blob: d66508aba65d6613852f007eefe4a20d6962b2c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "src/logger/project_context.h"
#include "src/registry/metric_definition.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/project.pb.h"
#include "src/registry/project_configs.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace logger {
// A ProjectContextFactory is used in a Cobalt client application in order
// to obtain one or more ProjectContexts based on a given a CobaltRegistry.
// First construct a ProjectContextFactory by giving it the bytes of
// a serialized CobaltRegistry. The bytes will be deserialized and the
// factory will then have an instance of CobaltRegistry.
// The factory's CobaltRegistry may be in one of the following states:
// - Invalid: The bytes could not be successfully deserialized.
// - single-project
// - multi-project
// Invoke the status methods is_valid(), is_single_project()
// to determine which state the factory's CobaltRegistry is in.
// Depending on which state the factory's CobaltRegistry is in, invoke one
// of the New*() or Take*() methods to retrieve a new ProjectContext().
// Important: Pay attention to the notes on each method regarding the
// requirement that this ProjectContextFactory remain alive. In some cases,
// the returned ProjectContext contains a poiner into the CobaltRegistry
// owned by this ProjectContextFactory and so the factory must not
// be destructed until after the ProjectContext is no longer being used.
class ProjectContextFactory {
// Constructs and returns an instance of ProjectContextFactory whose
// CobaltRegistry is obtained by Base64 decoding and then deserializing
// |cobalt_registry_base64|, which should contain the Base64 encoding of the
// bytes of a serialized CobaltRegistry.
// Returns nullptr to indicate that the Base64 decoding failed.
// If a non-nullptr is returned invoke is_valid() to determine if
// the parsing succeeded and the resulting CobaltRegistry is valid.
static std::unique_ptr<ProjectContextFactory> CreateFromCobaltRegistryBase64(
const std::string& cobalt_registry_base64);
// Constructs a ProjectContextFactory whose CobaltRegistry is obtained
// by parsing |cobalt_registry_bytes|. Invoke is_valid() to determine
// if the parsing succeeded and the resulting CobaltRegistry is valid.
explicit ProjectContextFactory(const std::string& cobalt_registry_bytes);
// Constructs a ProjectContextFactory containing the given CobaltRegistry.
// |cobalt_registry| must not be null.
// Invoke is_valid() to determine if the CobbaltRegistry is valid
explicit ProjectContextFactory(std::unique_ptr<CobaltRegistry> cobalt_registry);
// Returns true if the factory's CobaltRegistry exists (meaning we were
// able to parse the |cobalt_regsitry_bytes| passed to the constructor)
// and is non-empty.
bool is_valid() { return project_configs_ != nullptr && !project_configs_->is_empty(); }
// Returns true if the factory's CobaltRegistry is valid and contains
// a single project.
bool is_single_project() {
return project_configs_ != nullptr && project_configs_->is_single_project();
// Returns a ProjectContext for the project with the given
// (customer_name, project_name), if the factory's CobaltRegistry is valid and
// contains that project. Returns nullptr otherwise.
// Important: The returned ProjectContext contains a pointer into this
// factory's CobaltRegistry. This ProjectContextFactory must remain alive as
// long as the returned ProjectContext is being used.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectContext> NewProjectContext(const std::string& customer_name,
const std::string& project_name);
// Returns a ProjectContext for the project with the given
// (customer_id, project_id), if the factory's CobaltRegistry is valid and
// contains that project. Returns nullptr otherwise.
// Important: The returned ProjectContext contains a pointer into this
// factory's CobaltRegistry. This ProjectContextFactory must remain alive as
// long as the returned ProjectContext is being used.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectContext> NewProjectContext(uint32_t customer_id, uint32_t project_id);
// If is_single_project() is true, then this returns a
// ProjectContext for the unique Cobalt 1.0 project contained in the factory's
// CobaltRegistry and removes the corresponding data from the registry,
// leaving this ProjectContextFactory invalid. Returns nullptr otherwise.
// Note: The returned ProjectContext does *not* contain a pointer into
// this factory's CobaltRegistry because the appropriate data is removed
// from the CobaltRegistry and is now owned by the ProjectContext. If nullptr
// is not returned then this ProjectContextFactory becomes invalid and
// shoud be discarded.
std::unique_ptr<ProjectContext> TakeSingleProjectContext();
// This pointer may be null in case TakeSingleProjectContext() has been
// invoked.
std::unique_ptr<config::ProjectConfigs> project_configs_;
} // namespace logger
} // namespace cobalt