ = MakeProjectContext(metric_string);
void SetUp() {
// Logs an OccurrenceEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
// aggregated report in |metric_string|. Overrides the method
// EventAggregatorTest::LogUniqueActivesEvent.
Status LogUniqueActivesEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id,
uint32_t day_index, uint32_t event_code,
LoggedActivity* logged_activity = nullptr) {
return EventAggregatorTest::LogUniqueActivesEvent(
*project_context_, metric_report_id, day_index, event_code,
// Logs a CountEvent for the MetricReportId of a locally
// aggregated report in |metric_string|. Overrides the method
// EventAggregatorTest::LogPerDeviceCountEvent.
Status LogPerDeviceCountEvent(const MetricReportId& metric_report_id,
uint32_t day_index,
const std::string& component,
uint32_t event_code, int64_t count,
LoggedCounts* logged_counts = nullptr) {
return EventAggregatorTest::LogPerDeviceCountEvent(
*project_context_, metric_report_id, day_index, component, event_code,
count, logged_counts);
// A ProjectContext wrapping the MetricDefinitions passed to the
// constructor in |metric_string|.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectContext> project_context_;
// Creates an EventAggregator and provides it with
// |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
class UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest
: public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
: EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions) {
// Creates an EventAggregator as in EventAggregatorTest and provides it with
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
class NoiseFreeUniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest
: public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
: EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions) {}
// Creates an EventAggregator as in EventAggregatorTest and provides it with
// |kPerDeviceCountMetricDefinitions|.
class PerDeviceCountEventAggregatorTest
: public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
: EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(
kPerDeviceCountMetricDefinitions) {}
// Creates an EventAggregator as in EventAggregatorTest and provides it with
// |kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneMetricDefinitions|.
class NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest
: public EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext {
: EventAggregatorTestWithProjectContext(
kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneMetricDefinitions) {}
class EventAggregatorWorkerTest : public EventAggregatorTest {
void SetUp() { EventAggregatorTest::SetUp(); }
void ShutDownWorkerThread() { event_aggregator_->ShutDown(); }
bool in_shutdown_state() {
return (shutdown_flag_set() && !worker_joinable());
bool in_run_state() { return (!shutdown_flag_set() && worker_joinable()); }
bool shutdown_flag_set() {
return event_aggregator_->protected_shutdown_flag_.const_lock()->shut_down;
bool worker_joinable() {
return event_aggregator_->worker_thread_.joinable();
// Tests that the Read() method of each ConsistentProtoStore is called once
// during construction of the EventAggregator.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, ReadProtosFromFiles) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->read_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->read_count_);
// Tests that the BackUp*() methods return a positive status, and checks that
// the Write() method of a ConsistentProtoStore is called once when its
// respective BackUp*() method is called.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, BackUpProtos) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpLocalAggregateStore());
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, BackUpObservationHistory());
EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(1, obs_history_proto_store_->write_count_);
// Tests that an empty LocalAggregateStore is updated with
// ReportAggregationKeys and AggregationConfigs as expected when
// EventAggregator::UpdateAggregationConfigs is called with a ProjectContext
// containing at least one report for each locally aggregated report type.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, UpdateAggregationConfigs) {
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore is empty.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, CopyLocalAggregateStore().by_report_key().size());
// Provide |kMetricDefinitions| to the EventAggregator.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Check that the number of key-value pairs in the LocalAggregateStore is
// now equal to the number of locally aggregated reports in
// |kMetricDefinitions|.
// Check that the LocalAggregateStore contains the expected
// ReportAggregationKey and AggregationConfig for each locally aggregated
// report in |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|,
for (const auto& metric_report_id : kExpectedParams.metric_report_ids) {
std::string key;
SerializeToBase64(MakeAggregationKey(*project_context, metric_report_id),
auto config = MakeAggregationConfig(*project_context, metric_report_id);
LocalAggregateStore local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
auto report_aggregates = local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().find(key);
EXPECT_NE(local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end(), report_aggregates);
config, report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config()));
// Tests two assumptions about the behavior of
// EventAggregator::UpdateAggregationConfigs when two projects with the same
// customer ID and project ID provide configurations to the EventAggregator.
// These assumptions are:
// (1) If the second project provides a report with a
// ReportAggregationKey which was not provided by the first project, then
// the EventAggregator accepts the new report. (2) If a report provided by
// the second project has a ReportAggregationKey which was already provided
// by the first project, then the EventAggregator rejects the new report,
// even if its ReportDefinition differs from that of existing report with
// the same ReportAggregationKey.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, UpdateAggregationConfigsWithSameKey) {
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
auto unique_actives_project_context =
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(
// Check that the number of key-value pairs in the LocalAggregateStore is
// now equal to the number of locally aggregated reports in
// |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
// Provide the EventAggregator with
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
auto noise_free_unique_actives_project_context =
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(
// Check that the number of key-value pairs in the LocalAggregateStore is
// now equal to the number of distinct MetricReportIds of locally
// aggregated reports in |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions| and
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
auto local_aggregate_store = CopyLocalAggregateStore();
EXPECT_EQ(4u, local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().size());
// The MetricReportId |kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId| appears in both
// |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions| and
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|. The associated
// ReportAggregationKeys are identical, but the AggregationConfigs are
// different.
// Check that the AggregationConfig stored in the LocalAggregateStore
// under the key associated to |kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId| is the
// first AggregationConfig that was provided for that key; i.e., is
// derived from |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
std::string key;
auto unique_actives_config = MakeAggregationConfig(
*unique_actives_project_context, kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId);
auto report_aggregates = local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().find(key);
EXPECT_NE(local_aggregate_store.by_report_key().end(), report_aggregates);
unique_actives_config, report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config()));
auto noise_free_config =
noise_free_config, report_aggregates->second.aggregation_config()));
// Tests that EventAggregator::Log*Event returns |kInvalidArguments| when
// passed a report ID which is not associated to a key of the
// LocalAggregateStore, or when passed an EventRecord containing an Event
// proto message which is not of the appropriate event type.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, LogBadEvents) {
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kMetricDefinitions|.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Attempt to log events for |kEventsOccurredMetricReportId|, which is not
// in |kMetricDefinitions|. Check that the result is |kInvalidArguments|.
auto noise_free_project_context =
EventRecord bad_event_record;
bad_event_record.metric = noise_free_project_context->GetMetric(
kEventsOccurredMetricReportId.second, &bad_event_record));
kEventsOccurredMetricReportId.second, &bad_event_record));
// Attempt to call LogUniqueActivesEvent() with a valid metric and report
// ID, but with an EventRecord wrapping an Event which is not an
// OccurrenceEvent. Check that the result is |kInvalidArguments|.
bad_event_record.metric =
kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId.second, &bad_event_record));
// Attempt to call LogPerDeviceCountEvent() with a valid metric and report
// ID, but with an EventRecord wrapping an Event which is not a
// CountEvent. Check that the result is |kInvalidArguments|.
bad_event_record.metric =
kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId.second, &bad_event_record));
// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated when no
// Events have been logged to the EventAggregator.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsNoEvents) {
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kMetricDefinitions|.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for the current day index.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, kExpectedParams,
// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() only generates
// Observations the first time it is called for a given day index.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsTwice) {
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kMetricDefinitions|.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Check that Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is called
// for the current day index for the first time.
auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchAggregatedObservations(&observations, kExpectedParams,
// Check that no Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is
// called for the currentday index for the second time.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->messages_received.size());
// Tests that the LocalAggregateStore is updated as expected when
// EventAggregator::LogUniqueActivesEvent() is called with valid arguments;
// i.e., with a report ID associated to an existing key of the
// LocalAggregateStore, and with an EventRecord which wraps an
// OccurrenceEvent.
// Logs some valid events each day for 35 days, checking the contents of the
// LocalAggregateStore each day.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, LogEvents) {
LoggedActivity logged_activity;
uint32_t num_days = 35;
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
// Log an event for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report of
// |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions| with event code 0. Check the
// contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, day_index));
// Log another event for the same report, event code, and day index.
// Check the contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, day_index));
// Log several more events for various valid reports and event codes.
// Check the contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, day_index,
0u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 4u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, 1u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, day_index));
// Tests GarbageCollect() for UniqueActivesReportAggregates.
// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some UniqueActivesEvents
// each day for N consecutive days and then garbage-collects the
// LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies the contents of
// the LocalAggregateStore.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GarbageCollect) {
uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc;
days_before_gc++) {
day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
LoggedActivity logged_activity;
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (const auto& metric_report_id :
kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.metric_report_ids) {
// Log 2 events with event code 0.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u,
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 0u,
if (offset < 3) {
// Log 1 event with event code 1.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(metric_report_id, day_index, 1u,
auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, end_day_index));
// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated when no
// Events have been logged to the EventAggregator.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsNoEvents) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex()));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() only generates
// Observations the first time it is called for a given day index.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsTwice) {
// Check that Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is called
// for the current day index for the first time.
auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
// Check that no Observations are generated when GenerateObservations is
// called for the currentday index for the second time.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, observation_store_->num_observations_added());
// Tests that EventAggregator::GenerateObservations() returns a positive
// status and that the expected number of Observations is generated after
// some UniqueActivesEvents have been logged, without any garbage
// collection.
// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the ErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices
// report and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
// with event code 0.
// Each day, calls GenerateObservations() with the day index of the previous
// day. Checks that a positive status is returned and that the
// FakeObservationStore has received the expected number of new observations
// for each locally aggregated report ID in |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservations) {
int num_days = 35;
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(CurrentDayIndex() - 1));
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
// expected number of Observations is generated each day when Events are
// logged for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports over multiple days, and when the
// LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected each day.
// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the ErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices
// report and 2 events for the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, all
// with event code 0.
// Each day following the first day, calls GenerateObservations() and then
// GarbageCollect() with the day index of the current day. Checks that
// positive statuses are returned and that the FakeObservationStore has
// received the expected number of new observations for each locally
// aggregated report ID in |kUniqueActivesMetricDefinitions|.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithGc) {
int num_days = 35;
std::vector<Observation2> observations(0);
for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index - 1));
&observations, kUniqueActivesExpectedParams, observation_store_.get(),
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, without
// any garbage collection of the LocalAggregateStore.
// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
// Logging pattern:
// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
// SomeErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices report and 2 events for the
// SomeFeaturesActive_Unique_Devices report, all with event code 0.
// Observation generation pattern:
// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
// every 10 days, for 35 days.
// Expected numbers of Observations:
// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
TEST_F(UniqueActivesEventAggregatorTest, GenerateObservationsWithBackfill) {
// Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
size_t backfill_days = 3;
// Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
// first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
for (int offset = 0; offset < 35; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
// Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
switch (offset % 10) {
case 0:
kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs * (backfill_days + 1),
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
EXPECT_EQ(kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs, num_new_obs);
case 6:
EXPECT_EQ(kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs * 2, num_new_obs);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
// Tests that GenerateObservations() returns a positive status and that the
// expected number of Observations is generated when events are logged over
// multiple days and some of those days' Observations are backfilled, and when
// the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call to
// GenerateObservations().
// Sets the |backfill_days_| field of the EventAggregator to 3.
// Logging pattern:
// For 35 days, logs 2 events each day for the
// SomeErrorsOccurred_UniqueDevices report and 2 events for the
// SomeFeaturesActive_Unique_Devices report, all with event code 0.
// Observation generation pattern:
// Calls GenerateObservations() on the 1st through 5th and the 7th out of
// every 10 days, for 35 days. Garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore after
// each call.
// Expected numbers of Observations:
// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on
// the first day of every 10 (the day index for which GenerateObservations()
// was called, plus 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations
// are generated on the 2nd through 5th day of every 10, that 2 days'
// worth of Observations are generated on the 7th day of every 10 (the
// day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus 1 day of
// backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the remaining days.
GenerateObservationsWithBackfillAndGc) {
int num_days = 35;
// Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
size_t backfill_days = 3;
// Log 2 events each day for 35 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the
// first 5 day indices, and the 7th, out of every 10.
for (int offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId,
day_index, 0u));
if (offset % 10 < 5 || offset % 10 == 6) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(day_index));
auto num_new_obs = observation_store_->num_observations_added();
EXPECT_GE(num_new_obs, 0u);
// Check that the expected daily number of Observations was generated.
// This expected number is some multiple of the daily_num_obs field of
// |kUniqueActivesExpectedParams|, depending on the number of days which
// should have been backfilled when GenerateObservations() was called.
switch (offset % 10) {
case 0:
kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs * (backfill_days + 1),
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
EXPECT_EQ(kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs, num_new_obs);
case 6:
EXPECT_EQ(kUniqueActivesExpectedParams.daily_num_obs * 2, num_new_obs);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, num_new_obs);
// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values (i.e.,
// non-active for all UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports, for all window sizes and
// event codes) are generated when no Events have been logged to the
// EventAggregator.
CheckObservationValuesNoEvents) {
auto current_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(current_day_index));
auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, current_day_index);
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
// generated when GenerateObservations() is called for a single day index
// after logging some events for UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES reports for that day
// index, without any garbage collection or backfill.
// Logging pattern:
// Logs 2 occurrences of event code 0 for the FeaturesActives_UniqueDevices
// report, and 1 occurrence of event code 1 for the
// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, all on the same day.
// Observation generation pattern:
// Calls GenerateObservations() after logging all events.
// Expected numbers of Observations:
// The expected number of Observations is the daily_num_obs field of
// |kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams|.
// Expected Observation values:
// All Observations should be labeled with the day index on which the events
// were logged.
// For the FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report, expect activity indicators:
// window size active for event codes
// ------------------------------------------
// 1 0
// 7 0
// 30 0
// For the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report, expected activity indicators:
// window size active for event codes
// ------------------------------------------
// 1 1
// 7 1
// All other Observations should be of inactivity.
CheckObservationValuesSingleDay) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Log several events on |day_index|.
kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, day_index, 0u));
kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, day_index, 0u));
kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, day_index, 1u));
// Generate locally aggregated Observations for |day_index|.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
// Form the expected observations.
auto expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, day_index);
expected_obs[{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, day_index}] = {
{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, false, false, false, false}},
{30, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, day_index}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, false, false, false}}};
// Check the contents of the FakeObservationStore.
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
// report for over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
// day, without garbage collection or backfill.
// Logging pattern:
// Logs events for the SomeEventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
// pattern:
// * Never log event code 0.
// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
// Observation generation pattern:
// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
// day index.
// Expected number of Observations:
// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
// |kNoisefreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams|.
// Expected Observation values:
// The SomeEventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
// i-th day are:
// (i, window size) active for event codes
// ------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (0, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (1, 1) ---
// (1, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (2, 1) ---
// (2, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (3, 1) 1
// (3, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (4, 1) ---
// (4, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (5, 1) ---
// (5, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (6, 1) 1, 2
// (6, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (7, 1) ---
// (7, 7) 1, 2
// (8, 1) ---
// (8, 7) 1, 2
// (9, 1) 1, 3
// (9, 7) 1, 2, 3
// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
// observations of non-occurrence.
CheckObservationValuesMultiDay) {
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Form expected Obsevations for the 10 days of logging.
uint32_t num_days = 10;
std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + offset);
expected_obs[0][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[1][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[2][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[3][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[4][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[5][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[6][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[7][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[8][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[9][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 9}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
event_code <
event_code++) {
if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, event_code));
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
// Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
// Checks that UniqueActivesObservations with the expected values are
// generated when some events have been logged for a UNIQUE_N_DAY_ACTIVES
// report for over multiple days and GenerateObservations() is called each
// day, and when the LocalAggregateStore is garbage-collected after each call
// to GenerateObservations().
// Logging pattern:
// Logs events for the SomeEventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report (whose parent
// metric has max_event_code = 4) for 10 days, according to the following
// pattern:
// * Never log event code 0.
// * On the i-th day (0-indexed) of logging, log an event for event code k,
// 1 <= k < 5, if 3*k divides i.
// Observation generation pattern:
// Each day following the first day, generates Observations for the previous
// day index.
// Expected number of Observations:
// Each call to GenerateObservations should generate a number of Observations
// equal to the daily_num_obs field of
// |kNoisefreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams|.
// Expected Observation values:
// The SomeEventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report has window sizes 1 and 7, and
// the expected activity indicators of Observations for that report on the
// i-th day are:
// (i, window size) active for event codes
// ------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (0, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (1, 1) ---
// (1, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (2, 1) ---
// (2, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (3, 1) 1
// (3, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (4, 1) ---
// (4, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (5, 1) ---
// (5, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (6, 1) 1, 2
// (6, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (7, 1) ---
// (7, 7) 1, 2
// (8, 1) ---
// (8, 7) 1, 2
// (9, 1) 1, 3
// (9, 7) 1, 2, 3
// All Observations for all other locally aggregated reports should be
// observations of non-occurrence.
CheckObservationValuesMultiDayWithGarbageCollection) {
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Form expected Observations for the 10 days of logging.
uint32_t num_days = 10;
std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(num_days);
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
expected_obs[offset] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + offset);
expected_obs[0][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, true, true}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[1][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[2][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[3][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[4][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[5][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[6][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[7][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[8][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[9][{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 9}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, true, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, false}}};
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (uint32_t event_code = 1;
event_code <
event_code++) {
if (offset % (3 * event_code) == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, event_code));
// Advance |mock_clock_| by 1 day.
// Clear the FakeObservationStore.
// Generate locally aggregated Observations and garbage-collect the
// LocalAggregateStore, both for the previous day as measured by
// |mock_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
// AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
// Check the generated Observations against the expectation.
// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
// days during that period, without any garbage-collection of the
// LocalAggregateStore.
// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
// Logging pattern:
// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
// pattern:
// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
// Observation generation pattern:
// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
// |start_day_index + 7|.
// Expected numbers of Observations:
// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
// remaining days.
// Expected Observation values:
// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
// (i, window size) active for event codes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1) 0
// (0, 7) 0
// (1, 1) 1
// (1, 7) 0, 1
// (2, 1) 1, 2
// (2, 7) 0, 1, 2
// (3, 1) 3
// (3, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3
// (4, 1) 2, 4
// (4, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (5, 1) ---
// (5, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (6, 1) 3
// (6, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (7, 1) ---
// (7, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (8, 1) 4
// (8, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
CheckObservationValuesWithBackfill) {
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
size_t backfill_days = 3;
// Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
// indices, and the 9th.
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 9; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (uint32_t event_code = 0;
event_code <
event_code++) {
if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, event_code));
if (offset < 6 || offset == 8) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GenerateObservations(day_index));
// Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
// |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
// FakeObservationStore.
ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
switch (offset) {
case 0: {
for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days;
day_index <= start_day_index; day_index++) {
for (const auto& pair : MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, day_index)) {
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 1: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 1);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 2: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 2);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 3: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 3);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 4: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 4);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 5: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 5);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 8: {
for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6;
day_index <= start_day_index + 8; day_index++) {
for (const auto& pair : MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, day_index)) {
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that the expected UniqueActivesObservations are generated when events
// are logged over multiple days and when Observations are backfilled for some
// days during that period, and when the LocalAggregateStore is
// garbage-collected after each all to GenerateObservations().
// The test sets the number of backfill days to 3.
// Logging pattern:
// Events for the EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report are logged over the days
// |start_day_index| to |start_day_index + 8| according to the following
// pattern:
// * For i = 0 to i = 4, log an event with event code i on day
// |start_day_index + i| and |start_day_index + 2*i|.
// Observation generation pattern:
// The test calls GenerateObservations() on day |start_day_index + i| for i =
// 0 through i = 5 and for i = 8, skipping the days |start_day_index + 6| and
// |start_day_index + 7|.
// Expected numbers of Observations:
// It is expected that 4 days' worth of Observations are generated on the
// first day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called, plus
// 3 days of backfill), that 1 day's worth of Observations is generated on the
// 2nd through 6th day, that 3 days' worth of Observations are generated on
// the 9th day (the day index for which GenerateObservations() was called,
// plus 2 days of backfill), and that no Observations are generated on the
// remaining days.
// Expected Observation values:
// The expected activity indicators of Observations for the
// EventsOccurred_UniqueDevices report for the i-th day of logging are:
// (i, window size) active for event codes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (0, 1) 0
// (0, 7) 0
// (1, 1) 1
// (1, 7) 0, 1
// (2, 1) 1, 2
// (2, 7) 0, 1, 2
// (3, 1) 3
// (3, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3
// (4, 1) 2, 4
// (4, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (5, 1) ---
// (5, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (6, 1) 3
// (6, 7) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// (7, 1) ---
// (7, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// (8, 1) 4
// (8, 7) 1, 2, 3, 4
// All other Observations should be of non-activity.
CheckObservationValuesWithBackfillAndGc) {
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Set |backfill_days_| to 3.
size_t backfill_days = 3;
// Log events for 9 days. Call GenerateObservations() on the first 6 day
// indices, and the 9th.
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (uint32_t event_code = 0;
event_code <
event_code++) {
if (event_code == offset || (2 * event_code) == offset) {
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(kEventsOccurredMetricReportId,
day_index, event_code));
// Advance |mock_clock_| by 1 day.
if (offset < 6 || offset == 9) {
// Generate Observations and garbage-collect, both for the previous day
// index according to |mock_clock_|. Back up the LocalAggregateStore and
// the AggregatedObservationHistoryStore.
// Make the set of Observations which are expected to be generated on
// |start_day_index + offset| and check it against the contents of the
// FakeObservationStore.
ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations expected_obs;
switch (offset) {
case 0: {
for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index - backfill_days;
day_index <= start_day_index; day_index++) {
for (const auto& pair : MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, day_index)) {
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, false, false, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 1: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 1);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1}] = {
{1, {false, true, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, false, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 2: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 2);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 2}] = {
{1, {false, true, true, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, false, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 3: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 3);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 3}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, false}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 4: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 4);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 4}] = {
{1, {false, false, true, false, true}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 5: {
expected_obs = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, start_day_index + 5);
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 5}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
case 8: {
for (uint32_t day_index = start_day_index + 6;
day_index <= start_day_index + 8; day_index++) {
for (const auto& pair : MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeUniqueActivesExpectedParams, day_index)) {
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 6}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, true, false}},
{7, {true, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 7}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, false}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs[{kEventsOccurredMetricReportId, start_day_index + 8}] = {
{1, {false, false, false, false, true}},
{7, {false, true, true, true, true}}};
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
expected_obs, observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests that the LocalAggregateStore is updated as expected when
// EventAggregator::LogPerDeviceCountEvent() is called with valid arguments;
// i.e., with a report ID associated to an existing key of the
// LocalAggregateStore, and with an EventRecord which wraps a CountEvent.
// Logs some valid events each day for 35 days, checking the contents of the
// LocalAggregateStore each day.
TEST_F(PerDeviceCountEventAggregatorTest, LogEvents) {
LoggedCounts logged_counts;
uint32_t num_days = 35;
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < num_days; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
day_index, "component_A", 0u, 5,
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
day_index, "component_A", 0u, 7,
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
day_index, "component_A", 1u, 3,
LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kSettingsChangedMetricReportId, day_index,
"component_B", 0u, 10, &logged_counts));
LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kSettingsChangedMetricReportId, day_index,
"component_A", 0u, 2, &logged_counts));
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kConnectionFailuresMetricReportId,
day_index, "component_C", 0u, 15,
LogPerDeviceCountEvent(kSettingsChangedMetricReportId, day_index,
"component_B", 0u, 4, &logged_counts));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceCountAggregates(logged_counts, day_index));
// Tests GarbageCollect() for PerDeviceCountReportAggregates.
// For each value of N in the range [0, 34], logs some CountEvents for a
// PerDeviceCount report each day for N consecutive days, and then
// garbage-collects the LocalAggregateStore. After garbage collection, verifies
// the contents of the LocalAggregateStore.
TEST_F(PerDeviceCountEventAggregatorTest, GarbageCollect) {
uint32_t max_days_before_gc = 35;
for (uint32_t days_before_gc = 0; days_before_gc < max_days_before_gc;
days_before_gc++) {
day_last_garbage_collected_ = 0u;
LoggedCounts logged_counts;
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < days_before_gc; offset++) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
for (const auto& metric_report_id :
kPerDeviceCountExpectedParams.metric_report_ids) {
for (const auto& component :
{"component_A", "component_B", "component_C"}) {
// Log 2 events with event code 0, for each component A, B, C.
LogPerDeviceCountEvent(metric_report_id, day_index,
component, 0u, 2, &logged_counts));
LogPerDeviceCountEvent(metric_report_id, day_index,
component, 0u, 3, &logged_counts));
if (offset < 3) {
// Log 1 event for component D and event code 1.
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogPerDeviceCountEvent(metric_report_id, day_index,
"component_D", 1u, 4,
auto end_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, GarbageCollect(end_day_index));
day_last_garbage_collected_ = end_day_index;
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckPerDeviceCountAggregates(logged_counts, end_day_index));
// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
// time zone policies, and where the day index in local time may be less than
// the day index in UTC.
TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest, LocalBeforeUTC) {
std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
// Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
// local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
// generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
// each of UTC and local time.
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index, 0u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index, 0u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
// Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
// been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
// all event codes, for both reports.
expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneExpectedParams, start_day_index - 1);
expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Advance the day index in UTC, but not in local time, and log 1 event for
// event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
// garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index, 1u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 1u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index - 1);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
// Observations have already been generated for the
// DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
// Observations for that report.
expected_obs[1][{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Advance the day index in local time so that it is equal to the day index
// in UTC. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
// generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
// UTC and local time.
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 2u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 2u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
// Observations have already been generated for the
// FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
// Observations for that report.
expected_obs[2][{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, true, false}}};
expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Tests GenerateObservations() and GarbageCollect() in the case where the
// LocalAggregateStore contains aggregates for metrics with both UTC and LOCAL
// time zone policies, and where the day index in UTC may be less than
// the day index in local time.
TEST_F(NoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneEventAggregatorTest, LocalAfterUTC) {
std::vector<ExpectedUniqueActivesObservations> expected_obs(3);
// Begin at a time when the current day index is the same in both UTC and
// local time. Log 1 event for event code 0 for each of the 2 reports, then
// generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day index in
// each of UTC and local time.
auto start_day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index, 0u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index, 0u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index - 1);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore.
// Since no events were logged on the previous day and no Observations have
// been generated for that day yet, expect Observations of non-activity for
// all event codes, for both reports.
expected_obs[0] = MakeNullExpectedUniqueActivesObservations(
kNoiseFreeMixedTimeZoneExpectedParams, start_day_index - 1);
expected_obs[0], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Advance the day index in local time, but not in UTC, and log 1 event for
// event code 1 for each of the 2 reports. Generate Observations and
// garbage-collect for the previous day in each of UTC and local time.
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 1u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index, 1u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index - 1, start_day_index);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
// Observations have already been generated for the
// FeaturesActive_UniqueDevices report for |start_day_index - 1|, expect no
// Observations for that report.
expected_obs[1][{kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, false, false}}};
expected_obs[1], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Advance the day index in UTC so that it is equal to the day index in
// local time. Log 1 event for event code 2 for each of the 2 reports, then
// generate Observations and garbage-collect for the previous day in each of
// UTC and local time.
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kDeviceBootsMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 2u);
LogUniqueActivesEvent(kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index + 1, 2u);
GenerateObservations(start_day_index, start_day_index);
GarbageCollect(start_day_index, start_day_index);
// Form the expected contents of the FakeObservationStore. Since
// Observations have already been generated for the
// DeviceBoots_UniqueDevices report for day |start_day_index|, expect no
// Observations for that report.
expected_obs[2][{kFeaturesActiveMetricReportId, start_day_index}] = {
{1, {true, true, false}}};
expected_obs[2], observation_store_.get(), update_recipient_.get()));
// Starts the worker thread, and destructs the EventAggregator without
// explicitly shutting down the worker thread. Checks that the shutdown flag
// and worker thread are in the expected states before and after the thread is
// started.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorWorkerTest, StartWorkerThread) {
// Starts the worker thread, shuts down the worker thread, and destructs the
// EventAggregator. Checks that the shutdown flag and worker thread are in the
// expected states.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorWorkerTest, StartAndShutDownWorkerThread) {
// Starts the worker thread and immediately shuts it down. Checks that the
// LocalAggregateStore was backed up during shutdown.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorWorkerTest, BackUpBeforeShutdown) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_);
// Starts the worker thread and calls
// EventAggregator::UpdateAggregationConfigs() on the main thread.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorWorkerTest, UpdateAggregationConfigs) {
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kMetricDefinitions|.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Check that the number of key-value pairs in the LocalAggregateStore is
// now equal to the number of locally aggregated reports in
// |kMetricDefinitions|.
// Starts the worker thread, provides a ProjectContext, logs some events, and
// shuts down the worker thread. Checks that the LocalAggregateStore was
// backed up at least once during the lifetime of the worker thread.
TEST_F(EventAggregatorWorkerTest, LogEvents) {
auto day_index = CurrentDayIndex();
// Provide the EventAggregator with |kMetricDefinitions|.
auto project_context = MakeProjectContext(kMetricDefinitions);
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, event_aggregator_->UpdateAggregationConfigs(*project_context));
// Log some events.
LoggedActivity logged_activity;
EXPECT_EQ(kOK, LogUniqueActivesEvent(*project_context,
kErrorsOccurredMetricReportId, day_index,
1u, &logged_activity));
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckUniqueActivesAggregates(logged_activity, day_index));
EXPECT_GE(local_aggregate_proto_store_->write_count_, 1);
} // namespace logger
} // namespace cobalt